3.11 Default Portlet Settings

Global default settings for Operations Center portlets can be modified by editing the /OperationsCenter_Dashboard_install_path/server/webapps/ManagedObjectsPortlets/WEB-INF/data/globals.xml file.

Default settings can be made per user basis by making a copy of globals.xml file and renaming it as username_globals.xml, and saving it in the same directory. Username_globals.xml file settings apply only to portlets added to a page by the specified user.

In the XML declarations, each portlet is made up of a set of portlet components where each value has an explanation and in brackets shows the accepted values. For example, in the globals.xml file, the following code snippet shows default height and width declarations for Alarm listings.


Table 3-1 shows default properties that can be set for portlets in the globals.xml file.

Table 3-1 Default Preferences for Portlets

XML Component Name



Defaults for layout diagrams.

Preference declarations include:

  • width: The width of the layout diagram.

  • height: The height of the layout diagram.

  • output: The output of the layout diagram (such as SVG or FLASH).

  • relationships: The diagram should display the relationships browser (True or False).


Defaults for all alarms listings.

Preference declarations include:

  • width: The width of the embedded alarms control.

  • height: The height of the embedded alarms control.


Default element for single element portlets.

Preference declarations include:

  • identity: The DName of the element to be used as the starting element for all portlets that have an initial element as a starting point. If this option is not set, then the portlet selects the first home element of a user. If a home element has not been specified, then the Services element is used (root=Organizations).


Default elements for multi-element portlets.

If this option is not active, then the list of elements is populated with all of the home elements for the logged in user. If the user does not have a home element, than an empty list is displayed. Preference declarations include:

  • total: The total number of elements shown.

  • identity0: The DName of the first element to be used.

  • identityX: Specify additional DNames defining name as identitynumber where number continues until 1, minus the specified value of total.


Default element for all portlets displaying an element navigation tree.

There are no preference declarations made by default.


Defaults for all performance chart portlets.

Preference declarations include:

  • width: The width of the performance chart.

  • height: The height of the performance chart.

  • chartWidth: The width of the charts.

  • chartHeight: The height of the charts.


Defaults for all element properties tables.

Preference declarations include:

  • propertyList: A list of properties that displays for the current element and its direct descendants.

For each item declaration contained in propertyList, specify propertyListItem structures with the following definitions:

  • columnHeader: The column name displayed at the top of the table.

  • property: The property to display.

  • logicSign: The logic operator to apply to the value (such as equals, more, less).

  • conditionalValue: The value that the property is evaluated against (any number).

  • condition: The condition for setting the background color of the cell when the “property [logicSign] conditionValue = conditional For example, if set to “24 < 25 = True”, the background to CRITICAL”[CRITICAL,MAJOR,MINOR, INFORMATIONAL,OK,UNKNOWN].

  • textBefore: Any text to display immediately before the property value ($).

  • textAfter: Any text to display immediately after the property value (%).

  • conditional: When the evaluation results equals this value, then the background of the cell is set accordingly (True or False).

  • order: Not used.

  • identity: Unique key for this property, all properties must have a unique key.