9.6 Report Output

The report contains two main parts: a summary of the report and the content of the report. You can customize the fields that have more than one value.

See Identity Vault Users Report for a sample of the report output in PDF format.

9.6.1 Report Summary

The criteria used to run the report are displayed in the top section of the report.

Dates: The range of dates when the report was run.

Limits results to: The number of items displayed in the report.

Name order: How the user records are displayed in the report.

Records to include: Whether the latest changes are included in the report or whether it shows all changes for changed records.

Identity Vault users: The users that are included in the report.

(Conditional) Include user images: This line is displayed if you selected to include user images in the report.

9.6.2 Report Content

The report starts by listing the Identity Vault where the user records came from. If you have more than one Identity Vault, the records are sorted by Identity Vaults. The following of information is displayed for each Identity Vault user:

Full name: The full name of the user.

The full name is the first_name, middle_name, and last_name concatenated together, based on the Name order parameter. This is not the same as the full_name field in the database, which is mapped to the fullName attribute in the Identity Vault. The full_name database file is not included in this report, and if you change the full_name attribute on the user in the Identity Vault, but not the first_name, middle_name, or last_name attributes, there are duplicate records displayed in the report.

Pref name: The preferred name of the user.

Prefix: The prefix for the username.

Suffix: The suffix for the username.

Pref lang: The preferred language for the user.

Company: The name of the company.

Job code: The user’s job code.

Job title: The user’s job title.

Work ID: The user’s workforce ID.

Emp status: The user’s employee status.

Emp type: The user’s employee type. For example, full time.

Manager: The user’s manager.

ID Vault DN: The user’s Identity Vault distinguished name (DN).

ID Vault st: The user’s status in the Identity Vault.

Acct desc: A description of the user’s account in the Identity. Vault.

Cost center: The cost center assigned to the user.

CC desc: A description of the cost center assigned to the user.

Mail stop: The user’s mail stop.

Office name: The name of the user’s office.

Dept #: The user’s department number.

Department: The user’s department name.

Location: The physical location of the user.

Address: The address of the user.

Phone: The user’s phone number.

e-mail: The user’s e-mail address.

IM: The user’s instant message username.

Hire date: The user’s hire date.

Trans date: The user’s transfer date.

Term date: The user’s termination date.

First w. day: The first day a user starts working.

Last w. day: The last day a user works.

Eff. date: The user’s effective start date.

User image: If you selected to include the user’s image, it is the last item displayed in the report.

If the user’s image changed and the option to Include user image is not selected there might be two entries displayed for the user’s image.

9.6.3 Customizing Fields with Multiple Values

By default, if a field contains multiple values in the Identity Vault, only one value is displayed in the report. For example, if a user has more than one e-mail address in the Identity Vault, only one e-mail address is displayed in the report.

If you want multiple values displayed, you must manually set mapping descriptors in the table map file (IdmrptIdentity.xml) stored in the core IDMRPT-CORE.war file. The default location for this file is /WEB-INF/classes/com/novell/idm/rpt/core/server/events/rptdriver/IDMRPT-CORE.war.

The following table contains definitions of the mapping descriptors that must be changed.

Table 9-1 Mapping Descriptors

Mapping Descriptor



Setting this descriptor to true allows multiple values to be maintained by using the delimiter descriptor. The options for this descriptor are true or false, and the default value is false.


The delimiter descriptor is used to separate the multiple attribute values. If this is not defined, the default is “, ”. The delimiter characters can include any character except for [\^$.|?*+(). If the descriptor is configured with an invalid delimiter, the mapping defaults to a single value and a warning is created in the console log. If a value includes the delimiter string, then it is not synchronized into the database and a warning message is created. The other values are synchronized.


Defines if the values are case exact. The options are true and false, and the default value is false.

This following example shows how to change the attribute-column mapping for e-mail in the IdmrptIdentity.xml file.

<attribute ldap-name="mail" col-name="emailAddress" multi-value="true" case-exact="false" delimiter=","/>