E.3 September 2013 Patch Release

In addition, updates were made to the following sections:



Section 2.2.3, Configuring the Dashboard Database

New subsection describes how to configure for SSO with Microsoft SQL databases.

Section 2.2.4, Verifying the Dashboard Default Time Zone for User Accounts

Default time zone for Dashboard users is UTC.

Section 2.2.5, Configuring the Dashboard and Operations Center

New option allows you to change the location setting for the JDK used by the Dashboard, and configure Java settings.

Section 7.6, Configuring URL Linking for the Layout Portlet

Define a fully-qualified URL for an element. Clicking the element in the Layout view opens the Web page instead of drilling into the hierarchy.

Section 8.5.2, Configuring the Layout Portlet

Starting point link has been changed to a home icon. A back/history option now allows navigation to previously viewed parent elements.

Section 7.1.2, Understanding Custom Colors in Portlets

New section to describe support for custom condition and severity colors.

Section 7.4, Using Navigation Mode to Drive Multiple Portlets

The Navigation portlet cannot be driven.

Previous Section 12.1, “Setting the JBVM Memory”

This section has been removed. JDK and memory settings can now be configured in the Configuration Manager. For more information, see Section 2.2.5, Configuring the Dashboard and Operations Center.