17.2 Generating Configuration Files

Perform the following steps to deploy the Identity Manager Configuration Generator container to generate the configuration files.

  1. Run the following command to load the docker image:

    docker load --input docker-images/IDM_485_idm_conf_generator.tar.gz

  2. Run the following command to deploy the configuration generator container:

    docker run --rm -it --name=idm_conf_generator -v /data:/config idm_conf_generator:idm-4.8.5

  3. The following table provides information on the new prompts:

    NOTE:For all the existing prompts, refer the section Understanding the Configuration Parameters.



    Do you want to deploy Identity Manager Containers on Azure?

    Specify your choice to deploy Identity Manager Containers.

    • (Conditional) If Yes, proceed with the next prompt.

    • (Conditional) If No, enter silent property file name with absolute path. For example, /config/silent.properties.

      NOTE:For secondary server deployment, enter n and proceed with Creating the Silent Properties File.

    Specify the namespace for Kubernetes Deployment.

    Enter the namespace for Kubernetes Deployment. For example, idm.

    Enter the short hostname for the virtual machine.

    Specify the short hostname for sles15sp2 virtual machine used to run the docker engine container. For example, identityengine.

    Enter the Identity Manager Engine data disk size for persistence in GB.

    Specify the data disk size as per your requirement. For example, 10GB.

    Do you want to create a new Azure PostgreSQL Server instance?

    Specify your choice to create a new Azure PostgreSQL Server instance.

    • (Conditional) If Yes, specify the prefix for the Azure PostgreSQL server name. For example, idmpgserver.

      NOTE:The entered prefix will be appended by a hyphen and a randomly generated 14 digit number.

    • (Conditional) If No, proceed with next prompt.

    Enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for accessing the Identity Manager web applications.

    Specify the FQDN to access the identity manager web applications. For example, identitymanager.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com.

    NOTE:Identity Manager web applications include Identity Applications, Identity Reporting, SSPR, OSP and also Identity Console.

    Enter the TLS certificate file.

    Specify the TLS certificate file in PEM format, which contains the subject alternate name and calling name for the domain specified above. For example, /config/tls.crt.

    Enter the private key file for the TLS certificate.

    Specify the private key file for the TLS certificate. For example, /config/tls.key.

    Enter the Identity Vault Server Name.

    Specify the Identity Vault Server Name. For example, IDVAULTSERVER.

    Enter the Azure Service Principal ID.

    Specify the Azure Service Principal ID generated in Section: Planning your deployment, Step 5.

    Enter the Azure Service Password.

    Specify the Azure service password generated in Section: Planning your deployment, Step 5.

    Enter the Tenant ID of your Service Principal.

    Specify the Tenant ID generated in Section: Planning your deployment, Step 5.

    Enter the existing Azure Container Registry Server Name.

    Specify the Azure Container Registry Server Name. Refer to Step 4.

    Enter the Azure Container Registry user name.

    Specify the Azure Container Registry user name. Refer to Step 4.

    Enter the Azure Container Registry user password.

    Specify the Azure Container Registry password. Refer to Step 4.

    Sign in to Azure CLI.

    Refer to Step 2.

    Enter the appropriate Azure Account id printed above as-is without double quotes.

    Specify the Azure Account ID generated in the above Step.

    Enter the Azure Resource Group Name.

    Specify the Azure Resource group name. For example, idvault-rg.

    Enter the Azure Resource Group Location.

    Specify the Resource Group Location. For example, eastus.

    After executing all the prompts, Identity Manager configuration generator container performs the following actions:

    • A Key vault is created under the resource group.

    • All the sensitive information is pushed to the Key vault.

      NOTE:To access the sensitive information in Azure Key Vault, refer to Quickstart:Azure Key Vault.

    • Terraform files and Helm Charts are created and delivered as IDM_4.8.5_Cloud_Deployment_files.zip file under the shared volume.