17.1 Uploading Identity Manager docker images to Azure Container Registry

Perform the following steps to upload the Identity Manager docker images to Azure Container Registry.

  1. Navigate to the Identity_Manager_4.8.5_Containers directory, run the following command:


    NOTE:A minimum of 6 GB space is required on the current directory to execute the script.

  2. Perform the following steps to sign in to Microsoft Azure CLI.

    1. Log in to https://microsoft.com/devicelogin.

    2. Enter the printed code.

    3. Click Next.

    4. Click Continue.

  3. Specify input for the following prompts:



    Enter the appropriate Azure Account id printed above as-is without double quotes.

    Specify the Azure Account ID generated in step 2.

    Do you want to create azure container registry?

    Specify your choice to create azure container registry.

    • (Conditional) If Yes,

      1. Specify your choice to create new resource group.

        • (Conditional) If yes, specify the Azure Resource group name.

        • (Conditional) If no, specify the existing Azure Resource group name.

          NOTE:Only alpha numeric characters are allowed in the resource group name.

      2. Enter the azure resource group location. For example, eastus.

    • (Conditional) If No, enter the existing azure container registry URL. For example, azureregname.azurecr.io.

  4. (Conditional) To obtain the Azure Container Registry details, perform the following steps:

    1. Login to the Azure portal.

    2. Go to your Resource Group.

    3. Under Resources, click the container registry.

    4. Go to Settings > Access keys and enable the Admin user toggle.

    5. Make a note of Registry Details for further use while running the configuration generator.