6.7 Event Transformation - Scope Filtering - Include Subtrees

This rule excludes all events that occur outside of the specific subtrees. Implement the rule on the Subscriber Event Transformation policy or the Publisher Event Transformation policy in the driver.

There are two steps involved in using the predefined rules: creating a policy in the Event Transformation policy set, and importing the predefined rule. If you already have an Event Transformation policy that you want to add this rule to, skip to Importing the Predefined Rule.

6.7.1 Creating a Policy

  1. Open the Identity Manager Driver Overview for the driver you want to manage.

    For instructions on how to access the Identity Manager Driver Overview page, see Accessing the Identity Manager Driver Overview Page.

  2. Click the Event Transformation Policy set object on the Publisher or Subscriber channel.

  3. Click Insert.

  4. Name the policy, make sure to implement the policy with the Policy Builder, then click OK.

    The Policy Builder is launched.

  5. Continue with Importing the Predefined Rule.

6.7.2 Importing the Predefined Rule

  1. In the Policy Builder, click Insert.

  2. Select Event Transformation - Scope Filtering - Include subtrees.

  3. Expand the predefined rule.

    Event Transformation - scope filtering - include subtrees
  4. To edit the rule, click Event Transformation - Scope Filtering - Include subtrees in the Policy Builder.

    The Rule Builder is launched.

  5. Click the browse button next to the Value field to browse the Identity Vault for the part of the tree where you want events to synchronize, select it, then click OK.

  6. Click OK.

6.7.3 How the Rule Works

This rule is used when you only want to synchronize specific subtrees between the Identity vault and the connected system.When an event occurs anywhere but in that specific part of the Identity Vault, it is vetoed. You can add additional subtrees to be synchronized by copying and pasting the If Source DN condition.