1.3 Software Fixes

NetIQ Identity Manager includes software fixes for the following components:

1.3.1 Identity Manager Engine

NetIQ Identity Manager includes software fixes that resolve several previous issues in the Identity Manager Engine:

Memory to Accommodate Driver ID is Increased to Start the eDirectory Successfully

The enhanced buffer size limit for zoomdb file name enables the Rest driver to successfully start eDirectory. (Bug 232094)

Ability to Run the Extensive do-for-each Loop Successfully

Identity Engine is enhanced to process the extensive do-for-each loop on server without any contexts. (Bug 232093)

Ability to Delay Loading of Identity Manager Engine While Initializing the eDirectory

Identity Manager introduces a new configurable environment variable that defers the loading of Identity Manager Engine during eDirectory initialization. For more information on configuring environment variable, see the Troubleshooting Identity Manager Engine in NetIQ Identity Manager Setup Guide for Linux and Troubleshooting Identity Manager Engine in NetIQ Identity Manager Setup Guide for Windows sections. (Bug 232013)

CPRS Successfully Sends the Destination Domain Information for MDAD Driver to Query

The Identity Manager Engine UI now enables CPRS to select logical domain even when there is only a single domain configured. (Bug 231491)

1.3.2 Identity Plugins

NetIQ Identity Manager includes software fix that resolve previous issues in the Identity Plugins:

Duplicate Header Names are Not Created in GCV After a Driver Import

Identity Manager is updated to avoid inclusion of duplicate header names in to the GCV after importing the driver. (Bug 230482)

Identity Manager Plugins Correctly Display the Check Password Status of a User After a Successful Upgrade

After successfully upgrading the Identity Manager Plugins from 4.8.0 version to 4.8.1 version, the iManager displays details of connected system for the selected user. (Bug 232130)

1.3.3 Identity Applications

NetIQ Identity Manager includes software fixes that resolve several previous issues in the Identity Applications:

Ability to Handle Extended characters in a Workflow

On Windows platform, the entities in Identity Applications now displays the German umlauts ö, ä, and ü (extended characters) correctly on the Identity Manager Dashboard. (Bug 232122)

Ability to Successfully View Workflow Details Through Workflow Administrator

Catalina.out file no longer displays any exceptions when you access the details of a listed workflow in iManager. (Bug 231621)

REST API Call Fail Always Display Appropriate Error Logs

Identity Applications correctly logs error messages in the catalina.out file, when a REST API fails. (Bug 230808)

User Search Functionality Successfully Retrieves the List of Users

Identity Manager Dashboard lists the users when a requester searches for user, without displaying any error. (Bug 232125)

Dashboard Tasks Page Correctly Displays Localized Recipient Value

Identity Manager Dashboard displays the Tasks’ page localized strings in the defined browser locale. (Bug 229917)

Ability to Depict the Display Name of a Custom Workflow in Appropriate Locale

Designer is updated to show the selected custom workflow display name in the respective locale. (Bug 230490)

Provision to Accommodate More Characters for Role Description in a New Request Form

This release enhances the size limit of role description to 200 characters for a New Request Form. (Bug 231503)

Any Modification to Logged In User Tasks Dynamically Updates the Task Count

Enhanced Client settings notifies the logged in user with task count update. (Bug 230750)

Custom Role Approval Correctly Retrieves and Show the Appropriate Display Name

On selection of Custom Role Approval, its respective srvprvLocalizedNames value for the locale is displayed. (Bug 231042)

Enhanced UI Successfully Displays Request History Records as per the Configured Limit.

Identity Dashboard now allows you to enhance the limit of comments to display in Request History page. (Bug 231438)

Ability to View User Details from the Edit Group Page

You can now click group members link to view the respective user details in a pop-up window. (Bug 232075)

Any Modification in a Role or Resource with Custom Approval Always Retains its Respective nrfapprover Attribute

You can view the assigned nrfapprover attribute in NDS iMonitor even after updating a role or resource. (Bug 231443)

Identity Manager Administrator UI Supports Special Characters with Role and Resource Name

Special Characters > and & are no longer restricted to be used in role and resource name. (Bug 229894)

Allows You to View List of Administrator Assignments When System Role is Mapped as a Child Role to a User

Identity Manager Administrator API is enhanced to display administration assignments with a child role assignment. (Bug 232127)

Permissions Successfully Display All the Roles Assigned Through Groups

Permissions page settings are updated to list all the direct and indirect assignments. (Bug 230781)

Added Information About OSP OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint

The NetIQ Identity Applications REST API documentation is updated with token endpoint details. (Bug 230977)

Application Item gets Displayed only when a Client with Appropriate Trustee Settings Logs in to Dashboard

Client assigned as a trustee to the application item can view it after accessing the Identity Manager Dashboard. (Bug 231490)

Request History Form Successfully Displays the Resource Expiration Date

The Identity Application is updated to display resource expiration date correctly on Request History form. (Bug 232066)

With Time Input Option Enabled the Request Form Calendar Works as Expected

When the Enable Time Input option is set, click the Esc or Tab button to close the calendar in the new Request Form. (Bug 230698)

Request, Approve, Deny, and Claim Options are Added to the Form Builder

New options in the Form Builder now enables you to perform custom action in the Workflow. (Bug 230847)

Addition of a Component to New Form Allows Performing All the Actions Available in the Form

Form builder is updated to execute all the action functionalities as expected for form components. (Bug 230817)

Selection of Change Language Option in the Form Builder Settings Results in Custom Localization

With an update to Formio.js, the Preview tab displays all the form fields as per custom localization. (Bug 231338)

SOD Conflict in a Multilevel Parent Child Mapping Results in Conflict Detection for Inherited Roles

You can now view inherited role conflicts when its respective group has a conflict. (Bug 231551)

Data Item Mapping Allows Transfer of Values from a Workflow to Data Grid Component

Workflow is enhanced to successfully set values in the Data Grid Component and display them in the Form Renderer. (Bug 231575)

Dashboard Displays Complete Workflow Comments in History and Task Pages

You can now view complete comments for a specific workflow in the Comments column. (Bug 233689)

Workflow Scripts Successfully Accomplish Mapping Activity

An upgrade to the Rhino JS engine successfully runs the workflow scripts. (Bug 234051)

Delegated Resource Admin with Bind Entitlement Permissions for a Driver can Successfully Create a Resource with Entitlement

With authorization check introduced in this release, a delegated resource admin can create a resource with entitlement. (Bug 231244)

All the Menu Options gets Listed for Users with a Role Not Assigned as Trustee

Non-admin user with a role unassigned as trustee can now view all the menu options. (Bug 232126)

Form Builder Successfully Translates Labels in JSON Based Forms to Defined Locale

All labels in the form are displayed in configured locale set in the Localization tab. (Bug 231344)

Role Search Process Correctly Displays the Search Results Irrespective of the Locale

The Search Role functionality performs correctly when you use Swedish as the locale to search roles. (Bug 231614)

Identity Applications Performs the Open and Submission Tasks on Legacy and New Forms as Expected

Identity Application now enables you to open and submit a PRD without displaying any error. (Bug 231595)

Successfully Deploys IDMProv After an Upgrade

The updated Identity Manager Application now successfully deploys IDMProv.war file. (Bug 232139)

Ability to Access Entities Page Successfully as a Custom Client

You can now successfully access the entities page when logged in as a non-default client. (Bug 231629)

1.3.4 Identity Reporting

NetIQ Identity Manager includes the following software fixes that resolve several previous issues in Identity Reporting:

Expiration Time in Reporting Database is Correctly Updated After a Role Gets Revoked

Identity Reporting database displays the date when a role gets revoked as new expiration time. (Bug 230843)

Identity Reporting Efficiently Handles the Roles and Resources Filter in Reports

Identity Reporting no longer utilizes resources filter in Identity Vault Users with Permissions to Managed Systems report. You can now filter the data by roles and resources in Available Permissions and Available Permissions Current State reports. (Bug 229386)

Ability to Display Correct Records in Authentication by Server Report

Sentinel is updated and the CEF log now displays sentinel_events tables’ valid columns (xdastaxname and xdasoutcomename) with appropriate values to generate reports. (Bug 230958)

1.3.5 Designer

NetIQ Identity Manager includes software fixes that resolve several previous issues in Designer:

Displays Only Single Weights per Policy Even When the Migrate Linkages Option is Run Multiple Times

Designer no longer displays duplicate weights for a policy when you run migrate linkages on package catalog. (Bug 230878)

Retains All the Associated PRDs in SVN Whenever a PRD is Updated and Committed to SVN

An update and commit of a PRD in a package to SVN does not delete the rest of the PRDs in the package. (Bug 230970)

Introduces an Option to Skip the Re-import Process of All Such Policies that are Already Imported

Designer now enables you to select the option whether or not to display the prompt for every driver import. (Bug 231324)

Logs the Driver Traces Successfully into the Trace File When the Trace File Limit is Set to 2148 MB or Higher While Simulating a Policy

Simulation now successfully displays trace of policy processing with trace file size limit set to 2148 MB or higher. (Bug 232088)

Allows You to Reconcile an Attribute that Contains a Colon in the Attribute Name

Designer is updated to support schema attribute with special characters and reconcile the attribute successfully. (Bug 231452)

Allows You to Select the OU Container While Setting Membership Scope for Role Based Entitlement Policy

You can now use the Begin Search at field to browse and select an OU successfully. (Bug 232032)

Fetches the Query Values Successfully When Adding an Entitlement for a Role Based Entitlement Policy

Role Based Entitlement Editor is streamlined to retrieve query values for entitlement policy with admin-defined values. (Bug 232033)

All the Appropriate Live Menu Options are Displayed and Function Correctly Irrespective of the View in Designer

Designer is enhanced to operate Live menu options in both outline and modeller view for a selected object. (Bug 230651)

Copy Functionality for a Policy Allows Renaming the New File

Copy a policy action now enables you to rename the old filename with new, instead of appending them. (Bug 231527)

Introduces the Retrieve Application Schema Option to Determine Whether the Driver has to Query for the Application Schema or Not.

With introduction of Retrieve Application Schema option, the Identity Manager Engine now no longer displays error when there exists an application schema uncertainty. (Bug 259116)

Enhances the do-create-resource Action to Use Rest API.

Policy Editor now allows you to set a new field and select to use Rest services. (Bug 231393)

Deployment and Compare of Driver Correctly Updates the Trace Values in eDirectory

Driver trace configured values are successfully updated in eDirectory. (Bug 232050)