5.3 Viewing Team Configurations

To view existing team configurations, access the Team configuration page as instructed in Section 5.2, Accessing the Team Configuration Page. The Team Configuration page displays a list of currently defined teams in your organization.

NOTE:Identity Manager allows you to take specific actions in the Team Configuration page depending on your role. For more information, see Table 5-1.

The page allows you to create new teams and manage the existing teams. When you select a team from the list of existing teams, the page displays information about that team. Also, the page allows you to perform the following settings:

5.3.1 Sorting the Team List

The default sort column is the Name column. To sort the team list, click the pyramid-shaped sort indicator. When you sort in the ascending order, the sort indicator is shown in its normal, upright position. When you sort in the descending order, the sort indicator is upside down.

5.3.2 Searching the Team List

Type in part of a team name or a description to display a list of teams that meet the criteria in the Search dialog at the top of the Team Configuration display.

To refresh the page, click Refresh. This cleans the cache containing the team list and fetches the latest team list from the Identity Vault and rebuilds the cache.