7.9 Installing Third-Party Software

Some of the portlets in the Dashboard rely on plug‑ins or third-party software to display properly.

7.9.1 SVG Viewer

The Layout and Chart Builder portlets rely on an Adobe* SVG Viewer to render images properly. Note that as Chart Builder SVG rendering is not supported on Mozilla* Firefox, users must select Flash, PNG, or JPG before accessing data through the Chart Builder portlet.

If the Adobe SVG plug‑in is not installed on your machine, you are prompted to install it when you first access the Layout portlet. Follow the on‑screen instructions to download and install the SVG plug‑in.

Figure 7-3 SVG Plug-in Not Installed Message

To properly view Chinese fonts in the report created from the Layout portlet, the Chinese version of the Adobe SVG Viewer must be installed on your machine.

Adobe SVG plug‑ins can be downloaded from the Adobe SVG Viewer download area.

7.9.2 Flash Player

Portlet charts can be rendered in 3D by using the Flash format. However, the Adobe Flash* player does not support a 64‑bit Internet Explorer (IE) browser, so when you configure any charting portlet to display Flash graphics, the charts do not display properly in 64‑bit Internet Explorer.

You are prompted to install the Flash player. However, if you manually install the player and restart browser, the 64‑bit Internet Explorer still asks you to install the plug‑in.

Refer to Flash Player support on 64‑bit operating systems for more information on this issue.