35.3 Authentication Parameters

When configuring the identity applications, this tab defines the values that the application server uses to direct users to the identity application and password management pages.

By default, the tab displays the basic options. To see all settings, click Show Advanced Options. This tab includes the following groups of settings:

35.3.1 Authentication Server

This section defines settings for the identity applications to connect to the authentication server.

OAuth server host identifier


Specifies the relative URL of the authentication server that issues tokens to OSP. For example,

OAuth server TCP port

Specifies the port for the authentication server.

OAuth server is using TLS/SSL

Specifies whether the authentication server uses TLS/SSL protocol for communication.

Optional TLS/SSL keystore file

Applies only when you select OAuth server is using TLS/SSL and the utility is showing the advanced options.

This parameter applies when the authentication server uses TLS/SSL protocol, and the trust certificate for the authentication server is not in the JRE trust store (cacerts).

Optional TLS/SSL keystore password

Applies only when you select OAuth server is using TLS/SSL and the utility is showing the advanced options.

Specifies the password used to load the keystore file for the TLS/SSL authentication server.

NOTE:If you do not specify the keystore path and password, identity applications fail to connect to authentication service which uses TLS/SSL protocol.

35.3.2 Authentication Configuration

This section defines settings for the authentication server.

OAuth server’s authentication endpoint


Specifies the URL through which OSP or the authentication server can an obtain a token for authentication.

OAuth server ‘s token endpoint


Specifies the URL through which OSP can validate an obtained token.

OAuth server ‘s token endpoint


Specifies the URL through which OSP ends the session with the authentication server.

LDAP DN of Admins Container


Specifies the distinguished name of the container in the Identity Vault that contains any administrator User objects that OSP must authenticate. For example, ou=sa,o=data.

OAuth keystore file


Specifies the path to the Java JKS keystore file you want to use for authentication. The keystore file must contain at least one public/private key pair.

OAuth keystore file password


Specifies the password used to load the OAuth keystore file.

Key alias of key for use by OAuth


Specifies the name of the public/private key pair in the OSP keystore file that you want to use to symmetric key generation.

Key password key for use by OAuth


Specifies the password for the private key used by the authentication server.

URL to custom CSS file for login screen

Specifies the URL of a CSS stylesheet that you want to use to customize the appearance of the login page for the identity applications.

Duplicate resolution naming attribute

Specifies the name of the LDAP attribute used to differentiate between multiple eDirectory User objects with the same cn value. The default value is mail.

Restrict authentication sources to contexts

Specifies whether searches in the user and administrator containers in the Identity Vault are restricted to only User objects in those containers or searches should also include subcontainers.

Session Timeout (minutes)

Specifies the number of minutes of inactivity in a session before the server times out the user’s session. The default value is 20 minutes.

Validity duration for access token

Specifies the number of seconds an OSP access token remains valid. The default value is 60 seconds.

Validity duration for refresh token

Specifies the number of seconds an OSP refresh token remains valid. The refresh token is used internally by OSP. The default value is 48 hours.

35.3.3 Authentication Method

This section defines the values that enable OSP to authenticate users who log in to the browser-based components of Identity Manager.

For more information about OSP, see Section 4.5, Using Single Sign-on Access in Identity Manager and Section IX, Installing the Single Sign-on and Password Management Components.


Specifies the type of authentication that you want Identity Manager to use when a user logs on.

  • Name and Password: OSP verifies authentication with the identity vault.

  • Kerberos: OSP accepts authentication from both a Kerberos ticket server and the identity vault. You must also specify a value for Mapping attribute name.

  • SAML: OSP accepts authentication from both a SAML identity provider and the identity vault. You must also specify values for Mapping attribute name and Metadata URL.

Mapping attribute name

Applies only when you specify Kerberos or SAML.

Specifies the name of the attribute that maps to the Kerberos ticket server or SAML representations at the identity provider.

Metadata URL

Applies only when you specify SAML.

Specifies the URL that OSP uses to redirect the authentication request to SAML.

35.3.4 Password Management

This section defines the values that enable users to modify their passwords as a self-service operation.

Password Management Provider

Specifies the type of password management system that you want to use.

Forgotten Password

This check box parameter applies only when you want to use SSPR.

Specifies whether you want users to recover a forgotten password without contacting a help desk.

You must also configure the challenge-response policies for the Forgotten Password feature. For more information, see the NetIQ Self Service Password Reset Administration Guide.

Forgotten Password

This menu list applies only when you select User Application (Legacy).

Specifies whether you want to use the password management system integrated with the User Application or an external system.

  • Internal: Use the default internal Password Management functionality, ./jsps/pwdmgt/ForgotPassword.jsp (without the http(s) protocol at the beginning). This redirects the user to the Forgot Password functionality built into the User Application, rather than to an external WAR.

  • External: Use an e external Forgot Password WAR to call back the User Application through a web service. You must also specify the settings for the external system.

Forgotten Password Link

Applies only when you want to use an external password management system.

Specifies the URL that points to the Forgot Password functionality page. Specify a ForgotPassword.jsp file in an external or internal password management WAR.

Forgotten Password Return Link

Applies only when you want to use an external password management system.

Specifies the URL for the Forgot Password Return Link that the user can click after performing a forgot password operation.

Forgotten Password Web Service URL

Applies only when you want to use an external password management system.

Specifies the URL that the External Forgot Password WAR will use to call back to the User Application to perform core forgot password functionalities. Use the following format:


35.3.5 Novell Audit Digital Signature Certificate and Key

This section defines the values that allows Identity Manager to communicate with NetIQ Sentinel for event auditing.

NetIQ Sentinel Digital Signature Certificate

Specifies a custom public key certificate that you want the OSP server to use to authenticate audit messages sent to the audit system.

For information about configuring certificates for Novell Audit, see “Managing Certificates” in the Novell Audit Administration Guide.

NetIQ Sentinel Digital Signature Private Key

Specifies the path to the custom private key file that you want the OSP server to use to authenticate audit messages sent to the audit system.