7.3 Google Directory API Exceptions

The Directory API communicates the result of API operations using either GoogleJsonResponseException or HttpResponseException objects

HTTP Status-Code


Status Level

400: Bad Request

The Google server was unable to recognize and process the request.


401: Unauthorized

The Client ID provided by the driver is not authorized to access the Google resource specified in the request. ReviewSection 3.2, Configuring OAuth2 authentication for Google APIs


403: Forbidden

Error 403: Forbidden can occur from three different situations in the driver:

  • Access forbidden: Retry

  • Querying invalid domain: Success.

  • Google Rate or Limits Exceeded: Retry

401: Not Found

The Google Server was unable to retrieve the requested resource.


405: Bad Method

The Google Server does not support the HTTP method called.


406: Not Acceptable

The Google Server determined the response type is not supported by the driver.


407: Proxy Authentication Required

Access to the resource requires proxy authentication.


408: Request Timeout

The Google Server has ‘timed-out’ on the socket.


409: Conflict

The Google Server has been asked to add an object that already exists.

  • If the exception occurs adding a member to a group, this results in a Warning status.

  • If the exception occurs adding a User, Group or Organization Unit, this results in an Error status.

  • If the exception occurs adding a member to a group, this results in a Warning status.

  • If the exception occurs adding a User, Group or Organization Unit, this results in an Error status.

410: Gone

The Google Server is unable to retrieve the requested object. This is similar to a 401 error.


411: Length Required

The request sent to the Google Server should contain a ‘Content-Length’ attribute.


412: Precondition Failed

The Google Server has a precondition specified on the request was not met.


413: Entity Too Large

The request sent to the Google Server was too large in bytes.


414: Request URI Too Long

The URI requested was too long in bytes.


415: Unsupported Type

The Google Server determined the media type of the object is unsupported.


503: Unavailable

The Google Server is unavailable.
