19.2 Components for Permission Collection and Reconciliation Service

The content for Permission Collection and Reconciliation service contains the following:

When you install the entitlement package, the following policies of this package are added to the driver Startup policy set:

The driver executes these policies only once when the driver is started. The driver policies automatically configure the following objects for your environment:

19.2.1 PermissionOnboarding Job

The driver policies update the PermissionOnboarding job parameters and the PermissionEntMapping mapping table.

The PermissionOnboarding job is a standard Identity Manager job and part of the entitlement package. The driver creates the job in the Identity Vault when the driver is deployed, and the job runs when the driver starts. You can schedule the job to run periodically. Also, you can run it manually to process an updated CSV file. The NOVLCOMPCRS-ENT-startup-UpdateJobConfiguration Startup policies configure the PermissionOnboarding job.

The PermissionOnboarding job performs the following tasks:

  • Reads the driver's PermissionEntMapping table object to obtain the list of the driver's entitlement objects populated by the Startup policies.

  • Creates or verifies the existence of a dynamic nrfResource object to allow the assignment of the native permissions for each entitlement object in the PermissionEntMapping table. To do this, the job uses the Identity Manager provisioning, resource, and service SOAP APIs.

  • Updates the PermissionEntMapping table with the nrfResource DNs.

  • Reads the CSV file and populates the associated <name>_Values resource object with the values, display names, and descriptions for each entitlement object that specifies a CSV File catalog source in the PermissionEntMapping table.

  • Calls a User Application private API to flush the User Application Entitlement cache so that newly created entitlements are recognized.

  • Calls the User Application Entitlement refresh API to force the User Application to issue an entitlement query to obtain the catalog values for each driver entitlement.

19.2.2 Mapping Tables

The Startup policies update the following mapping table objects:

  • PermissionNameToFile: This object contains entitlement configuration data that you specified in the Entitlements Name to CSV File Mappings page during driver creation in Designer. You can add custom entitlements to this table.

  • PermissionEntMapping: This object is created empty but is populated by the Startup policies and PermissionOnboarding job. It contains the configuration data transferred from the PermissionNameToFile object and DNs of entitlements created by the Startup policies. It also contains the LDAP DNs of the default dynamic User Application resource objects that are used to assign entitlements to users. You should not change the data populated by the Startup policies in this table.

  • StaticValueEntitlementMap: This object is created empty but contains mapping between specific native entitlement values and a User Application static resource DN used by the driver to reconcile that value. You need to populate this table if you want to synchronize assignments bound to a static resource.

    You must manually enter the complete DN of the static resource in the Static Resource column.

    IMPORTANT:Restart the driver for it to take effect of any changes made to the PermissionNameToFile and StaticValueEntitlementMap mapping table objects.

These packages also include new policies specific to driver implementation. The drivers apply these policies after the Subscriber and Publisher channels are initialized.

Before continuing, ensure that you go through the prerequisites needed for enabling Permission Collection and Reconciliation service. Also, you need to set up administrative user accounts and configure a password policy for them. For more information, see Setting Up Administrative User Accounts and Setting Up Administrative Passwords.

The following diagrams represent policy execution sequence of permission reconciliation on Publisher and Subscriber channels of the Identity Manager drivers where Permission Collection and Reconciliation service (NOVLCOMPCRS 2.0.0) package is installed.

Figure 19-3 Publisher Channel Permission Assignment Sequence

Figure 19-4 Subscriber Channel Identity Vault Attribute Permission Assignment Sequence

Figure 19-5 Subscriber RBPM Permission Assignment Sequence