B.2 Configuring the Subscriber Channel

The Subscriber Channel sends information from the Identity Vault to Banner via the Banner Enterprise Identity Server. The BEIS requires a secured connection when accepting connections. To establish a secure connection you need a trust store containing a certificate issued by the certificate authority that signed the BEIS server certificate. You will need to obtain this certificate from a BEIS administrator.

  1. Make sure you have a certificate signed by the certificate authority from the BEIS administrator

  2. Import the certificate into your trust store, or create a new trust store by entering the following command at the command prompt: keytool -import - file name_of_cert_file -trustcacerts -noprompt -keystore filename -storepass password

    For Example: keytool -import - file beis_cert.b64 -trustcacerts -noprompt -keystore dirxml.keystore -storepass changeit

    For more information on keytool, see Keytool - Key and Certificate Management Tool

  3. Configure the Subscriber Channel to use the trust store created in Step 2

    1. In iManager, in the Roles and Tasksview, click Identity Manager > Identity Manager Overview.

    2. Locate the driver set containing the Ellucian Banner Driver. Then click the driver’s icon to display the Identity Manager Driver Overview page.

    3. On the Identity Manager Driver Overview page, click the driver’s icon again and then scroll to Subscriber Settings.

    4. In the Keystore File setting, enter the path to the trust store you created in Step 2.

  4. Click Apply, then click Okay.