2.3 Deploying Containers on Distributed Servers

NetIQ recommends you to use overlay or bridge network mode for deploying all Identity Manager containers in a distributed setup. The scenarios documented in the guide provide instructions and commands to deploy containers in a overlay network. However, you can also use bridge network for deploying containers.

In the following distributed servers scenario, we will deploy the Identity Manager Engine, iManager, PostgreSQL, OSP, and SSPR containers on Docker Host A. On Docker Host B, we will deploy the Remote Loader, Fanout Agent, Identity Applications, ActiveMQ, Form Renderer, and Identity Reporting containers. We will deploy the Consul container on Docker host A. However, you can deploy the Consul container on any of the Docker hosts in your deployment.

The following figure illustrates the deployment of Identity Manager containers on two Docker hosts in a overlay network.

Figure 2-1 Containers Deployment Architecture in an Overlay Network

Perform the following steps to set up an overlay network:

  1. Run the following command on Docker Host A:

    docker run -d -p <host port>:8500 -h consul --name <container name> --restart unless-stopped progrium/consul -server -bootstrap

    For example:

    docker run -d -p 8500:8500 -h consul --name consul --restart unless-stopped progrium/consul -server -bootstrap

  2. On both the Docker Hosts, edit the docker file located at /etc/sysconfig/ directory and add the following line:

    DOCKER_OPTS="-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock --cluster-advertise <Master Server Network Interface>:2375 --cluster-store consul://<Docker Host A IP Address>:<Docker Host A Port>"

    For example:

    DOCKER_OPTS="-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock --cluster-advertise eth0:2375 --cluster-store consul://"

  3. Restart the Docker service on both the Docker hosts:

    systemctl restart docker

  4. On Docker Host B, run the following command to check whether Docker Host B is added to the cluster:

    docker info

    The sample output will be as follows:

    Cluster store: consul://<Docker HOST A IP Address>:8500

    Cluster advertise: <Docker HOST B IP Address>:2375

  5. Create an overlay network on any of the Docker hosts:

    docker network create -d overlay --subnet=<subnet in CID format that represents a network segment> --gateway=<ipv4 gateway> <name of the overlay network>

    For example:

    docker network create -d overlay --subnet= --gateway= idmoverlaynetwork

  6. Run the following command to verify whether the overlay network is created:

    docker network ls

The containers must be deployed in the following order:

2.3.1 Deploying Identity Manager Engine Container

  1. Use the silent properties file generated in the Creating the Silent Properties File section for deploying the container.

  2. From the location where you have extracted the Identity_Manager_4.8.2_Containers.tar.gz file, navigate to the Identity_Manager_4.8.2_Containers directory.

  3. Run the following command to load the image:

    docker load --input IDM_482_identityengine.tar.gz

  4. Deploy the container using the following command:

    docker run -d --ip= --network=idmoverlaynetwork --hostname=identityengine.example.com --name=engine-container -v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts -v /data:/config -p 8028:8028 -p 524:524 -p 389:389 -p 8030:8030 -p 636:636 -e SILENT_INSTALL_FILE=/config/silent.properties --stop-timeout 100 identityengine:idm-4.8.2

  5. To verify whether the container was successfully deployed, check the log files by running the following command:

    tail -f /data/idm/log/idmconfigure.log

  6. To log in to the container, run the following command:

    docker exec -it <container> <command>

    For example,

    docker exec -it engine-container bash

NOTE:To run the Identity Vault utilities such as ndstrace or ndsrepair, log in to the container as a non-root user called as nds. These utilities cannot be run if you are logged in as a root user. To log in to the container as a nds user, run the docker exec -it engine-container su nds command.

2.3.2 Deploying Remote Loader Container

  1. From the location where you have extracted the Identity_Manager_4.8.2_Containers.tar.gz file, navigate to the Identity_Manager_4.8.2_Containers directory.

  2. Run the following command to load the image:

    docker load --input IDM_482_remoteloader.tar.gz

  3. Deploy the container using the following command:

    docker run -d --ip= --network=idmoverlaynetwork --hostname=remoteloader.example.com -p 8090:8090 --name=rl-container -v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts -v /data:/config --stop-timeout 100 remoteloader:idm-4.8.2

    The driver files can be found at the /opt/novell/eDirectory/lib/dirxml/classes/ directory of the container.

  4. To log in to the container, run the following command:

    docker exec -it <container> <command>

    For example,

    docker exec -it rl-container bash

  5. Configure Remote Loader. For more information, see Configuring the Remote Loader and Drivers in the NetIQ Identity Manager Driver Administration Guide.

  6. Ensure that the configuration file is available in the /config shared volume of the container. For example, config8000.txt.

2.3.3 Deploying Fanout Agent Container

  1. From the location where you have extracted the Identity_Manager_4.8.2_Containers.tar.gz file, navigate to the Identity_Manager_4.8.2_Containers directory.

  2. Run the following command to load the image:

    docker load --input IDM_482_fanoutagent.tar.gz

  3. Deploy the container using the following command:

    docker run -d --ip= --network=idmoverlaynetwork --hostname=fanoutagent.example.com --name=foa-container -v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts -v /data:/config --stop-timeout 100 fanoutagent:idm-4.8.2

  4. To log in to the container, run the following command:

    docker exec -it <container> <command>

    For example,

    docker exec -it foa-container bash

  5. Configure the Fanout Agent. For more information, see Configuring the Fanout Agent in the NetIQ Identity Manager Driver for JDBC Fanout Implementation Guide.

2.3.4 Deploying iManager Container

  1. From the location where you have extracted the Identity_Manager_4.8.2_Containers.tar.gz file, navigate to the Identity_Manager_4.8.2_Containers directory.

  2. Run the following command to load the image:

    docker load --input IDM_482_iManager323.tar.gz

  3. Create a .env file with the required configuration to suit your environment. For example, the iManager.env is created in the /data directory.

    # Certificate Public Key Algorithm
    # Allowed Values: RSA, ECDSA256, ECDSA384
    # Cipher Suite
    # Allowed Values:
    # For ECDSA256 - SUITEB128ONLY
    # For ECDSA384 - SUITEB128, SUITEB192
    # Tomcat Server HTTP Port
    # Tomcat Server SSL Port
    # iManager Authorized User (admin_name.container_name.tree_name)
  4. Create a sub-directory called as iManager under the shared volume /data.

  5. Deploy the container using the following command:

    docker run -d --ip= --name=iman-container --network=idmoverlaynetwork --hostname=imanager.example.com -v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts -v /data:/config -v /data/iManager.env:/etc/opt/novell/iManager/conf/iManager.env -p 8743:8743 --stop-timeout 100 imanager:3.2.3

  6. To install the Identity Manager plug-ins, perform the following steps:

    1. Log in to iManager.


    2. Click Configure.

    3. Click Plug-in Installation and then click Available NetIQ Plug-in Modules.

    4. Select all the plug-ins from the NetIQ Plug-in Modules list and then click Install.

    To obtain the plug-ins offline, perform the following steps:

    1. Download the Identity_Manager_4.8.2_Linux.iso from the NetIQ Downloads website.

    2. Mount the downloaded.iso.

    3. From the mounted location, navigate to the /iManager/plugins directory and obtain the required plug-ins.

    Alternatively, you can install the plug-ins from the iManager plug-ins website.

  7. Restart the iManager container.

    docker restart iman-container

  8. To log in to the container, run the following command:

    docker exec -it <container> <command>

    For example,

    docker exec -it iman-container bash

For more information about deploying the iManager container, see the Deploying iManager Using Docker Container in the NetIQ iManager Installation Guide.

2.3.5 Generating Certificates With Identity Vault Certificate Authority

(Conditional) This section applies only if you are using Identity Vault as the Certificate Authority.

The following components require you to generate certificates before they are deployed. Before you generate the certificates for the following components, ensure that you deploy the Identity Manager Engine and iManager containers.

Generating Certificates for OSP

Perform the following steps to generate the certificates:

  1. Log in to the iManager container.

    docker exec -it <container> <command>

    For example,

    docker exec -it iman-container bash

  2. Ensure that you set the Java path. For example, run the following command:

    export PATH=<java installed location>/bin:$PATH

    For example,

    export PATH=/opt/netiq/common/jre/bin/:$PATH

    NOTE:Ensure that the Java version installed is Azul Zulu 1.80_265 or later.

  3. Generate the PKCS keystore:

    keytool -genkey -alias osp -keyalg RSA -storetype pkcs12 -keystore /config/tomcat-osp.ks -validity 3650 -keysize 2048 -dname "CN=osp.example.com" -keypass <password> -storepass <password>

  4. Generate a certificate signing request:

    keytool -certreq -v -alias osp -file /config/osp.csr -keypass <password> -keystore /config/tomcat-osp.ks -storepass <password>

  5. Generate a self-signed certificate:

    1. Launch iManager from Docker host and log in as an administrator.

    2. Navigate to Roles and Tasks > NetIQ Certificate Server > Issue Certificate.

    3. Browse to the .csr file created in step 3. For example, osp.csr.

    4. Click Next.

    5. Specify the key usage and click Next.

    6. For the certificate type, select Unspecified.

    7. Click Next.

    8. Specify the validity of the certificate and click Next.

    9. Select the File in binary DER format radio button.

    10. Click Next.

    11. Click Finish.

    12. Download the certificate and copy the downloaded certificate to the /data directory.

  6. Export the root certificate in .der format:

    1. Launch iManager from Docker host and log in as an administrator.

    2. Navigate to Roles and Tasks > NetIQ Certificate Access > Server Certificates.

    3. Select the SSL CertificateDNS check box and click Export.

    4. In the Certificates drop-down list, select the Organizational CA.

    5. In the Export Format drop-down list, select DER.

    6. Click Next.

    7. Download the certificate and copy the downloaded certificate to the /data directory.

  7. Import the certificates into the PKCS keystore you created in step 2:

    keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root -keystore /config/tomcat-osp.ks -file /config/cert.der -storepass <password> -noprompt

    keytool -import -alias osp -keystore /config/tomcat-osp.ks -file /config/osp.der -storepass <password> -noprompt

NOTE:Ensure that the keystore is available in the path that was specified as an input for deployment.

Generating Certificates for Identity Applications

Perform the following steps to generate the certificates:

  1. Log in to the iManager container.

    docker exec -it <container> <command>

    For example,

    docker exec -it iman-container bash

  2. Ensure that you set the Java path. For example, run the following command:

    export PATH=<java installed location>/bin:$PATH

    For example,

    export PATH=/opt/netiq/common/jre/bin/:$PATH

    NOTE:Ensure that the Java version installed is Azul Zulu 1.80_265 or later.

  3. Generate the PKCS keystore:

    keytool -genkey -alias ua -keyalg RSA -storetype pkcs12 -keystore /config/tomcat-ua.ks -validity 3650 -keysize 2048 -dname "CN=identityapps.example.com" -keypass <password> -storepass <password>

  4. Generate a certificate signing request:

    keytool -certreq -v -alias ua -file /config/ua.csr -keypass <password> -keystore /config/tomcat-ua.ks -storepass <password>

  5. Generate a self-signed certificate:

    1. Log in to iManager as an administrator.

    2. Navigate to Roles and Tasks > NetIQ Certificate Server > Issue Certificate.

    3. Browse to the .csr file created in step 3. For example, ua.csr.

    4. Click Next.

    5. Specify the key usage and click Next.

    6. For the certificate type, select Unspecified.

    7. Click Next.

    8. Specify the validity of the certificate and click Next.

    9. Select the File in binary DER format radio button.

    10. Click Next.

    11. Click Finish.

    12. Download the certificate and copy the downloaded certificate to the /data directory.

  6. Export the root certificate in .der format:

    1. Log in to iManager as an administrator.

    2. Navigate to Roles and Tasks > NetIQ Certificate Access > Server Certificates.

    3. Select the SSL CertificateDNS check box and click Export.

    4. In the Certificates drop-down list, select the Organizational CA.

    5. In the Export Format drop-down list, select DER.

    6. Click Next.

    7. Download the certificate and copy the downloaded certificate to the /data directory.

  7. Import the certificates into the PKCS keystore in step 2:

    keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root -keystore /config/tomcat-ua.ks -file /config/cert.der -storepass <password> -noprompt

    keytool -import -alias ua -keystore /config/tomcat-ua.ks -file /config/ua.der -storepass <password> -noprompt

NOTE:Ensure that the certificates are available in the path that was specified as an input for deployment.

Generating Certificates for Identity Reporting

Perform the following steps to generate the certificates:

  1. Log in to the iManager container.

    docker exec -it <container> <command>

    For example,

    docker exec -it iman-container bash

  2. Ensure that you set the Java path. For example, run the following command:

    export PATH=<java installed location>/bin:$PATH

    For example,

    export PATH=/opt/netiq/common/jre/bin/:$PATH

    NOTE:Ensure that the Java version installed is Azul Zulu 1.80_265 or later.

  3. Generate the PKCS keystore:

    keytool -genkey -alias rpt -keyalg RSA -storetype pkcs12 -keystore /config/tomcat-rpt.ks -validity 3650 -keysize 2048 -dname "CN=identityreporting.example.com" -keypass <password> -storepass <password>

  4. Generate a certificate signing request:

    keytool -certreq -v -alias rpt -file /config/rpt.csr -keypass <password> -keystore /config/tomcat-rpt.ks -storepass <password>

  5. Generate a self-signed certificate:

    1. Log in to iManager as an administrator.

    2. Navigate to Roles and Tasks > NetIQ Certificate Server > Issue Certificate.

    3. Browse to the .csr file created in step 3. For example, rpt.csr.

    4. Click Next.

    5. Specify the key usage and click Next.

    6. For the certificate type, select Unspecified.

    7. Click Next.

    8. Specify the validity of the certificate and click Next.

    9. Select the File in binary DER format radio button.

    10. Click Next.

    11. Click Finish.

    12. Download the certificate and copy the downloaded certificate to the /data directory.

  6. Export the root certificate in .der format:

    1. Log in to iManager as an administrator.

    2. Navigate to Roles and Tasks > NetIQ Certificate Access > Server Certificates.

    3. Select the SSL CertificateDNS check box and click Export.

    4. In the Certificates drop-down list, select the Organizational CA.

    5. In the Export Format drop-down list, select DER.

    6. Click Next.

    7. Download the certificate and copy the downloaded certificate to the /data directory.

  7. Import the certificates into the PKCS keystore you created in step 2:

    keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root -keystore /config/tomcat-rpt.ks -file /config/cert.der -storepass <password> -noprompt

    keytool -import -alias rpt -keystore /config/tomcat-rpt.ks -file /config/rpt.der -storepass <password> -noprompt

NOTE:Ensure that the certificates are available in the path that was specified as an input for deployment.

2.3.6 Deploying OSP Container

NOTE:Before you deploy the OSP container, ensure that you generate the required certificates. For more information, see Generating Certificates for OSP.

  1. Use the silent properties file generated in the Creating the Silent Properties File section for deploying the container.

  2. From the location where you have extracted the Identity_Manager_4.8.2_Containers.tar.gz file, navigate to the Identity_Manager_4.8.2_Containers directory.

  3. Run the following command to load the image:

    docker load --input IDM_482_osp.tar.gz

  4. Deploy the container using the following command:

    docker run -d --ip= --network=idmoverlaynetwork --hostname=osp.example.com -p 8543:8543 --name=osp-container -v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts -v /data:/config -e SILENT_INSTALL_FILE=/config/silent.properties --stop-timeout 100 osp:idm-4.8.2

  5. To verify whether the container was successfully deployed, check the log files by running the following command:

    tail -f /data/osp/log/idmconfigure.log

  6. Run the following command to log in to the container:

    docker exec -it <container> <command>

    For example,

    docker exec -it osp-container bash

  7. Navigate to the /opt/netiq/idm/apps/configupdate/ directory.

  8. Modify the configupdate.sh.properties file.

  9. Set the value of the no_nam_oauth parameter to false.

  10. Save the configupdate.sh.properties file.

  11. Run the following command to exit the container.


2.3.7 Deploying PostgreSQL Container

  1. From the location where you have extracted the Identity_Manager_4.8.2_Containers.tar.gz file, navigate to the Identity_Manager_4.8.2_Containers directory.

  2. Run the following command to load the image:

    docker load --input IDM_482_postgres.tar.gz

  3. Create a sub-directory under the shared volume /data, for example, postgres.

    mkdir postgres

  4. Deploy the container using the following command:

    docker run -d --ip= --network=idmoverlaynetwork --hostname=postgresql.example.com --name=postgresql-container -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<password> -v /data/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data -v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts -v /data:/config --stop-timeout 100 postgres:12.2-alpine

    For example,

    docker run -d --ip= --network=idmoverlaynetwork --hostname=postgresql.example.com --name=postgresql-container -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=novell -v /data/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data -v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts -v /data:/config --stop-timeout 100 postgres:12.2-alpine

  5. Create the idmdamin user for Identity Applications.

    docker exec -it postgresql-container psql -U postgres -c "CREATE USER idmadmin WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '<password>'"

  6. Create the Identity Applications, Workflow, and Identity Reporting databases.

    docker exec -it postgresql-container psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE idmuserappdb"

    docker exec -it postgresql-container psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE igaworkflowdb"

    docker exec -it postgresql-container psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE idmrptdb"

    NOTE:These databases are used while you configure the Identity Applications and Identity Reporting containers.

  7. Grant all the privileges on the databases for the idmadmin user:

    docker exec -it postgresql-container psql -U postgres -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE idmuserappdb TO idmadmin"

    docker exec -it postgresql-container psql -U postgres -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE igaworkflowdb TO idmadmin"

  8. To log in to the container, run the following command:

    docker exec -it <container> <command>

    For example,

    docker exec -it postgresql-container bash

2.3.8 Deploying Identity Applications Container

NOTE:Before you deploy the Identity Applications container, ensure that you generate the required certificates. For more information, see Generating Certificates for Identity Applications.

  1. Use the silent properties file generated in the Creating the Silent Properties File section for deploying the container.

    NOTE:Specify the exposed port, 18543, as the value for the application server port.

  2. From the location where you have extracted the Identity_Manager_4.8.2_Containers.tar.gz file, navigate to the Identity_Manager_4.8.2_Containers directory.

  3. Run the following command to load the image:

    docker load --input IDM_482_identityapplication.tar.gz

  4. Deploy the container using the following command:

    docker run -d --ip= --network=idmoverlaynetwork --hostname=identityapps.example.com -p 18543:18543 --name=idapps-container -v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts -v /data:/config -e SILENT_INSTALL_FILE=/config/silent.properties --stop-timeout 100 identityapplication:idm-4.8.2

  5. To verify whether the container was successfully deployed, check the log files by running the following command:

    tail -f /data/userapp/log/idmconfigure.log

  6. Run the following command to log in to the container:

    docker exec -it <container> <command>

    For example,

    docker exec -it idapps-container bash

  7. Run the following command:

    NOTE:Before performing this step, ensure that the container is deployed successfully.

    /opt/netiq/common/jre/bin/keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore /config/tomcat-osp.ks -srcstorepass <password> -destkeystore /opt/netiq/idm/apps/tomcat/conf/idm.jks -deststorepass <password>

  8. Type yes to overwrite the entry for the root alias.

  9. Run the following command to exit the container.


  10. Restart the Identity Applications container.

    docker restart idapps-container

NOTE:To modify any settings in the configuration update utility, launch configupdate.sh from the /opt/netiq/idm/apps/configupdate/ directory of the Identity Applications container. The configuration update utility can be launched in console mode only.

2.3.9 Deploying Form Renderer Container

  1. Use the silent properties file generated in the Creating the Silent Properties File section for deploying the container.

  2. From the location where you have extracted the Identity_Manager_4.8.2_Containers.tar.gz file, navigate to the Identity_Manager_4.8.2_Containers directory.

  3. Run the following command to load the image:

    docker load --input IDM_482_formrenderer.tar.gz

  4. Deploy the container using the following command:

    docker run -d --ip= --network=idmoverlaynetwork --hostname=formrenderer.example.com -p 8600:8600 --name=fr-container -v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts -v /data:/config -e SILENT_INSTALL_FILE=/config/silent.properties --stop-timeout 100 formrenderer:idm-4.8.2

  5. To log in to the container, run the following command:

    docker exec -it <container> <command>

    For example,

    docker exec -it fr-container bash

2.3.10 Deploying ActiveMQ Container

NOTE:This procedure assumes that you will use the ActiveMQ container with the Identity Applications container. To use the ActiveMQ container with the Fanout Agent container, you must deploy a new instance of the ActiveMQ container with different IP address and ports.

  1. Use the silent properties file generated in the Creating the Silent Properties File section for deploying the container.

  2. From the location where you have extracted the Identity_Manager_4.8.2_Containers.tar.gz file, navigate to the Identity_Manager_4.8.2_Containers directory.

  3. Run the following command to load the image:

    docker load --input IDM_482_activemq.tar.gz

  4. Deploy the container using the following command:

    docker run -d --ip= --network=idmoverlaynetwork --hostname=activemq.example.com -p 8161:8161 -p 61616:61616 --name=amq-container -v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts -v /data:/config --env-file /data/silent.properties --stop-timeout 100 activemq:idm-4.8.2

  5. To log in to the container, run the following command:

    docker exec -it <container> <command>

    For example,

    docker exec -it amq-container bash

2.3.11 Deploying Identity Reporting Container

NOTE:Before you deploy the Identity Reporting container, ensure that you generate the required certificates. For more information, see Generating Certificates for Identity Reporting.

  1. Use the silent properties file generated in the Creating the Silent Properties File section for deploying the container.

    NOTE:Specify the exposed port, 28543, as the value for the application server port.

  2. From the location where you have extracted the Identity_Manager_4.8.2_Containers.tar.gz file, navigate to the Identity_Manager_4.8.2_Containers directory.

  3. Run the following command to load the image:

    docker load --input IDM_482_identityreporting.tar.gz

  4. Deploy the container using the following command:

    docker run -d --ip= --network=idmoverlaynetwork --hostname=identityreporting.example.com -p 28543:28543 --name=rpt-container -v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts -v /data:/config -e SILENT_INSTALL_FILE=/config/silent.properties --stop-timeout 100 identityreporting:idm-4.8.2

  5. To verify whether the container was successfully deployed, check the log files by running the following command:

    tail -f /data/reporting/log/idmconfigure.log

  6. Run the following command to log in to the container:

    docker exec -it <container> <command>

    For example,

    docker exec -it rpt-container bash

  7. Run the following command:

    NOTE:Before performing this step, ensure that the container is deployed successfully.

    /opt/netiq/common/jre/bin/keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore /config/tomcat-osp.ks -srcstorepass <password> -destkeystore /opt/netiq/idm/apps/tomcat/conf/idm.jks -deststorepass <password>

  8. Type yes to overwrite the entry for the root alias.

  9. Run the following command to exit the container.


  10. Restart the Identity Reporting container.

    docker restart rpt-container

2.3.12 Deploying SSPR Container

Perform the following tasks to deploy the SSPR container:

  1. Use the silent properties file generated in the Creating the Silent Properties File section for deploying the container.

  2. Create a sub-directory under the shared volume /data, for example, sspr.

    mkdir sspr

  3. From the location where you have extracted the Identity_Manager_4.8.2_Containers.tar.gz file, navigate to the Identity_Manager_4.8.2_Containers directory.

  4. Run the following command to load the image:

    docker load --input IDM_482_sspr.tar.gz

  5. Deploy the container using the following command:

    docker run -d --ip= --network=idmoverlaynetwork --hostname=sspr.example.com --name=sspr-container -v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts -v /data/sspr:/config -p 8443:8443 --stop-timeout 100 sspr/sspr-webapp:latest

  6. Run the following command from the Docker host to copy the silent.properties file from the Docker host to SSPR container:

    docker cp /data/silent.properties sspr-container:/tmp

  7. Load the silent properties file to the SSPR container.

    docker exec -it sspr-container /app/command.sh ImportPropertyConfig /tmp/silent.properties

    NOTE:Check if the SSPRConfiguration.xml is created under the /config directory of SSPR container and verify the content of the file.

  8. Import the OAuth certificate to SSPR:

    1. From the Docker host, edit the SSPRConfiguration.xml file located at /data/sspr directory and set the value of the configIsEditable flag to true and save the changes.

    2. Launch a browser and enter the https://sspr.example.com:8443/sspr URL.

    3. Click OK.

    4. Log in using administrator credentials, for example, uaadmin.

    5. Click on the user, for example, uaadmin, on the top-right corner and then click Configuration Editor.

    6. Specify the configuration password and click Sign In.

    7. Click Settings > Single Sign On (SSO) Client > OAuth and ensure that all URLs use the HTTPS protocol and correct ports.

    8. Under OAuth Server Certificate, click Import from Server to import a new certificate and then click OK.

    9. Click at the top-right corner to save the certificate.

    10. Review the changes and click OK.

    11. After the SSPR application is restarted, edit the SSPRConfiguration.xml file and set the value of the configIsEditable flag to false and save the changes.