The following sections describe various upgrade scenarios of iManager:
If the iManager installation detects a previously installed version of iManager 2.7.7.x, it prompts you to upgrade the installed version. If you choose to upgrade it, the installer replaces the existing JRE and Tomcat versions with the latest versions. This will also upgrade the iManager to the latest version.
To prepare for the installation, review the checklist of prerequisites provided in Prerequisites and Considerations for Installing iManager and Considerations for Installing iManager Server on a Linux Server.
When you install iManager, the process lays down the following products on your server:
Tomcat 9.0.55-1
Azul ZuluOpenJDK 1.8.0_312 (64-bit)
(Conditional) If you have modified the server.xml and context.xml configuration files, make a backup copy of the files in a different location before performing the upgrade. The upgrade process replaces the configuration files.
At the NetIQ Downloads Web site, search for iManager products, select iManager 3.2, then download iMan_320_linux.tgz to a directory on your server.
To extract to the iManager folder, use the following command:
tar -zxvf iMan_320_linux.tgz
Open a shell and change to the /extracted_directory/iManager/installs/linux directory.
This path is relative to the directory where you copied or extracted the iManager files.
Enter one of the following commands while logged in as root or root equivalent user:
To do a command-line (text) installation, enter:
To do a GUI install, enter:
./iManagerInstallLinux.bin -i gui
After a successful installation, the installer generates a configuration file (/var/log/ if eDirectory is installed along with iManager. In case of stand alone iManager installation, the file is stored in the extracted path, ie. /iManager/installs/linux. This file can then be modified and used for a silent installation. See Installing iManager Silently.
On the iManager splash screen, select a language, then click OK.
At the Upgrade prompt, select Upgrade.
Read through the Introduction, then click Next.
Accept the license agreement, then click Next.
NOTE:By default, the HTTP port and SSL port values that were configured in the previous version of iManager will be used to configure the latest version of iManager.
On the Enable IPV6 window, click Yes to enable IPv6, then click Next.
Alternatively, you can enable IPv6 after installing iManager using the following steps:
Open <USER_INSTALL_DIR>\Tomcat\conf\ file.
Set the following configuration entries in the file:
Restart Tomcat.
Specify the certificate public key algorithm that you want the TLS certificate to use, then click Next.
The options are:
RSA: The certificate uses a 2048-bit RSA key pair.
ECDSA 256: The certificate uses a ECDSA key pair with curve secp256r1.
By default, RSA is selected.
Based on the certificate selected in Step 15, iManager allows you to configure the following cipher levels for TLS communication.
RSA: This certificate allows four cipher levels.
NONE: Allows any type of cipher.
LOW: Allows a 56-bit or a 64-bit cipher.
MEDIUM: Allows a 128-bit cipher.
HIGH: Allows ciphers that are greater than 128-bit.
ECDSA 256: This certificate allows only one cipher level.
SUITEB 128 ONLY: Allows a 128-bit cipher.
For ECDSA certificates, iManager allows only Suite B ciphers.
By default, the cipher level is set to NONE. The selected cipher level is activated after Tomcat server is restarted.
Click Next.
Read the Pre-Upgrade Summary page and click Next.
During upgrade, new iManager files are installed and they cause configuration changes. Upgrade can take several minutes. After the upgrade completes, the Upgrade Complete page displays the success or failure status of the installation.
Click Done to quit the installer.
When the Getting Started page appears, wait for iManager to initialize before attempting access.
To access iManager, click the first link on the Getting Started page, then log in. For more information, see Accessing iManager
in the NetIQ iManager Administration Guide.
(Conditional) If you made backup copies of the server.xml and context.xml configuration files prior to starting the upgrade process, replace the new configuration files with the backup copies.
If the iManager 3.2 installation detects a previously installed version of iManager 2.7.x, it prompts you to upgrade the installed version. If you choose to upgrade it, the installer replaces the existing JRE and Tomcat versions with the latest versions. This will also upgrade iManager to the latest version.
For information about running iManager Server on the same machine as eDirectory, see Running eDirectory and iManager on the Same Computer (Windows only)
in the NetIQ iManager Administration Guide.
(Conditional) If you have modified the server.xml and context.xml configuration files, make a backup copy of the files in a different location before performing the upgrade. The upgrade process replaces the configuration. files.
Extract the file into the iManager folder.
Run the iManagerInstall.exe file from the extracted_directory\iManager\installs\win folder.
On the iManager splash screen, select a language, then click OK.
On the introduction page, then click Next.
Accept the license agreement, then click Next.
At the Upgrade prompt, select Upgrade.
NOTE:By default, the HTTP port and SSL port values that were configured in the previous version will be used to configure the latest version of iManager.
Read the Detection Summary page, then click Next.
The Detection Summary displays the latest version of Servlet container and JVM software that iManager will use once it is installed.
Specify the certificate public key algorithm that you want the TLS certificate to use, then click Next.
You can select one of the following options:
RSA: The certificate uses a 2048-bit RSA key pair.
ECDSA 256: The certificate uses a ECDSA key pair with curve secp256r1.
The default option is RSA.
Based on the certificate you choose in Step15, iManager allows you to configure the following cipher levels for TLS communication.
RSA: This certificate allows four cipher levels.
NONE: Allows any type of cipher.
LOW: Allows a 56-bit or a 64-bit cipher.
MEDIUM: Allows a 128-bit cipher.
HIGH: Allows ciphers that are greater than 128-bit.
ECDSA 256: This certificate allows one cipher level.
SUITEB 128 ONLY: Allows a 128-bit cipher.
For ECDSA certificates, iManager allows only Suite B ciphers.
By default, the cipher level is set to NONE. The selected cipher level is activated after Tomcat server is restarted.
On the Enable IPV6 window, click Yes to enable IPv6, then click Next.
Alternatively, you can enable IPv6 after installing iManager using the following steps:
Open <USER_INSTALL_DIR>\Tomcat\conf\ file.
Set the following configuration entries in the file:
Restart Tomcat.
Read the Pre-installation summary page, then click Install.
The upgrade process can take several minutes.
After the upgrade completes, the Upgrade Complete page displays the success or failure status of the installation.
NOTE:On Windows, the Install Complete page displays the following error message in spite of a successful installation.
The installation of iManager Install 3.2 is complete, but some errors occurred during the install.
Please see the installation log <Log file path> for details. Press "Done" to quit the installer.
If the specified error message is displayed, do the following:
Make note of the log file path that is specified within the error message in the Install Complete page.
In the Install Complete page, click Done.
Open the log file.
If you find the following error in the log file, you can ignore the error message. The installation was successful, and iManager properly functions.
Custom Action: com.novell.application.iManager.install.InstallDLLs Status: ERROR Additional Notes: ERROR - class com.novell.application.iManager.install.InstallDLLs NonfatalInstallException C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcr71.dll (The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process)
Click Done to quit the installer.
A browser window appears which displays the Getting Started page.
Wait for iManager to initialize before attempting access.
To access iManager, click the first link on the Getting Started page, then log in. For more information, see Accessing iManager
in the NetIQ iManager Administration Guide.
(Conditional) If you made backup copies of the server.xml and context.xml configuration files prior to starting the upgrade process, replace the new configuration files with the backup copies.
A silent (non-interactive) upgrade does not display a user interface or ask the user any questions. Instead, InstallAnywhere uses information from a properties file for this purpose.
To perform a standard silent install on Linux server and Windows Server, use the default install values.
Open a console window and browse to the directory that contains the iManager file you downloaded.
On the command line, run the following command:
For Linux:
./iManagerInstallLinux.bin -i silent
For Windows:
iManagerInstall.exe -i silent
The following is a generic scenario to upgrade the iManager plug-in modules.
Perform the following steps to upgrade iManager:
Log in to iManager.
Click Configure > Plug-in Installation > Available NetIQ Plug-in Modules. The Available NetIQ Plug-in Modules page is displayed. The user can select any of the available plug-ins from the list or install their custom NPM file.
If you want to install one of the available plug-in modules, select the respective plug-in from the list and click Install. After clicking the install button, follow the instructions mentioned in Step 7.
If you want to install any custom plug-ins, click Add on the NetIQ Plug-in Modules page.
Browse to select the NPM file of the plug-in on your file system, click OK.
You custom plug-in module will now be listed under the Available NetIQ Plug-in Modules list. Select the plug-in from the list and click Install.
If iManager displays the License Agreement page, read the License Agreement, select I Agree
Click OK. The progress indicator is displayed. If you want to stop the installation, click Stop.
After the installation is completed, click Close. The following successful message is displayed.
Success: The plug-in module has been successfully installed. You must now restart Tomcat in order for the changes to take effect. After Tomcat restarts, if Role Based Services is installed you will need to configure the newly installed modules.
IMPORTANT:While upgrading iManager, plug-ins do not get upgraded automatically. You must install the latest plug-ins from the list of available plug-ins.
Open a command-line interface and enter the following commands to restart Tomcat:
/usr/sbin/rcnovell-tomcat9 stop
/usr/sbin/rcnovell-tomcat9 start