1.8 Using the Overview Page

1.8.1 About the Overview Page

The Overview page is the first page you see when you log in to Identity Reporting. This page provides an overview of the data in the system. The top of the page includes summary information, such as the number of report definitions and the number of started, failed, and completed reports. The page also includes a search facility that provides a quick way to find report definitions by name.

Below the report summary area, the page shows several additional sections. These sections give you a convenient way to see a list of the most recently completed reports and the reports scheduled to be run. At the bottom of the page, you can find details about Identity Reporting configuration, such as the number of Identity Vaults and non-managed applications configured, and the current setting for data retention.

1.8.2 Viewing the Report Summary

The top of the Overview page provides a summary count of the number of report definitions, reports generated today, and completed reports in the system at the current time.

To see a list of the report definitions on the Repository page, click the text that shows the summary count (for example, 17 Report Definitions).

To see a list of the completed reports on the Completed and Running Reports page, click the text that shows the count (for example, 64 completed reports).

1.8.3 Searching for Report Definition

  1. Type a search string in the Search report definitions text field.

    For complete details about entering a search string, see Searching for Report Definition.

  2. Click Go.

    The interface displays the Repository page with a list of the reports that satisfy your search criteria.

    You can clear the current search criteria and refresh the display by clicking Overview on the left navigation menu, or by clearing the Search report definitions field and clicking the Go button again.

1.8.4 Viewing the List of Recently Completed Reports

The Recently Completed Reports section of the page lists the reports that finished most recently.

To open the generated PDF (or CSV) file for a particular report in the list, click the text that shows the report name (for example, Resource Assignments by Resource - 10/1/2010 3:04 PM).

1.8.5 Viewing the List of Scheduled Reports

The Upcoming Reports section of the page lists the next five reports that are scheduled to run.

To see a particular scheduled report on the Calendar page, click the text that shows the schedule date for the report (for example, Scheduled on 5/6/2017).

1.8.6 Viewing the Configurations

The Configurations section of the page shows all of the managed systems and Identity Vaults that have been configured for the reporting system, as well as the retention period specified for the collected data and the date that the data was last collected.

To see the settings for the configured Identity Vaults on the Identity Vault Data Sources page, click the text that shows the number of vaults configured (for example, 1 Identity Vault(s)). To see the settings for the non-managed applications, click the text that shows the number of applications configured (for example, 0 configured Applications).