7.16 Entitlement Activity

The Entitlement activity grants or revokes an entitlement for a user or other entity type.

A workflow must have at least one Entitlement or Entity activity.

7.16.1 Properties

The Entitlement activity has the following properties:

Table 7-29 Entitlement Activity Properties

Property Name


Activity Id

Specify a unique string value that identifies the activity. Activity Ids are written to the user application’s log file. Specifying a meaningful Activity Id makes it easier to understand the data written to the logs. You can specify letters, numbers, and the underscore (_) character.

If you do not specify a value, the Activity Id defaults to ActivityNN where the NN represents the order in which the activity was added to the workflow.


Provides a name for the activity.

Set Workflow Status

Specifies the approval status of the provisioning request. Set to True for approved; otherwise, set to False. This method of setting workflow status overrides other methods (for example, the Set Default Completion Status to Approved parameter (see Table 4-3, Overview Properties) or the Approval Status activity (see Section 7.8, Workflow Status).

7.16.2 Data Item Mapping

To bind the data items associated with the Entitlement activity, you define mappings for several DirXML® attributes.

Table 7-30 Entitlement Activity Data Item Mappings



Source Expression

Specifies a source expression for a DirXML mapping. When you click a cell in the Source Expression column, the ECMA expression builder displays to help you define your expression.

The DirXML mappings for the Entitlement are described below:

  • dn is the distinguished name for the recipient of the entitlement.

  • DirXML-Entitlement-DN is the distinguished name of the entitlement to execute. For example, the entitlement might be identified as follows:


    You can use the ECMA expression builder’s ECMAScript Variable panel to see a list of all the entitlements in the driver. To select an entitlement, double-click the full distinguished name of the entitlement.

  • DirXML-Entitlement-Action indicates whether the entitlement is granted or revoked. If the operation grants the entitlement, the value must be 1; if it revokes the entitlement, the value must be 0.

  • DirXML-Entitlement-Parameter specifies a parameter required by the entitlement driver. For example, if the entitlement operation grants access to the Sales group, the parameter might specify the group as follows:

  • DirXML-Entitlement-MultiValueAllowed indicates whether the entitlement supports multiple values. If it supports multiple values, the value must be True; otherwise, it must be False.

For details on building ECMA expressions, see Section 9.0, Working with ECMA Expressions.

7.16.3 E-Mail Notification

Not supported with this activity.