3.3 Changing Fill Colors

There are several ways to change the line or fill color of a shape. Use the color palette, see , or click (Color) on the drawing toolbar.

It is possible to create custom colors and apply them to new or existing drawing components.

To apply colors:

3.3.1 Applying a Different Fill Color

  1. In the toolbar, click (Color) to open the Change Color dialog box.

  2. Select a new color using the Swatches, HSB, and RGB tabs.

  3. Click OK.

    The Color button’s color updates to display the new color.

  4. Drag the Color button to an existing shape.

    The shape color updates.

3.3.2 Applying a Color That Is Already in the Drawing

  1. In the toolbar, click (Color Picker).

  2. Click any color in the drawing.

    The Color button updates to display the selected color.

  3. Drag the Color button to an existing shape.

    The shape color updates.