The command line mode allows you to use script or batch files. Table 13-9 contains the different options that are available.
To use the command line options, decide which items you want to use and string them together.
Example: dxcmd -user admin.headquarters -host -password novell -start test.driverset.headquarters
This example command starts the driver.
Table 13-9 Command Line Options
Option |
Description |
Configuration |
-user <user name> |
Specify the name of a user with administrative rights to the drivers you want to test. |
-host <name or IP address> |
Specify the IP address of the server where the driver is installed. |
-password <user password> |
Specify the password of the user specified above. |
-port <port number> |
Specify a port number, if the default port is not used. |
-q <quiet mode> |
Displays very little information when a command is executed. |
-v <verbose mode> |
Displays detailed information when a command is executed. |
-s <stdout> |
Writes the results of the dxcmd command to stdout. |
-? <show this message> |
Displays the help menu. |
-help <show this message> |
Displays the help menu. |
-cert <X.509 DER certificate filename> |
Certificate file used for encrypting passwords. |
-version <n.n[.n[.n]]> |
Changes engine version by force. |
-nossl |
Uses clear socket for LDAP. |
-keystore <keystore path and filename> |
Specifies the filename of the Java keystore that contains the trusted root certificate of the issuer of the certificate used by the remote interface shim. |
-storepass <keystore password> |
Specifies the password for the Java keystore specified by the keystore parameter. |
-dnform <slash|qualified-slash|dot|qualified-dot|ldap> |
Changes the dn form by force. |
Actions |
-start <driver dn> |
Starts the driver. |
-stop <driver dn> |
Stops the driver. |
-getstate <driver dn> |
Returns the value that indicates the state of the driver (0 - stopped, 2 - running, and so on). |
-getdriverstats <driver dn> <output filename> |
Shows the statistics of the driver. |
-resetdriverstats <driver dn> |
Resets the statistics of the driver. |
-getstartoption <driver dn> |
Shows the startup option of the driver. |
-setstartoption <driver dn> <disabled|manual|auto> <resync|noresync> |
Sets how the driver starts if the server is rebooted. Sets whether the objects are to be resynchronized when the driver restarts. |
-getcachelimit <driver dn> |
Lists the cache limit set for the driver. |
-setcachelimit <driver dn> <0 or positive integer> |
Sets the cache limit for the driver. |
-migrateapp <driver dn> <filename> |
Processes an XML document that contains a query command. Create the XML document that contains a query command by using the NetIQ nds.dtd. |
-setshimpassword <driver dn> <password> |
Sets the application password. This is the password of the user account you are using to authenticate into the connected system with. |
-clearshimpassword <driver dn> <password> |
Clears the application password. |
-setremoteloaderpassword <driver dn> <password> |
Sets the Remote Loader password. The Remote Loader password is used to control access to the Remote Loader instance. |
<clearremoteloaderpassword <driver dn> |
Clears the Remote Loader password. |
-sendcommand <driver dn> <input filename> <output filename> |
Submits a document to the driver’s Subscriber channel, bypassing the driver cache. The document gets processed ahead of anything that might be in the cache at the time of the submission. It also means that the submission fails if the driver is not running. Specify the XDS command document as the input file. Examples: NetWare: sys:\files\user.xml Windows: c:\files\user.xml Linux: /files/user.log Specify the output filename to see the results. Examples: NetWare: sys:\files\user.log Windows: c:\files\user.log Linux: /files/user.log |
-sendevent <driver dn> <input filename> |
Submits a document to the driver’s Subscriber channel, bypassing the driver cache. The document gets processed ahead of anything that might be in the cache at the time of the submission. It also means that the submission fails if the driver is not running. |
-queueevent <driver dn> <input filename> |
Submits a document to the driver’s Subscriber channel by queuing the document in the driver cache. The document gets processed after anything that might be in the cache at the time of the submission. The submission won’t fail if the driver isn’t running. |
-setlogevents <dn> <integer ...> |
Sets Audit log events on the driver. The integer is the option of the item to log. See Table 13-7 for the list of the integers to enter. |
-clearlogevents <dn> |
Clears all Audit log events that are set on the driver. |
-setdriverset <driver set dn> |
Associates a driver set with the server. |
-cleardriverset |
Clears the driver set association from the server. |
-getversion |
Shows the version of Identity Manager that is installed. |
-initdriver object <dn> |
Performs an internal initialization of data on a new Driver object. This is only for testing purposes. |
-setnamedpassword <driver dn> <name> <password> [description] |
Sets named passwords on the driver object. You specify the name, the password, and the description of the named password. |
-clearnamedpassword <driver dn> <name> |
Clears a specified named password. |
-startjob <job dn> |
Starts the specified job. |
-abortjob <job dn> |
Aborts the specified job. |
-getjobrunningstate <job dn> |
Returns the specified job’s running state. |
-getjobenabledstate <job dn> |
Returns the specified job’s enabled state. |
-getjobnextruntime <job dn> |
Returns the specified job’s next run time. |
-getjvmstats <driver dn><output file> |
Shows details of memory, thread, runtime, classloader, garbage collection and OS that is installed. |
-updatejob <job dn> |
Updates the specified job. |
-clearallnamedpaswords <driver dn> |
Clears all named passwords set on a specific driver. |
-applyactivation <driverset dn> <activation file> |
Activates the specified driver or Identity Manager engine |
-viewactivation <driverset dn> <output filename> |
Displays the activation information for the specified driver or Identity Manager engine |
-exportcerts <kmoname> <server|client> <java|native|dotnet> <output dir> |
Exports the certificates from eDirectory KMO in different formats based on the type of driver shim loaded by Remote Loader. |
If a command line is executed successfully, it returns a zero. If the command line returns anything other than zero, it is an error. For example, 0 means success, and -641 means invalid operation. -641 is an eDirectory error code. Table 13-10 contains other values for specific command line options.
Table 13-10 Command Line Option Values
Command Line Option |
Values |
-getstate |
0- stopped 1- starting 2- running 3- shutting down 11- get schema Anything else that is returned is an error. The getstate option returns the state of the driver. It does not show the state. You can access the return value by using ‘$?’ in UNIX/Linux and ‘%errorlevel%’ in Windows. The return value can be used in a batch or shell script. |
-getstartoption |
0- disabled 1- manual 2- auto Anything else that is returned is an error. |
-getcachelimit |
0- unlimited Anything else that is returned is an error. |
-getjobrunningstate |
0- stopped 1- running Anything else that is returned is an error. |
-getjobenabledstate |
0- disabled 1- enabled 2- configuration error Anything else that is returned is an error. |
-getjobnextruntime |
The return is the next scheduled time for the job in eDirectory time format (number of seconds since 00:00:00 Jan 1, 1970 UTC). |