8.2 Creating an XDS Input Document

In order to simulate a policy, you must have a valid XDS Input document. The policy consumes the input document and the results are displayed as if the policy was executed. The simulator provides a graphical editor, to help you create the input document. The editor is called the XDS Builder.

You access the XDS Builder by clicking the XDS Builder tab in the Policy Simulator.

For information on how to access the Policy Simulator, see Accessing the Policy Simulator.

Figure 8-1 XDS Builder

Click the Source tab in the Policy Simulator to display the input document in XML. The XDS Builder creates this input document. You can modify the XML by editing the XML directly or using the XDS Builder.

The XDS Builder allows you to select the operation type as well as provide the operation parameters, attributes, and values. XDS Builder saves the parameters and values of the simulator for the current Designer session. To make the simulator input available after Designer has been shut down, save the input document to disk.

After you have created the XDS input document, you need to analyze the results. For more information, see Simulating a Policy.

The Policy Simulator has several different components. Each component helps create the input document to test the policy against.

8.2.1 Source

The Policy Simulator allows you to create the input document in XML without using the builder. The Source tab is an XML editor.

8.2.2 Import an XDS Document

The Policy Simulator allows you to import an existing input document to test the policy against.

  1. In the toolbar, select Import an XDS input document from a file .

  2. Browse to and select the existing input document, then click Open.

  3. Click Next to test the policy against this existing information.

Designer comes with sample input document files you can use. The files are located in the plug-in com.novell.designer.idm.policy\simulation. The events are Add, Association, Delete, Instance, Modify, Move, Query, Rename, and Status.

8.2.3 Use an Identity Vault Object As a Template

The Policy Simulator allows you to use an existing Identity Vault object to populate the input document.

  1. In the toolbar, select Browse to an object in the Identity Vault to use as a template .

  2. If you are not logged in to the Identity Vault, specify the following information; otherwise skip to Step 3.

    1. Specify the host name of the Identity Vault server.

      It can be the IP address of the server or the DNS name of the server.

    2. Specify a DN of a user object to authentication to the Identity Vault.

    3. Specify the password of the user in Step 2.b, then click OK.

  3. Browse to and select the desired object, then click OK.

    If the simulation point is set to Input, Output, or Schema Map Inbound, a warning message is displayed. (For more information about simulation points, see Simulation Point.) The warning message informs the user that the input document should be created by using the application’s attribute names and value formats. The XDS Builder converts the Identity Vault attribute names to the corresponding application attribute by using the Schema Map policy, as long as the driver references the Schema Map policy. However, the values for the attributes might be in an incorrect format.

  4. Click OK if a warning message is displayed.

  5. Click Next to test the policy against the object.

8.2.4 Clear All Parameters

The Policy Simulator allows you to clear all parameters, attributes, and values that have been set. You can create a new input document without launching the XDS Builder again.

  1. In the toolbar, select Clear .

  2. Specify information to create a new input document.

8.2.5 Configuration Options

The Policy Simulator allows you to set configuration options for the simulation.

  1. In the toolbar, select Configure options for the simulation .

  2. Specify the desired XSL Trace Level.

    If you have XSL in your policy and you want to see the XSL trace results, specify a value. If the value is set to 0, no information is displayed. The range of the trace value is 0 to 4.

  3. Specify the desired Driver Trace Level.

    To set the results of the simulation, set a value in the Driver Trace Level field. The range of the trace value is 0 to 5.

  4. Click OK.

8.2.6 Save the Input Document

The Policy Simulator does not store the input document for future sessions in Designer. If you want to use the input document for a later session in Designer, the input document must be saved.

  1. In the toolbar, click Save .

  2. Browse to a location where you want to save the file, then specify a filename.

  3. Click Save to save the input document.

NetIQ recommends that you do not save the input document in the same directory where Designer is installed or it might be overwritten during a Designer upgrade.

8.2.7 Simulation Point

The Policy Simulator allows you to select a policy set or group of policies to simulate with a specific operation.

Figure 8-2 Simulation Point in the Policy Simulator

You can select a Driver object, Publisher channel, Subscriber channel, policy, or rule as the simulation point. If you select a Driver object, Publisher channel, or Subscriber channel, the Simulation Point options are:


Publisher Placement

Subscriber Command

Schema Map Inbound

Publisher Command

Subscriber Placement

Publisher Event

Publisher Notify Filter

Subscriber Creation

Publisher Sync Filter


Subscriber Matching

Publisher Matching

Schema Mapping Outbound

Subscriber Event

Publisher Creation

Subscriber Notify Filter

Subscriber Sync Filter

NOTE:If you want to test a single policy, launch the simulator from the selected policy. If you do select a specific policy or rule to test, the Simulation Point options are To Identity Vault and From Identity Vault.

8.2.8 Operation

The XDS Builder allows you to select the type of operation that the input document performs.

Figure 8-3 Operation Options in the XDS Builder

The available operations are:



Remove Association

Add Association

Modify Association


Check Object Password

Modify Password


Check Password






Get Named Password

Extended Query

Depending upon which operation is selected, the XDS Builder displays different options and screens.

8.2.9 Parameter and Value

The XDS Builder allows you to define parameters and specify values for the selected operation. Each operation displays different parameters.

Figure 8-4 Parameters and Values in the XDS Builder

The list of parameters for each operation is set, and cannot be changed. You do not need to have each parameter defined for the simulation to work; just define the parameters that apply to your policy. You can edit the parameter value by double-clicking the value or selecting the value and clicking the Edit button.

All parameter values are edited inline, with the exception of Class and Operation Data parameters. Editing these parameters launches a dialog box that allows you to select a class name or edit the operation data.

Parameters that contain a reference to an object enable the Browse button. Although these values can be edited inline, the Browse button allows you to browse for an object in the Identity Vault.

Editing the Class parameter launches the application class browser when the Input, Output, or Schema Map inbound policy simulation point is selected. For all other simulation points, the Identity Vault class browser is opened. If the desired class is not included in the application or Identity Vault schema, it can be added during the simulation process. For more information about managing a schema in Designer, see Class List Toolbar in the NetIQ Designer for Identity Manager Administration Guide.

Editing the Operation Data parameter launches the Operation Data editor. For more information, see Using the Operation Data Editor.

8.2.10 Attributes

The Input Document Attributes field allows you to add, edit, and remove attribute values for simulating operations.

Figure 8-5 XSD Input Document - Attribute Field

The Attribute Field of the XSD input document

Working with Attribute Values

Because there are several different attribute types, the Attributes field provides different ways of manipulating attribute values.

  • Add a New Attribute: To add a new attribute to the attribute list, click Add Attribute. For more information, see Simulating the Adding of an Attribute.

  • Remove an Attribute: To remove an attribute from the attribute list, select the attribute, then click Remove (or right-click the attribute, then select Remove.)

  • Add an Attribute Value: To add another value to an existing attribute, select the attribute, then click Add (or right-click the attribute, then select Add.

  • Remove an Attribute Value: To remove a value from an existing attribute, select the value, then click Remove (or right-click the value, then select Remove.)

  • Change an Attribute Value: To change the value of an existing attribute, select an attribute value, then click Edit (or double-click an attribute value.)

    If the attribute uses a structured value, you can change each of the value components separately. You cannot modify the entire structured value at once.

    If the attribute is an octet string, Simulator opens the Hex Editor to modify the value. For more information, see Using the Hex Editor.

  • Identity Vault Schema When working with Identity Vault attributes with structured values, the Simulator displays customized Value editor dialog boxes that describe each of the structured value components. For example, adding a Facsimile Telephone Number attribute launches a Value Editor dialog box that asks for the Fax Number, Bit Count, and Parameters for the attribute, each of which is a component of the Facsimile Telephone Number structured value.

    However, when working with an Application schema, the Simulator uses a generic structured value dialog box since it cannot know the type of data that comprises the structured value.

Simulating the Adding of an Attribute

  1. Select Add in the Operation field of the Simulator.

  2. Double-click Class in the Parameter field of the Simulator.

  3. Browse to and select the desired class, the click OK.

  4. Click Add Attribute.

    The Add Attribute icon launches the Identity Vault or application attribute browser, based on the simulation point.

  5. Browse to and select the desired attribute, then click OK.

  6. Specify the attribute value, then click OK.

    Based on the attribute type, Simulator opens either the Value editor or the Hex editor so you can specify the attribute value.

  7. Click Next in the Simulator to view the results of the Add operation with the specified attribute value.

Simulating the Modification of an Attribute

There are multiple events that cause an attribute to be modified. They are:

  • Add Value: Adds a new value to the attribute.

  • Remove Value: Removes a single value from the attribute.

  • Remove All Values: Removes all values stored in the attribute.

  • Remove: Removes the attribute.

When you are simulating a Modify operation, you need to select which event occurs to modify the attribute. The Simulator allows you to do that:

  1. In the Policy Simulator, select Modify in the Operation field of the XDS Builder.

  2. Double-click Class in the Parameter column.

  3. Browse to and select the desired class, then click OK.

  4. Click the Add Attribute button.

  5. Browse to and select the desired attribute, then click OK.

  6. Right-click the attribute, then select one of the modifying events:

    • Add Value

    • Remove Value

    • Remove All Values

    • Remove

    You can add multiple events to a single attribute.

  7. Click Next in the Policy Simulator to view the results of the Modify operation.

The Policy Simulator allows you to modify the values of the attribute and change the order of events that occur to an attribute. When you right-click an event in the Attributes field, you have additional options that allow to make these changes:

  • Add: Allows you to add content to the attribute value.

  • Change to Add Value/Change to Remove Value: Allows you to change the event from Add Value to Remove Value or vice versa.

  • Remove: Removes the selected event from the list of events to occur on an attribute.

  • Move Up: Moves the selected event up in the order of execution.

  • Move Down: Moves the selected event down in the order of execution.