16.1 About the Provisioning Request Configuration Plug-in

You can use the Provisioning Request Configuration plug-in to iManager to view a read-only display of a provisioning request definition that was created in the Designer for Identity Manager. This plug-in allows you to delete, activate, inactivate and retire existing provisioning request definitions.

NOTE:The Provisioning Request Configuration plug-in to iManager does not allow you to create or edit provisioning request definitions. To create or edit a provisioning request definition, you need to use the Designer for Identity Manager.

IMPORTANT:For RBPM 3.7, you need to have the Identity Manager 3.6.1b Plug-in for iManager 2.7.

You can find the Provisioning Request Configuration plug-in in the Identity Manager category in iManager. The plug-in includes the Provisioning Requests task in the Provisioning Configuration role. The Provisioning Requests task consists of the panels described in Table 16-1.

Table 16-1 Provisioning Requests Task: Panels



Provisioning Driver Selection

Gives you the opportunity to select an Identity Manager User Application driver. The driver contains a set of predeployed provisioning request definitions, so you need to pick a driver before you can begin configuring your provisioning requests.

Provisioning Request Configuration

Provides tools that let you:

  • Browse the available provisioning request definitions and select one to configure

  • Create a new provisioning request definition based on an existing definition

  • Set the properties of a provisioning request definition

  • Assign the provisioning request definition to a provisioned resource

  • Edit the addressee and timeout settings for each activity in the associated workflow

When you choose to create a new provisioning request or edit an existing one, the plug-in runs the Provisioning Request Configuration Wizard.