9.3 Configuring XDAS Audit for iManager

Table 9-2 lists the default location of the xdasconfig.properties file in different operating systems. You can customize the file according to your requirements.

Table 9-2 Location of the XDAS Configuration File

Operating System





c:\Program Files\Novell\Tomcat\webapps\nps\WEB-INF\imanager_logging.xml

Linux and Windows Workstation

<unzipped workstation folder>\imanager\tomcat\webapps\nps\WEB-INF\imanager_logging.xml

Table 9-3 lists the XDAS configuration files.

Table 9-3 XDAS Configuration File



Syslog Appender


Rolling File Appender


The following table provides an explanation of each setting in the imanager_logging.xml file.

Table 9-4 Syslog Settings




IP address of the host in which the Audit server is running.


The protocol that must be used for communication (UDP/TCP/SSL).


Location of the key store file.(Used only for SSL).


Password for the keystore file.(Used only for SSL).


Specifies the minimum log level allowed in the Syslog appender. Currently, INFO log level is supported.


Specifies the type of facility. The facility is used to try to classify the message.Currently, USER facility is supported. These values may be specified as upper or lower case characters.


Layout setting for Syslog appender.

Table 9-5 File Appender Settings



File= ${catalina.home}/logs/imanager.log

The default location of the log file for a File appender


The maximum size, in MBs, of the log file for a File appender. Set this value to the maximum size that the client allows.


Specifies the maximum number of backup files for a File appender. The maximum number of the backup files can be 10. If the value of MaxBackupIndex is set to 0, no backup file will be created.

layout class=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout

Layout setting for File appender.

ConversionPattern="%t %d %-5p [%c:%M] %m%n”

Layout setting for File appender.

For information about the conversion patters and their descriptions, see logging.apache.org.

For iManager 3.2 SP5 and previous versions, make the following changes to the imanager_logging.xml file:

  1. To enable the Syslog appender:

    1. Edit the following entries:

      <param name="Facility" value="user"/>
      <param name="syslogHost" value=" "/
      <param name="syslogProtocol" value="tcp"/>
      <param name="syslogSslKeystoreFile" value="/root/Desktop/sentinel/mykeystore.jks"/>
      param name="syslogSslKeystorePassword" value="novell"/>
      <param name="Threshold" value="INFO"/>
    2. Log into iManager and change the log events.

  2. To enable the File appender:

    1. Edit the following entries:

      <param name="File" value="${catalina.home}/logs/imanager.log"/>
      <param name="Append" value="true" />
      <param name="MaxFileSize" value="10MB" />
      <param name="MaxBackupIndex" value="10" />

      You can customize the File value in either of the following platforms:

      Linux: /home/imanager.log

      Windows: C:\\<directory>\\imanager.log

    2. Select the desired event from iManager and save changes.

In iManager 3.2 SP6, the installer creates a new imanager_logging.xml file that includes the latest log4j 2.17.1 capabilities. If you are on iManager 3.2 SP6, make the following changes to the logging XML file:

  1. To enable XDAS logging in Syslog server,

    1. Locate the Syslog appender with XDAS JSON Layout comment and uncomment the following entry:

      <iManSyslogAppender name="SysLog" facility="user" syslogProtocol="tcp" syslogHost="##.##.##.##" port="####" syslogSslKeystoreFile="/root/Desktop/sentinel/mykeystore.jks" syslogSslKeystorePassword="novell" newLine="true"> <SSL> <KeyStore /> <TrustStore /> </SSL> <PatternLayout> <Pattern>%c</Pattern> </PatternLayout> </iManSyslogAppender>

      NOTE:Uncommenting SSL will allow servers to communicate over a secure connection. Uncomment only if required.

    2. Provide the Syslog host server IP address and port number.

  2. To enable XDAS appenders, uncomment the <AppenderRef ref="FILE_APPENDER" /> and <AppenderRef ref="SysLog" /> entries under both loggers.

  3. Save the file and restart Tomcat.