5.8 Configuring Default Home for User Groups, Communities and Organizations

By default, the standard Welcome page is displayed on login for all users. However, specific landing pages can be defined for user group, community, or organization; by adding property settings to the portal-ext.custom.properties file. Depending on your requirements, it may require setting a Friendly URL in the page’s Control Panel settings.

In the following example, using the simplest of declarations, a user is directed to the landing page for the first community that he is a member of. If not a part of any community, it directs him to the first organization that he is a member of. If not part of any organization, it directs him to the default landing page which is the guest home page. In all cases, it looks for /home pages.


In the next example, if a user belongs to one of three groups, he is directed to that group’s landing page. If the user belongs to more than one group, the operator group is given preference over dba, and dba is given preference over analyst. If the user does not belong to any of the groups, he is directed to the default landing page which is the guest home page.


dashboard.UserGroupLandingPageAction.group.order=operator, dba, analyst

Remember the following when configuring the portal-ext.custom.properties file for landing pages:

  • A home page is designated when there is a /home page is defined for a user group, community or organization. Or when another page URL is explicitly set in the properties file.

  • If page.name and landing.page property values are not specified, they default to /home.

  • The property file is evaluated line-by-line and in order. The last successful match wins, so define the broadest evaluations first, and then narrow down to the most specific cases.

  • If the specified URL cannot be found, the Dashboard shows a 404 error.

  • If a user is not a member of a specified group, community or organization; the last valid match determines the user’s home page.

While these configurations can be made complex, the simplest configuration would be to make sure each user group, community and organization in your Dashboard configuration has an existing /home page. Then specify the order of evaluation in the properties file, and set properties for group priority and ignore lists for communities and organizations.

Refer to the portal-ext.properties file for additional information and examples. For more information about the portal-ext.custom.properties file, refer to Section 3.9, Understanding Portal Properties Files.

To configure the home page for a users:

  1. In the Operations Center console, configure your users, groups communities and organizations.

    For information on creating users and groups, see User and Group Accounts in the Operations Center 5.5 Security Management Guide.

  2. Verify there is a home page for user groups, communities or organizations as required.

    For information on adding pages, see Section 5.3, Adding Pages.For information on importing pages, see Section 5.9, Importing and Exporting Data and Configurations from User Groups, Communities, or Organizations.

    • Navigate to the page and note the URL. The value you will need is the part of the URL after the last slash (/).

    • To change the URL for any page, set the Friendly URL:

      1. From the Dashboard, click Welcome and select Control Panel.

      2. Under Portal, select User Groups, Communities, or Organizations.

      3. Click Actions next to the desired group, community or organization; and select Manage Pages.

      4. Under Pages, create or select the page to be the default home page for the group.

      5. Click Page, then type /home or the new page name URL in the Friendly URL field.

        If changing pages for the /home URL, modify the Friendly URL for the existing /home page before you set the URL as /home on the new page.

      6. Click Save.

      Repeat these steps for each group, organization, or community that you wish to configure.

  3. Configure the /OperationsCenter_Dashboard_install_path/server/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/portal-ext.custom.properties file.

    1. Add the following required lines as an initial declaration of comma delimited entries:

      login.events.post=com.mosol.liferay.authenticator.LoginPostAction, com.liferay.portal.events.DefaultLandingPageAction

      login.events.post=com.mosol.liferay.authenticator.LoginPostAction is required for Operations Center authentication.

      com.liferay.portal.events.DefaultLandingPageAction takes the user to the guest home page if no other option is defined.

      Optionally, add any of the following lines in the desired evaluation order:

      com.mosol.liferay.portal.events.UserGroupLandingPageAction redirects the user to his group's home page on login. Then define additional properties related to user group in Step 3.b.

      com.mosol.liferay.portal.events.OrganizationLandingPageAction redirects the user to his community's home page on login.Then define additional properties related to user group in Step 3.b.

    2. Add and define any of the additional properties to customize.

      • To customize by user group:

        dashboard.UserGroupLandingPageAction.group.order=groupName1,groupName2, groupName3 lists (no spaces) of all groups in order of priority in case a user belongs to more than one.

        dashboard.UserGroupLandingPageAction.page.name=/home is the landing page URL to use if the user does not belong to any of the listed groups.

      • To customize by community:

        community.landing.page=/home is the community home page.

        community.landing.path=/web specifies the start of the URL to use for the landing page.

        community.landing.ignoreList=Guest,TestCommunity comma delimited list (no spaces) of communities to ignore.

      • To customize by organization:

        organization.landing.page=/home is the organization home page.

        organization.landing.path=/web specifies the start of the URL to use for the landing page. /web is the location for public pages and /group is the location for private pages.

        organization.landing.ignoreList=Engineers,Finance is a comma delimited list (no spaces) of organizations to ignore.

  4. Restart the Dashboard server for the changes to take affect. For more information, see Section 2.3.1, Starting the Dashboard.