4.4 Silent Installation and Configuration

4.4.1 Silent Installation

In order to run a silent installation of the Identity Manager components, you must create a properties file with the parameters necessary to complete the installation. There is a sample file included on the Identity Manager media:

  • Linux: ./install/propfiles/install.properties

  • Solaris: ./install/propfiles/install.properties

  • Windows: \install\propfiles\install.properties

Start the silent installation by using the correct program for your platform:

  • Linux: ./install.bin -i silent -f <filename>.properties

  • Solaris: ./install.bin -i silent -f <filename>.properties

    To execute the binary file, enter ./install.bin -i silent -f <filename>.properties.

  • Windows: \install.exe -i silent -f <filename>.properties

The silent installation supports the following password variables as environmental variables. If the password variables are not passed through the environment, you must add them to the silent properties file.  

Metadirectory Server: IA_IDVAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD.



Event Auditing Service: IA_EAS_ADMIN_PWD and IA_EAS_DBA_PWD.

4.4.2 Silent Configuration

You can also run a silent configuration of the Identity Manager components by creating a properties file with the parameters necessary to complete the configuration for each platform. There are two sample files included on the Identity Manager media. One is used for creating a new tree, and the other is used for adding the server to an existing tree.

  • Linux/Solaris: See the following locations:

    • ./install/propfiles/configure_new_tree.properties

    • ./install/propfiles/configure_existing_tree.properties

  • Windows: See the following locations:

    • \install\propfiles\configure_new_tree.properties

    • IDM4.0.1_Win:\install\propfiles\configure_existing_tree.properties

Start the silent configuration by using the correct program for your platform:

  • Linux: ./configure.bin -i silent -f <filename>.properties

  • Solaris: ./configure.bin -i silent -f <filename>.properties

    To execute the binary file, enter ./configure.bin -i silent -f <filename>.properties.

  • Windows: \configure.exe -i silent -f <filename>.properties

The sample properties files available in the install\propfiles location can be used only when all the components are configured in one run.

To see the mandatory parameters, run the following command:

./install/bin -i silent -DSELECTED_PRODUCTS=<components to be configured>

The description of the IDs for the Identity Manager components is available in the properties file.

Create a properties file with the output of the above command, add SELECTED_PRODUCTS with the components to be configured, then rerun the silent install command to do a silent configuration of the selected components.