8.2 Verifying That All Services Are Running

8.2.1 Linux

  1. Log in to the server as the root user.

  2. Verify that the ActiveMQ service is running by entering the following command:

    ps -ef | grep novell-activemq

    A line similar to the following is displayed:

    root  2759 30290  0 12:50 pts/0   00:00:00 egrep novell-activemq
  3. Verify that one or more Apache proxy services are running by entering the following command:

    ps -ef | grep httpd

    Lines similar to the following are displayed:

    root   2983 30290  0 12:53 pts/0  00:00:00 egrep httpd
    root   3163     1  0 May12 ?      00:00:29 /opt/novell/apache2/sbin/httpd
    wwwrun 3165  3163  0 May12 ?      00:01:00 /opt/novell/apache2/sbin/httpd
    wwwrun 3184  3163  0 May12 ?      00:00:01 /opt/novell/apache2/sbin/httpd
    wwwrun 3188  3163  0 May12 ?      00:00:01 /opt/novell/apache2/sbin/httpd
  4. Verify that the user session cache service is running by entering the following command:

    ps -ef | grep novell-agscd

    Lines similar to the following are displayed:

    root  3259 30290  0 12:56 pts/0    00:00:00 egrep novell-agscd
    108   5525     1  0 May11 ?   00:00:00 /opt/novell/ag/bin/novell-agscd -d
    108   5526  5525  0 May11 ?   00:00:09 /opt/novell/ag/bin/novell-agscd -d
  5. Verify that the Tomcat service is running by entering the following command:

    ps -ef | grep catalina.base

    Lines similar to the following are displayed:

    ps -eaf | grep catalina.base 
    novlwww  28764     1  0 Jul05 pts/0    00:02:05 /opt/novell/java/bin/java -Dnop -server -Xmx2048m -Xms512m -Xss128k -Djava.library.path=/usr/lib64:/opt/novell/eDirectory/lib64:/opt/novell/lib64 -Dcom.novell.nam.common.util.DeploymentMode=MAGAppliance -Dsun.net.client.defaultConnectTimeout=29000 -Dsun.net.client.defaultReadTimeout=28000 -Dnids.freemem.threshold=10 -Djavax.net.ssl.sessionCacheSize=10000 -Dsun.net.http.allowRestrictedHeaders=true -Djava.awt.headless=true -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/var/opt/novell/tomcat7/endorsed -classpath /lib/tools.jar:/var/opt/novell/tomcat7/bin/bootstrap.jar:/var/opt/novell/tomcat7/bin/tomcat-juli.jar -Dcatalina.base=/opt/novell/nam/mag -Dcatalina.home=/var/opt/novell/tomcat7 -Djava.io.tmpdir=/opt/novell/nam/mag/temp org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap -config /opt/novell/nam/mag/conf/server.xml start 
  6. Verify that the JCC service is running by entering the following command:

    ps -ef | grep /opt/novell/devman/jcc/conf/run.sh

    Lines similar to the following are displayed:

    root  3777 30290  0 13:03 pts/0 00:00:00 egrep /opt/novell/devman/jcc/
    root  5506     1  0 May11 ?      00:00:00 /bin/bash /opt/novell/devman/jcc/

    When you are familiar with the services, you can use the following command to display information about all the services:

    ps -ef | egrep "novell-activemq|novell-agscd|/opt/novell/devman/jcc/conf/run.sh|catalina.base|httpd"
  7. If one or more services are not running, use the following commands to start the services:

    /etc/init.d/novell-jcc start OR rcnovell-jcc start

    /etc/init.d/novell-apache2 start OR rcnovell-apache2 start

    /etc/init.d/novell-agcsd start

    /etc/init.d/novell-activemq start OR rcnovell-activemq start

    /etc/init.d/novell-mag start OR rcnovell-mag start

  8. If a service does not start, view the log files to determine the cause. See the following:

8.2.2 Windows

  1. Log in to the machine as the administrator.

  2. Click Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

  3. Ensure that the following services are running:


    Apache Tomcat7



  4. If one or more services are not running, select the service and start it.

  5. If a service won’t start, view the log files to determine the cause. See the following: