1.1 New Features and Enhancements

1.1.1 Platform Support

In addition to the existing operating systems (OS), this service pack provides support for the following OS:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.6

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server SLES15 SP4

  • Open Enterprise Server (OES) 2018 SP3

1.1.2 Angular Update

All components of the Identity Manager have been updated to Angular 13, except for Form Renderer, which continues to use Angular 9. The Identity Manager Dashboard (/idmdash), which was earlier built on Angular JS framework, has been migrated to Angular.

1.1.3 Third-Party Library Upgrade

All third-party libraries have been updated to a newer version. Note that a newer version does not necessarily imply the most recent version. A newer version means a tested version of the library that is claimed to be supported in Identity Manager 4.8.6.

1.1.4 Digitally Signed RPMs

All RPMs in this release are digitally signed. You must verify the RPM signature before installing or upgrading to Identity Manager 4.8.6 version. For more information on how to verify the RPM signature, see Updating the Identity Manager Components on Linux in the NetIQ Identity Manager 4.8.6: Installation and Upgrade Guide.

1.1.5 Enhancements in Identity Applications

Identity Applications includes the following enhancements:

idmdash and idmadmin are Now Combined

Dashboard (idmdash) and Identity Applications Administration (idmadmin) are now combined into a single application. When accessing the Administration, Configuration, Settings, and other menus in Identity Manager Dashboard, users now interact with idmdash instead of idmadmin. The following table shows the URL change for one such page:

Prior to Identity Manager 4.8.6

Identity Manager 4.8.6 and onward



After upgrading Identity Manager to 4.8.6, any bookmark pointing to the /idmadmin pages will no longer be valid. You must add new bookmarks to gain quick access to your favorite pages.

Ability to Monitor Workflow Progress

The Identity Applications user interface includes a new feature, Workflow Monitoring, in the Administration menu that allows security and provisioning administrators to monitor and manage workflows.

During the workflow execution process, the Workflow Engine performs several activities and logs them as events on the Workflow Monitoring page. You can view the comments, reassign activities within the workflow, terminate a workflow, and view the workflow status. This data enables you to make informed decisions, such as reassigning a workflow process if an approval request activity has been left unattended for an extended period. You can also terminate a workflow from this page.

For a detailed information, see Monitoring Workflows in the NetIQ Identity Manager - Administrator’s Guide to the Identity Applications.

Dynamic Workflow Engine IDs

Workflow service offers a unique capability of automatically adding Workflow Engine node in response to workload changes. When a node in a cluster fails, the workflow processes in that node are automatically transferred to another node in the same cluster. It ensures that the Workflow Engine is always available and there is no downtime in the event of a failure. The node is assigned a unique dynamic Engine ID, which changes with each Tomcat restart. The status and IDs of all nodes are saved in the workflow database.

This feature is enabled by default when you deploy Identity Manager containers on Microsoft Azure.

1.1.6 Enhancements in Identity Manager Containers

Identity Manager Containers has the following enhancements for fresh deployment in Microsoft Azure:

  • Identity Engine will now be managed by AKS ensuring fault tolerance.

  • Identity Engine supports multiple replica deployment with stateful set. The following features are supported:

    • All Identity Manager Engine replicas would still be deployed in Master-Slave Architecture.

    • Identity Manager Engine replicas once deployed are ready to load balance the necessary drivers to be run across the replicas.

  • Identity Applications and OSP now supports multiple replica deployment with stateless set. It offers the following advantages:

    • Zero downtime as all the replicas are managed by AKS.

    • Load balances the traffic between multiple Identity Applications and OSP replicas.

NOTE:The Identity Manager Engine container and Remote Loader must use the latest Oracle E-Business Suite driver and Managed System Gateway driver For more information on how to update these drivers on standalone containers, see section Handling RPM Updates and Third Party Files and section Handling RPM Updates and Third Party Files for AKS for containers on AKS.

Deployment Using Configuration Templates

This release introduces an alternative method to deploy the infrastructure on Microsoft Azure. You can now use the configuration templates bundled inside the container delivery to customize the deployment without the need for configuration generator image. For more information, see Infrastructure Deployment on Azure cloud in the NetIQ Identity Manager 4.8.6: Installation and Upgrade Guide.