2.2 Applying the Driver Patch

The driver patch updates the driver files. You can install the patch as a root or non-root user.

2.2.1 Prerequisites

Before installing the patch, complete the following steps:

  1. Take a back-up of the current driver configuration.

  2. (Conditional) If the driver is running with the Identity Manager engine, stop the Identity Vault and the driver instance.

  3. (Conditional) If the driver is running with a Remote Loader instance, start the Remote Loader instance and the driver instance.

  4. In a browser, navigate to the NetIQ Patch Finder Download Page.

  5. Under Patches, click Search Patches.

  6. Specify the driver name in the search box.

  7. Download and unzip the contents of the patch file to a temporary location on your server.

2.2.2 Applying the Patch as a Root User

In a root installation, the driver patch installs the driver files RPMs in the default locations on Linux. On Windows, you need to manually copy the files to the default locations.

  1. Update the driver files:

    • Linux: To upgrade the existing RPM, log in as root and run the following command in a command prompt:

      rpm -Uvh <Driver Patch File Temporary Location>/linux/<driver filename>.rpm

      For example, rpm -Uvh <IDM4.5_FanoutAgent_1110.zip>/linux/<driver filename>.rpm

    • Windows: Navigate to the <Extracted Driver Patch File Temporary Location>\windows folder and copy the following files to <IdentityManager installation>\NDS\lib or <IdentityManager installation>\RemoteLoader\lib folder:

      • <driver common filename>.jar

      • <driver shim filename>.jar

      • <driver util filename>.jar

  2. (Conditional) Start the Remote Loader instance.

  3. (Conditional) Start the driver.

2.2.3 Applying the Patch as a Non-Root User

Perform the following steps if you are installing the patch as a non-root user.

  1. Verify that <non-root eDirectory location>/rpm directory exists and contains the file, _db.000.

    If _db.000 is not present in this directory, the installation will not succeed.

  2. To set the root directory to non-root eDirectory location, enter the following command in the command prompt:

    ROOTDIR=<non-root eDirectory location>

    This will set the environmental variables to the directory where eDirectory is installed as a non-root user.

  3. To install the driver files, enter the following command:

    rpm --dbpath $ROOTDIR/rpm -Uvh --relocate=/usr=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/eDirectory --relocate=/etc=$ROOTDIR/etc --relocate=/opt/novell/eDirectory=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/eDirectory --relocate=/opt/novell/dirxml=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/dirxml --relocate=/var=$ROOTDIR/var --badreloc --nodeps --replacefiles <rpm-location>