17.0 Monitoring Workflows

This chapter only applies to Identity Manager 4.8.6 and later.

After the Workflow Engine initiates a workflow, you can track its progress on the Workflow Monitoring page. You can view the current status, reassign activities within the workflow, terminate a workflow, and even view the comments logged during its execution.

Go to Administration > Workflow Monitoring to monitor and manage workflows.

You must have one of the following identity applications roles to monitor workflows:

  • Security Administrator

  • Provisioning Administrator

NOTE:After upgrading Identity Manager to 4.8.6, the security and provisioning administrator roles must be listed as trustee in the access settings. However, in some upgrade instances, the default trustee for workflow monitoring is left blank, and the Workflow Monitoring page is accessible to all users. To restrict the access, add the roles to the client settings file. For more information, see TID: KM000011013.

This chapter helps you to perform the following activities: