6.4 Performing a Simple Filtering of Alarms by Severity

In the Alarms views, all alarms display by default.

In the top toolbar, Filter toolbar buttons represent the different severity levels (Critical, Major, Minor, and so on) by showing the associated color. The number of alarms for each severity displays next to button.

Use these Filter toolbar buttons to display or hide alarms in the view based on severity only.

For more information about creating more advanced alarm filters, see Section 6.0, Filtering and Managing Alarms.

You can perform the following actions using the Filter section of the toolbar:

6.4.1 Displaying All alarms

To display all alarms:

  1. Right-click any location in the Filter section of the toolbar, then select Reset Filter Settings.

6.4.2 Hiding Alarms

To hide alarms of a specified severity:

  1. Click a colored icon to hide alarms having that severity:

    Element Condition Filter Buttons

6.4.3 Displaying Alarms of a Selected Severity

To display alarms of a selected severity:

  1. Select or deselect the filter buttons:

    • Alarms with the selected condition display.

    • Alarms with the deselected condition disappear from the view.

6.4.4 Displaying Elements of a Specified Severity

To display elements of a specified severity:

  1. Right-click any location in the Filter section of the toolbar, then select Critical/Major/Minor:

    Only the alarms with CRITICAL, MAJOR, or MINOR severity display.