1.6 Report Output

The report contains two main parts: a summary of the report and the content of the report.

See Access Requests by Resource Report for a sample of the report output in PDF format.

1.6.1 Report Summary

The criteria used to run the report are displayed in the top section of the report.

Dates: The range of dates and times when the report was run.

Limits results to: The number of items displayed in the report.

Name order: How the user records are displayed in the report.

Resource(s): The list of resources selected for this report.

1.6.2 Report Content

The report lists all workflow requests for selected resources. It shows details for each resource.

Resource: The name of the resource requested.

Requester: The name of the requester.

Recipient: The name of the recipient.

Approver(s): The list of individuals who have been designated as approvers for the request.

Status: The status of the request.

Timestamp: The timestamp for each action taken by an approver.

Comments: Any comments made by the approver.

This report uses the correlation ID to link auditing data with current state data.