6.1 Command Transformation - Create Departmental Container - Part 1 and Part 2

This rule creates a department container in the destination data store, if one does not exist. Implement the rule on the Command Transformation policy in the driver.

There are two steps involved in using the predefined rules: creating a policy in the Command Transformation policy set, and importing the predefined rule. If you already have a Command Transformation policy that you want to add this rule to, skip to Importing the Predefined Rule.

6.1.1 Creating a Policy

  1. Open the Identity Manager Driver Overview for the driver you want to manage.

    For instructions on how to access the Identity Manager Driver Overview page, see Accessing the Identity Manager Driver Overview Page.

  2. Click the Command Transformation Policy set object on the Publisher or Subscriber channel.

  3. Click Insert.

  4. Name the policy, make sure to implement the policy with the Policy Builder, then click OK.

    The Policy Builder is launched.

  5. Continue with Importing the Predefined Rule.

6.1.2 Importing the Predefined Rule

  1. In the Policy Builder, click Insert.

  2. Select Command Transformation - Create Departmental Container - Part 1.

  3. Expand the predefined rule.

    Command Transformation - create department container - part 1
  4. Click Insert.

  5. Select Command Transformation - Create Departmental Container - Part 2.

  6. Expand the predefined rule.

    Command Transformation - create department container - part 2
  7. Click OK.

    There is no information to change in the rules that is specific to your environment.

IMPORTANT:Make sure that the rules are listed in order. Part 1 must be executed before Part 2.

6.1.3 How the Rule Works

This rule is used when the destination location for an object does not exist. Instead of getting a veto because the object cannot be placed, this rule creates the container and places the object in the container.

Part 1 looks for any Add operation. When the Add operation occurs, two local variables are set. The first local variable is named target-container. The value of target-container is set to the destination DN. The second local variable is named does-target-exist. The value of does-target-exist is set to the destination attribute value of objectclass. The class is set to OrganizationalUnit. The DN of the OrganizationalUnit is set to the local variable of target-container.

Figure 6-1 Create Container

Part 2 checks to see if the local variable does-target-exist is available. It also checks to see if the value of the local variable does-target-exist is set to a blank value. If the value is blank, then an Organizational Unit object is created. The DN of the organizational unit is set to the value of the local variable target-container. It also adds the value for the OU attribute. The value of the OU attribute is set to the name of the new organizational unit, which is obtained by parsing the value of the local variable target-container.

For more information on the Editor and how to access it, see Argument Builder.