Docker Volume is the preferred mechanism for persistently storing iManager data and configuration. For more information on persistent storage, see Manage data in Docker.
iManager application data that requires persistent storage will be placed under the /config directory in the container during startup. A Docker volume has to be mounted to the /config path in the iManager container to persistently store the data on the Docker host file system outside the container. Even if a container is stopped or removed for administrative purposes, application data inside the volume is retained.
This practice is useful for retaining old configuration and data during an upgrade of iManager container. For information on upgrading iManager container, see Upgrading iManager Using Docker Container.
The following example shows how to create a Docker volume called iManager-volume:
docker volume create iManager-volume
The following command shows how to start an iManager container with a volume attached to it for storage purpose:
docker run -it --name=iMan320 --net=host --restart on-failure:5 --memory="1000M" --cpuset-cpus="2" --volume iManager-volume:/config --volume /path/to/iManager.env:/etc/opt/novell/iManager/conf/iManager.env imanager:3.2.0
In the above command, iManager-volume is the Docker volume that is created and mounted to /config location in the iManager container.
NOTE:After the iManager container is configured, you must restart the container using docker restart iMan320 command before using iManager.
The packages directory under /config will preserve the npm files for plug-ins. While upgrading the container, if the older volume is attached to the container, it will re-install the older plug-ins from the volume.