A.13 HP OpenView Network Node Manager

Table A-13 HP OpenView Network Node Manager Adapter Properties



Adapter Instance

A pre‑3.5 OpenView adapter instance to ensure backward compatibility. Determine the adapter instance from the adapter DName. For example, in openview:4=MyOV/root=Elements, the adapter instance is 4.

Adjust Historical Varbinds

If True, the first two varbinds are removed from SMNPv2 protocol events at historical event load time (when the NNM adapter first starts). If False, no varbinds are removed from SNMPv2 protocol events. Regardless of the property setting, after the initial historical event load, no varbinds are removed from SNMPv1 protocol events nor are they removed from any real-time NNM events. The default is False.

Alarm Columns

A comma-separated list that determines which alarm columns display and the order in which the alarm items display (date/time, rule, etc.) in the Alarms view. The default list is:


Aliases for Alarm Columns: Assign new names to alarm columns using the format: display_name=current_name. For example, Note=Message displays messages in a column named Note.

Application Name

The default is Formula.

Auto Discovery

If True, discovers all Symbols at adapter startup. If False, discovers at adapter startup only the Symbols in the levels specified in the Discovery Depth property. The default is False.

Condition Mapping

Maps one or more OpenView conditions to Operations Center severity codes. The default is to leave it blank, which then uses the default mappings. To define a particular code mapping, use the following format, separating each mapping with a semicolon:


For example, to change the condition mapping of Marginal nodes within OpenView to INFO, and to change user1 to CRITICAL, use the following ConditionMapping value:


Table A-14 shows the default mappings between OpenView and Operations Center, and Table A-15 lists possible Operations Center code mapping values. Value comparisons are case sensitive, so Marginal is different from marginal.

Connection Verbose Logging

If True, logs reconnect attempts to OVW.

Default Event Fields for Event Normalization

The default event fields used when the Event Normalization setting Affected Element is derived from equals Object Attribute. The default is {EventSource}/{EventID}.

Default Object Attribute for Event Normalization

The default object attribute used when the Event Normalization setting Affected Element is derived from equals Object Attribute. The default is snosIdentifyingInfo.

Discovery Depth

If the Auto Discovery property is False, Symbols in the levels specified in this property are discovered at adapter startup. If the Auto Discovery property is True, all Symbols are discovered at adapter startup. The minimum value is 1.

Hierarchy File

A file in the /OperationsCenter_install_path/database directory that contains an XML description of the element hierarchy to build below the adapter element. The default is examples/DefaultNNMHierarchy.xml.

Map Name

A map name that restricts adapter access to only those OVW sessions that have the map open. If no map is specified, the adapter can connect to any OVW session. The default is default.

Max Alarms

The maximum number of alarms that the adapter queries and retains. Enter 0 to allow an unlimited number of alarms. The default is 500.

Notify Operation Completed

If True, notifies the user when the Clear All Alarms or Reload All Alarms operations finish. The default is True.

ORB Connection Check Delay

Check s the connection to the OvORB at the specified time interval (in seconds). If the connection is down, all alarms are removed from the adapter. Repopulates the adapter with alarms after reestablishing the connection. Enter –1 to disable OvORB connection checking. The default is 15 seconds.

ORB Port

The TCP/IP port number where the Operations Center OvORB listens. The default is 1572.

It is possible to integrate the HP OpenView (NNM) adapter and Operations Center without the OvORB. Leave the ORB port blank (the default). Start the NNM adapter and it should connect to the ovw map; the adapter icon should change to green. If the connection is unsuccessful, the icon is red (CRITICAL).

For more information, see Port Communications Setup.

ORB Reconnect Delay

When the OvORB connection is down, attempts a reconnection to the OvORB using the specified number of seconds. Enter –1 to disable OvORB reconnection attempts. The default is 10 seconds.

OVW Connection Check Delay

Checks the connection to the OVW at the specified time interval (in seconds). If the connection is down, all alarms are removed from the adapter and elements change to the UNKNOWN state. Alarms and element state are repopulated after reestablishing the connection. Enter –1 to disable OVW connection checking. The default is 15.

OVW Connection Wait

The number of seconds to wait for a connection attempt to an OVW session. The default is 60.

OVwDB Port

The HPOpenView database port number where the Operations Center adapter connects. The default is 2447.

For more information, see Port Communications Setup.


The port used by the OvORB to communicate with Operations Center for ping/traceroute operations. The default is 1572.

For more information, see Port Communications Setup.

OvSNMP Filter

A filter used to determine the events forwarded from OpenView to the OvORB. The default is {ALL} .*


A script that executes if the adapter fails for any reason. For example, the script can print the reason for the failure as msg using log.info(msg).


A script that executes when the adapter initializes. All of the Script.* properties are optional.


A script that executes when the adapter starts, either manually or automatically when the Operations Center server starts.


A script that executes after manually stopping the adapter.

Server Host

The hostname of the server where the management software is installed.

Session ID

The session ID to use to connect to NNM. Specify a value using one of the following formats:

  • n: Connects to session n.

  • n…m: Tries successively starting at session n and running to session m.

Append with ro to connect only if the map is read/only or append with rw to connect only if the map is read/write. For example:


Uses session instance 0


Uses session instance 2


Searches for a running instance from 2 to 4


Searches for a running read/only map from 2 to 6


Searches for a running read/write map from session 2 to 8

…10 rw

Searches for a running read/write map from 0 to 10

Severity Mapping

Maps one or more OpenView Alarm severity codes to Operations Center alarm severity codes. The default is blank, which uses the default mappings. To define a particular code mapping, use the following format, separating each mapping with a semicolon:


Table A-14 shows the default mappings between OpenView and Operations Center, and Table A-15 lists possible Operations Center code mapping values. Value comparisons are case sensitive, so Critical is different from critical.

Stylesheet File

The stylesheet file in the /OperationsCenter_install_path/database directory that applies to the HierarchyFile as a style markup and produces the final output.

Use Alarm Times For Condition Changes

The date/time stamp to use for all alarm data stored by the Operations Center Data Warehouse. If true, the alarm’s date/time stamp is used. If false, the date/time stamp of when the Operations Center server received the alarm is used. The default is true.

Alarm history is stored based on the alarm time rather than alarm receipt time. Also, for SLA metric data based on alarm properties, the property values are recorded based on the alarm time instead of the alarm receipt time. Note that recording historical condition data for historical alarms is not supported.

XY Layout Ratio

The spacing between NNM icons in the Layout view. Increase the value to increase the amount of space between icons. The default is 1.5.

The following sections provide reference information regarding Element Condition and Alarm Severity mappings for OpenView which can be updated by changing the Condition Mapping and Severity Mapping adapter properties.

A.13.1 Element Condition Mappings

Table A-14 lists the default mapping for OpenView states. Use the Condition Mapping adapter property to change any of the mappings. The mappings are case sensitive.

Table A-14 Mappings for OpenView State

OpenView State

Shows as:





























A.13.2 Alarm Severity Mappings

Table A-15 lists the default severity mappings for OpenView severities. Use the SeverityMapping adapter property to change the mappings. The mappings are case sensitive.

Table A-15 OpenView Severity Mappings

OpenView Severities

Shows as:








