9.1 Configuring the Alarm Server Database

Use the steps in this section to configure the Alarm server database. For information about server processing functionality and features that can be customized, see Section 9.6, Event Manager Alarm Server Dictionary.

9.1.1 Configuring the Alarm Server Database

To configure the Alarm Server database:

  1. In the Explorer pane, expand the Administration root element > Adapters > the Event Manager adapter > Configurations > a configuration profile for the adapter.

  2. Right-click Server, then select Properties to open the Status property page.

  3. In the left pane, click Alarm Server to open the Alarm Server property page:

  4. Verify that the hostname is correct.

    To select a different host, click the Hostname drop-down list.

  5. To select the Alarm server database, select the Enable Alarms Database check box and verify the appropriate database displays in the adjacent field.

  6. To define a new database definition, click Select. For more information about creating and initializing database definitions, see the Operations Center 5.0 Server Configuration Guide.

    After stopping and restarting the Alarm server, previously generated alarms redisplay. If the Enable Alarms Database check box is deselected, generated alarms are lost after stopping and restarting the Alarm server.

    If creating a database definition on-the-fly solely for the Operations Center Event Data Store schema, it is necessary to initialize the database before use. If created in conjunction with the Service Warehouse schema selection, this is not necessary. For more information, see the Operations Center 5.0 Server Configuration Guide.

    For a list of the most current versions of supported databases, see the Operations Center 5.0 Getting Started Guide.

  7. To use the Close Alarms options to set policies for closed alarms, select one of the following radio buttons:

    Discard Close Alarms: Discards all closed alarms (alarms that are closed by a user or are timed out according to the ruleset definition).

    Log to file: Records closed alarms in a file. Click Edit File Properties to open the Edit Alarm Server Alarm Capture File Properties dialog box shown in the following figure:

    Complete the Log File properties required for the Alarm Capture File setup:

    • Log to file: Specify the file name for storing log information. Edit this entry to include the path to the Operations Center directory.

    • Until the time is: Use the spinner buttons to select a cut-off time for storing log data.

    • Until the file’s size is: Enter the cut-off file size for collecting trace log data.

    • Then rename the file: When the trace log file reaches one of the cut-offs above, it renames the file to this entry, and starts a new log file.

    • And run this script: Any program can run here, but the default is a file compression application, gzip.

    • Include trace levels: Mark the trace levels to include in the log file.

    Click Close when finished.

  8. Select the Send Diagnostic Output to Log File check box to send diagnostic output (the Alarm server trace file) to a log file, click Edit File Properties to open the Edit Alarm Server Diagnostic File Properties dialog box, then specify the log file name and complete the parameters shown in Step 7.

    Complete the Log File properties required for the Diagnostic File Properties setup:

    • Log to file: Specify the file name for storing log information. Edit this entry to include the path to the Operations Center directory.

    • Until the time is: Use the spinner buttons to select a cut-off time for storing log data.

    • Until the file’s size is: Enter the cut-off file size for collecting trace log data.

    • Then rename the file: When the trace log file reaches one of the cut-offs above, it renames the file to this entry, and starts a new log file.

    • And run this script: Any program can run here, but the default is a file compression application, gzip.

    • Include trace levels: Mark the trace levels to include in the log file.

  9. Select the Start the Alarm Server Automatically check box to start the Alarm server automatically when the configuration starts.

  10. Click Apply to save and use the Alarm server database settings.

9.1.2 Configuring the Alarm Server using Eve.Properties

A section of the /OperationsCenter_install_path/config/eve.properties file contains properties used to configure the Alarm server. Most of the properties are self-explanatory, but the following is a description of two standard properties.

  • com.mosol.Eve.AlarmServer.persistAlarmsWhenNoSession: If set to True, and the Operations Center server shuts down, the send queues retain all processed alarms until the Operations Center server restarts. This saves all alarm open and close records and thereby enables execution of automation tasks.

  • com.mosol.Eve.AlarmServer.keepOriginatingAlarmTextOnAccum: If set to False or if the property is not used, the description text for alarms updates as alarms accumulate. If set to True, the original (first to arrive) description text remains. Depending on the size of the text description, this can be more efficient.

You can also create a custom properties file to help manage data streams after losing Alarm server connectivity and to set Alarm server functions. For more information, see Section 3.4.2, Properties Related to Alarm Server Connectivity and Section 3.4.3, Custom Properties Related to Alarm Server Functions.

NOTE:To store alarm history, the element properties created by the Event Manager adapter must meet the supported schema as specified in the Data Dictionary. For example, dnames cannot exceed 3,000 characters.