29.2 Resource Web Service Interface

This section provides details about the methods available with the Resource Web service. This programming interface presumes you’re using Java code generated by the WSSDK toolkit. The interface will be different if you’re using another Web Service toolkit.

29.2.1 IRemoteResource

This section provides reference information for each method associated with the IRemoteResource interface.


Checks to see if a particular value exists in the code map table for a specified entitlement and logical system. The method returns the status for the code map value as a CodeMapValueStatus object.

This method is one of three SOAP endpoints to help you keep the code map tables for the Roles Based Provisioning Module synchronized with the code map tables for the Role Mapping Administrator. The user interface for the Role Mapping Administrator can trigger a code map refresh if a mismatch is discovered while a user is creating mappings. In addition, the Roles Based Provisioning Module allows you to use the three SOAP endpoints to refresh selected entitlements within its code map tables.

In addition to checkCodeMapValueStatus, the Roles Based Provisioning Module includes the following endpoints to help with code map synchronization:

  • getRefreshStatus

  • refreshCodeMap

The Entitlement Query Settings section of the Configure Roles and Resources Settings page in the User Application allows you to specify how often the Roles Based Provisioning Module code map tables are refreshed and also start a manual refresh. However, this page does not allow to refresh selected entitlements. To control which entitlements are refreshed, you need to use the SOAP endpoints.

For additional information on the getRefreshStatus endpoint, see getRefreshStatus. For additional information on the refreshCodeMap endpoint, see refreshCodeMap.

For code samples that use the new methods for code map synchronization, see Code Map Synchronization Code Samples.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public CodeMapValueStatus checkCodeMapValueStatus(String entitilementDN, String connectionName, String codeMapValue)
       throws NrfServiceException, RemoteException;

The parameters are described below:

  • entitlementDN entitlement DN as a string.

    For example:

  • connectionName connection (logical system) name. This is an optional parameter. Only fanout drivers need to specify the connection name.

  • codeMapValue code map value to verify.

    For example:


SOAP Request: Here is the SOAP request:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ser="http://www.netiq.com/resource/service">

SOAP Response: Here is the SOAP response:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<ns1:checkCodeMapValueStatusResponse xmlns="http://www.netiq.com/resource/service" xmlns:ns1="http://www.netiq.com/resource/service">
<connectionName xsi:nil="1"/>


Creates a new resource according to the specified parameters, and returns a DN of the created resource.

A correlation ID is generated automatically for this method that uses this format:


The correlation ID is used for auditing.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public String createResource(Resource resource)
            throws NrfServiceException, RemoteException;

The parameters are described below:

  • resource specifies the resource object to create.


Creates a new resource, with a correlation ID that you provide. The correlation ID is used for auditing to link a set of related resources. This method creates the resource according to the specified parameters, and returns a DN of the created resource.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public String createResourceAid(Resource resource, String correlationId)
            throws NrfServiceException, RemoteException;


Finds all Resource objects based on the search criteria specified in the given Resource object.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public Resource[] findResourceByExampleWithOperator(Resource searchCriteria, boolean useAndForMultiValueSearch)
            throws NrfServiceException, RemoteException;

The parameters are described below:

  • searchCriteria specifies Query by Example (QBE) search criteria within a Resource object.

  • useAndForMultiValueSearch determines whether AND or OR will be used for multi-value search expressions. If you specify a value of true, AND will be used for multi-value searches; if you specify a value of false, OR will be used.


Returns an array of ProvisioningCodeMap objects, which include code map information from the code map and code map label tables.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

ProvisioningCodeMap[] getEntitlementCodeMap(java.lang.String codeMapKey, int type)
        throws com.novell.idm.nrf.soap.ws.resource.NrfServiceException, java.rmi.RemoteException;

The parameters are described below:

  • codeMapKey specifies the code map key to retrieve values from. The codeMapKey is a GUID that acts as a unique identifier for the code map. For example:

  • type specifies the code map type. A value of 0 filters the list to include entitlement code maps only.


Gets the refresh status of a code map based on a specified entitlement DN. This method returns the status as an array of CodeMapRefreshStatus objects. The structure returned contains the DN, GUID, connection name status, and last refresh time.

This method is one of three SOAP endpoints to help you keep the code map tables for the Roles Based Provisioning Module synchronized with the code map tables for the Role Mapping Administrator. The user interface for the Role Mapping Administrator can trigger a code map refresh if a mismatch is discovered while a user is creating mappings. In addition, the Roles Based Provisioning Module allows you to use the three SOAP endpoints to refresh selected entitlements within its code map tables.

In addition to getRefreshStatus, the Roles Based Provisioning Module includes the following endpoints to help with code map synchronization:

  • checkCodeMapValueStatus

  • refreshCodeMap

The Entitlement Query Settings section of the Configure Roles and Resources Settings page in the User Application allows you to specify how often the Roles Based Provisioning Module code map tables are refreshed and also start a manual refresh. However, this page does not allow to refresh selected entitlements. To control which entitlements are refreshed, you need to use the SOAP endpoints.

For additional information on the checkCodeMapValueStatus endpoint, see checkCodeMapValueStatus. For additional information on the refreshCodeMap endpoint, see refreshCodeMap.

For code samples that use the new methods for code map synchronization, see Code Map Synchronization Code Samples.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

 public CodeMapRefreshStatus[] getRefreshStatus(String entitlementDN)
           throws NrfServiceException, RemoteException;

The parameters are described below:

  • entitlementDN entitlement DN as a string

    For example:


SOAP Request: Here is the SOAP request:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ser="http://www.netiq.com/resource/service">

SOAP Response: Here is the SOAP response:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<ns1:getRefreshStatusResponse xmlns="http://www.netiq.com/resource/service" xmlns:ns1="http://www.netiq.com/resource/service">
<connectionName xsi:nil="1"/>


Returns the resource assignments for the current user.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

ResourceAssignment[] getResourceAssignmentsForCurrentUser()
        throws com.novell.idm.nrf.soap.ws.resource.NrfServiceException, java.rmi.RemoteException;


Returns the resource assignments for a particular user.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

ResourceAssignment[] getResourceAssignmentsForUser(java.lang.String userDn)
        throws com.novell.idm.nrf.soap.ws.resource.NrfServiceException, java.rmi.RemoteException;

The parameters are described below:

  • userDn DN of the target user


Returns the resource assignments for a particular resource.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

ResourceAssignment[] getAssignmentsForResource(java.lang.String resourceDn)
        throws com.novell.idm.nrf.soap.ws.resource.NrfServiceException, java.rmi.RemoteException;

The parameters are described below:

  • resourceDn DN of the target resource


Returns all resource request status items for a given correlation ID.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public ResourceAssignmentRequestStatus[]
                   (String correlationId, String locale)
               throws NrfServiceException, RemoteException;

The parameters are described below:

  • correlationId specifies a resource assignment request correlation ID.

  • locale supplies an iso639 language code to format localized string values; if the parameter is null, the language defaults to the servlet request locale.

This method returns all resource request status instances for the specified correlationId parameter value. For more information on the ResourceAssignmentRequestStatus class, see ResourceAssignmentRequestStatus.


Returns all resource request status items for the authenticated user.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

 public ResourceAssignmentRequestStatus[]     
                  getResourceRequestStatusForCurrentUser(String locale)
               throws NrfServiceException, RemoteException;

The parameters are described below:

  • locale supplies an iso639 language code to format localized string values; if the parameter is null, the language defaults to the servlet request locale.

This method returns all resource request status instances for the specified correlationId parameter value. For more information on the ResourceAssignmentRequestStatus class, see ResourceAssignmentRequestStatus.


Returns all resource assignment request status items for a particular user identity.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public ResourceAssignmentRequestStatus[]
           getResourceRequestStatusByIdentity(String identity, String locale)
        throws NrfServiceException, RemoteException;

The parameters are described below:

  • identity specifies the DN for a user.

  • locale supplies an iso639 language code to format localized string values; if the parameter is null, the language defaults to the servlet request locale.

This method returns all resource request status instances for the specified correlationId parameter value. For more information on the ResourceAssignmentRequestStatus class, see ResourceAssignmentRequestStatus.


Returns a list of code map values for a specified code map.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public CodeMapValue[] getCodeMapValues(String codeMapKey, String locale)
            throws NrfServiceException, RemoteException;

The parameters are described below:

  • codeMapKey specifies the code map key to retrieve values from. The codeMapKey is a GUID that acts as a unique identifier for the code map. For example:

  • locale supplies an iso639 language code to format localized string values; if the parameter is null, the language defaults to the servlet request locale.


Returns a resource object.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

 public Resource getResource(String dn, String locale)
            throws NrfServiceException, RemoteException;

The parameters are described below:

  • dn specifies the DN of the resource you want to retrieve.

  • locale supplies an iso639 language code to format localized string values; if the parameter is null, the language defaults to the servlet request locale.


Gets the localized strings for a resource, such as the names and descriptions. The type parameter lets you specify whether the names or descriptions should be retrieved.

Syntax: Here is the method syntax:

public LocalizedValue[] getResourceLocalizedStrings(String resourceDn, int type)throws NrfServiceException, RemoteException;

The parameters are described below:

  • resourceDn specifies the DN of the resource for which you want to get the localized strings.

  • type specifies the type of localized strings you want to retrieve. A type value of 1 retrieves a list of names for the resource, whereas a type value of 2 retrieves a list of descriptions.


Returns a list of ResourceInfo instances given a list of category keys.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public ResourceInfo[] getResourcessInfoByCategory(CategoryKey[] resourceCategoryKeys)
            throws NrfServiceException, RemoteException;

The parameters are described below:

  • resourceCategoryKeys specifies the list of resource category keys to retrieve resource information objects for.


Returns a list of ResourceInfo instances given a list of resource DNs.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public ResourceInfo[] getResourcessInfo(DNString[] resDns)
            throws NrfServiceException, RemoteException;

The parameters are described below:

  • resDns provides a list of resource DNs for which you want to retrieve resource information objects.


Modifies a resource definition. This method does not perform a localized string modification update. To update the localized names or descriptions for a resource, you need to use the setResourceLocalizedStrings method.

A correlation ID is generated automatically for this method that uses this format:


Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public Resource modifyResource(Resource resource)
            throws NrfServiceException, RemoteException;

The parameters are described below:

  • resource specifies the resource object to modify.


Modifies a resource definition, with a correlation ID that you provide. The correlation ID is used for auditing to link a set of related resources. This method does not perform a localized string modification update. To update the localized names or descriptions for a resource, you need to use the setResourceLocalizedStrings method.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public Resource modifyResourceAid(Resource resource, String correlationId)
            throws NrfServiceException, RemoteException;


Refreshes the code map based on a specified entitlement DN. The method returns the status of the refresh operation in the form of an EntitlementRefreshInfo object. This structure includes the detailed status as an array of CodeMapRefreshStatus objects.

This method is one of three SOAP endpoints to help you keep the code map tables for the Roles Based Provisioning Module synchronized with the code map tables for the Role Mapping Administrator. The user interface for the Role Mapping Administrator can trigger a code map refresh if a mismatch is discovered while a user is creating mappings. In addition, the Roles Based Provisioning Module allows you to use the three SOAP endpoints to refresh selected entitlements within its code map tables.

In addition to refreshCodeMap, the Roles Based Provisioning Module includes the following endpoints to help with code map synchronization:

  • checkCodeMapValueStatus

  • getRefreshStatus

The Entitlement Query Settings section of the Configuration > Roles and Resources page in the Identity Manager Dashboard allows you to specify how often the Roles Based Provisioning Module code map tables are refreshed and also start a manual refresh.

For additional information on the checkCodeMapValueStatus endpoint, see checkCodeMapValueStatus. For additional information on the getRefreshStatus endpoint, see getRefreshStatus.

For code samples that use the new methods for code map synchronization, see Code Map Synchronization Code Samples.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public EntitlementRefreshInfo refreshCodeMap(String entitlementDN)
           throws NrfServiceException, RemoteException;

The parameter entitlementDN entitlement DN is used to refresh the code map:

For example:


SOAP Request: Here is the SOAP request:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ser="http://www.netiq.com/resource/service">

SOAP Response: Here is the SOAP response:

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
      <ns1:refreshCodeMapResponse xmlns="http://www.netiq.com/resource/service" xmlns:ns1="http://www.netiq.com/resource/service">
                  <connectionName xsi:nil="1"/>


Deletes a specified resource from the Resource Catalog. Returns the DN for the deleted resource as a confirmation.

A correlation ID is generated automatically for this method that uses this format:


The correlation ID is used for auditing.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

 public DNString removeResource(DNString resourceDn)
            throws NrfServiceException, RemoteException;

The parameters are described below:

  • resourceDn specifies the DN of the resource to delete.


Deletes a specified resource from the Resource Catalog, with a correlation ID that you provide. The correlation ID is used for auditing to link a set of related resources. This method returns the DN for the deleted resource as a confirmation.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

 public DNString removeResourceAid(DNString resourceDn, String correlation Id)
            throws NrfServiceException, RemoteException;


Makes a grant resource request and returns a resource request correlation ID.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public String requestResourceGrant(String resourceTarget, String requester, String userTarget, String reasonForRequest,
        ResourceRequestParam[] requestParams, String correlationId)
            throws NrfServiceException, RemoteException;

The parameters are described below:

  • resourceTarget specifies the target resource DN.

  • requester supplies an identifier for the remote client application making the request to grant the resource.

    The requester parameter on this SOAP endpoint identifies the originator of the request. This value is set in the resource request object nrfOriginator attribute, following this convention:

    • For a SOAP call: REMOTE_CLIENT:<requester param value>

    • For a workflow action: WF:<wf process id>

  • userTarget specifies the DN for the being granted the resource.

  • reasonForRequest provides a reason for the request.

  • requestParams provides the parameter values for the request.

  • correlationId specifies a resource assignment request correlation ID; if the parameter is null, a correlation ID is generated.

The requester parameter is a client-supplied identifier for the agent making the request. For example, an identifier such as IRemote-MyApplicationName might be used to identify a request from MyApplicationName. The requestParams are the dynamic parameter values required by the resource to make a request. If no values are required, the parameter value can be null or an empty array. The correlationId allows a client to group request for the purpose of checking the staus. If the parameter value is null, the service generates a unique correlation id. The correlation id is returned to the caller.


Makes a revoke resource request and returns a resource request correlation ID.

The revoke invocation behavior mirrors the behavior for a grant opeation, except that a revoke request for the resource is posted on the server.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public String requestResourceRevoke(String resourceTarget, 
           String requester, String userTarget, String reasonForRequest,
           ResourceRequestParam[] requestParams, String instanceGuid, String correlationId)
        throws NrfServiceException, RemoteException;

The parameters are described below:

  • resourceTarget specifies the target resource DN.

  • requester supplies an identifier for the remote client application making the request to revoke the resource.

    The requester parameter on this SOAP endpoint identifies the originator of the request. This value is set in the resource request object nrfOriginator attribute, following this convention:

    • For a SOAP call: REMOTE_CLIENT:<requester param value>

    • For a workflow action: WF:<wf process id>

    • For the user application user interface: USER_APP

  • userTarget specifies the DN for the user being granted the resource.

  • reasonForRequest provides a reason for the request.

  • requestParams provides the parameter values for the request.

  • instanceGuid provides a GUID identifier for the resource assignment instance. The resource assignment instance GUID supports revoking a single instance of a multi-value resource assignment, if not all instances are to be revoked.

    IMPORTANT:If you do not specify the instanceGuid value, and the user has more than one value of that resource assigned, all instances of the resource assignment will be removed.

    When you create a new resource assignment request, the instanceGuid is included just above the correlationid field:


    You need to specify the instance of the resource you want to revoke by supplying the value in the instanceGuid parameter.

    To find out which resources are assigned to a user, you need to use the getResourceAssignmentsForUser method. This method returns the following data structure, which also includes the instanceGuid:

    Application Driver,cn=driverset1,o=system</resourceDn>
  • correlationId specifies a resource assignment request correlation ID; if the parameter is null, a correlation ID is generated.


Sets the localized strings for a resource, such as the names and descriptions.

A correlation ID is generated automatically for this method that uses this format:


Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public LocalizedValue[] setResourceLocalizedStrings(String resourceDn, LocalizedValue[] locStrings, int type)
            throws NrfServiceException, RemoteException;

The parameters are described below:

  • resourceDn specifies the DN of the resource for which you want to set the localized strings.

  • locStrings provides an array of localized strings you want to define.

  • type specifies the type of localized strings you want to retrieve. A type value of 1 retrieves a list of names for the resource, whereas a type value of 2 retrieves a list of descriptions.


Sets the localized strings for a resource, such as the names and descriptions, with a correlation ID that you provide. The correlation ID is used for auditing to link a set of related resources.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public LocalizedValue[] setResourceLocalizedStringsAid(String resourceDn, LocalizedValue[] locStrings, int type, String correlationId)
            throws NrfServiceException, RemoteException;

29.2.2 CodeMapRefreshStatus

Supporting class that provides details about the status of a code map refresh.


Returns the name of the connected system.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public String getConnectionName()


Returns the DN for the entitlement.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public String getEntitlementDN()


Returns the GUID for the entitlement.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public String getGuid()


Returns the timestamp for the last refresh.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public long getLastRefresh()


Returns the refresh status as a string indicating whether the refresh was successful.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public String getStatus()


Sets the name of the connection system.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setConnectionName(final String connectionName)


Sets the entitlement DN.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setEntitlementDN(String entitlementDN)


Sets the GUID for the entitlement.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setGuid(String guid)


Sets the last refresh timestamp.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setLastRefresh(final long lastRefresh)


Sets the refresh status.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setStatus(String status)

29.2.3 CodeMapValueStatus

Supporting class that provides details about the status of a refresh for a code map value.


Returns true or false to indicate whether the status is up-to-date.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public boolean getUpToDate()


Returns the refresh status as a CodeMapRefreshStatus object.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public CodeMapRefreshStatus getRefreshStatus()


Gets the code map value.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public String getValue()


Sets the refresh as a CodeMapRefreshStatus object.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setRefreshStatus(final CodeMapRefreshStatus refreshStatus)


Sets a boolean indicating whether the status is up-to-date.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setUpToDate(final boolean upToDate)


Sets the code map value.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setValue(final String value)

29.2.4 EntitlementRefreshInfo

Supporting class that provides refresh information for an entitlement after a code map refresh has been performed.


Returns the detailed status as an array of CodeMapRefreshStatus objects.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public CodeMapRefreshStatus[] getDetailedStatus()


Returns the DN for the entitlement.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public String getEntitlementDN()


Returns the GUID for the entitlement.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public String getGuid()


Returns the status of the refresh as a boolean flag.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public boolean getStatus()


Sets the detailed status as an array of CodeMapRefreshStatus objects.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setDetailedStatus(final CodeMapRefreshStatus[] detailedStatus)


Sets the DN for the entitlement.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setEntitlementDN(String entitlementDN)


Sets the GUID for the entitlement.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setGuid(String m_guid)


Sets the status as a boolean flag.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setStatus(boolean m_status)

29.2.5 ProvisioningCodeMap

Value class to hold code map information from the code map and code map label tables.


Returns the description

public String getDescription()


Returns the name.

public String getName()


Returns the entity key.

public String getEntityKey()


Returns the entity type.

public int getEntityType()


Returns the query key.

public String getQueryKey()


Returns the view ID.

public String getViewId()


Returns the timestamp for the last refresh.

public long getLastRefreshed()


Sets the description.

public void setDescription(String description)


Sets the name.

public void setName(String name)


Sets the entity key.

public void setEntityKey(String entityKey)


Sets the entity type.

public void setEntityType(int entityType)


Sets the query key.

public void setQueryKey(String queryKey)


Sets the view ID.

public void setViewId(String viewId)


Sets the timestamp for the last refresh.

public void setLastRefreshed(long lastRefreshed)


Returns the code map labels.

public ProvisioningCodeMapLabel[] getLabels()


Sets the code map labels.

public void setLabels(ProvisioningCodeMapLabel[] labels)


Returns the DN for the entitlement.

public String getEntitlementDn()


Sets the DN for the entitlement.

public void setEntitlementDn(String entitlementDn)


Returns the DN for the driver.

public String getDriverDn()


Sets the DN for the driver.

public void setDriverDn(String driverDn)


Returns the display name for the driver.

public String getDriverDisplayName()


Sets the display name for the driver.

public void setDriverDisplayName(String driverDisplayName)

29.2.6 Resource

Supporting class that provides information about resources.


Returns the name of the resource.

public String getName()


Sets the name of the resource.

public void setName(String name)


Returns the description of the resource.

public String getDescription()


Sets the description of the resource.

public void setDescription(String description)


Returns the entity key for the resource.

public String getEntityKey()


Sets the entity key for the resource.

public void setEntityKey(String entityKey)


Returns the keys for the resource categories.

public CategoryKey[] getResourceCategoryKeys()


Sets the keys for the resource categories.

public void setResourceCategoryKeys(CategoryKey[] resourceCategoryKeys)


Returns the entitlement reference for the resource.

public NrfEntitlementRef[] getEntitlementRef()


Sets the entitlement reference for the resource.

public void setEntitlementRef(NrfEntitlementRef[] entitlementRef)


Returns the list of approvers for resource grant operations.

public Approver[] getGrantApprovers()


Sets the list of approvers for resource grant operations.

public void setGrantApprovers(Approver[] grantApprovers)


Returns the quorum condition for grant operations.

public String getGrantQuorum()


Sets the quorum condition for grant operations.

public void setGrantQuorum(String grantQuorum)


Returns the provisioning request definition for grant operations.

public String getGrantRequestDef()


Sets the provisioning request definition for grant operations.

public void setGrantRequestDef(String grantRequestDef)


Returns the quorum condition for revoke operations.

public String getRevokeQuorum()


Sets the quorum condition for revoke operations.

public void setRevokeQuorum(String revokeQuorum)


Returns the provisioning request definition for revoke operations.

public String getRevokeRequestDef()


Sets the provisioning request definition for revoke operations.

public void setRevokeRequestDef(String revokeRequestDef)


Returns the list of approvers for revoke operations.

public Approver[] getRevokeApprovers()


Sets the list of approvers for revoke operations.

public void setRevokeApprovers(Approver[] revokeApprovers)


Returns the list of owners for the resource.

public DNString[] getOwners()


Sets the list of owners for the resource.

public void setOwners(DNString[] owners)


Returns the list of entitlement parameters defined for the resource.

public ResourceParameter[] getParameters()


Sets the list of entitlement parameters for the resource.

public void setParameters(ResourceParameter[] parameters)


Returns a boolean flag indicating whether the resource is still active, or has been approved or denied.

public boolean getActive()


Sets the boolean flag indicating whether the resource is still active.

public void setActive(final boolean active)


Returns a boolean flag indicating whether the approval process for the resource can be overridden by the approval process for a role.

public boolean getAllowOverride()


Sets the boolean flag indicating whether the approval process for the resource can be overridden by the approval process for a role.

public void setAllowOverride(final boolean allowOverride)


Returns a boolean indicating whether the resource allows a user to request multiple resource values.

public boolean getAllowedMulty()


Sets the boolean indicating whether the resource allows a user to request multiple resource values.

public void setAllowedMulty(final boolean allowedMulty)

29.2.7 ResourceAssignment

Supporting class that holds resource assignment information.


Sets the DN for the resource.

public void setResourceDn(String resourceDn)


Returns the DN for the resource.

public String getResourceDn()


Sets the DN for the requester.

public void setRequesterDn(String requesterDn)


Returns the DN for the requester.

public String getRequesterDn()


Returns the DN for the recipient of the assignment.

public String getRecipientDn()


Sets the DN for the recipient of the assignment.

public void setRecipientDn(String recipientDn)


Returns the reason for the assignment.

public String getReason()


Sets the reason for the assignment.

public void setReason(String reason)


Returns the date of the assignment request.

public Date getRequestDate()


Sets the date of the assignment request.

public void setRequestDate(Date requestDate)


Sets the parameters for the request.

public void setRequestParams(ResourceRequestParam[] params)


Returns the parameters for the request.

public ResourceRequestParam[] getRequestParams()


Sets the instanceGuid for the resource assignment.

public void setInstanceGuid(String instanceGuid)


Returns the instanceGuid for the resource assignment.

public String getInstanceGuid()

29.2.8 ResourceRequestParam

Supporting class that holds the name and value for a resource request parameter value.

ResourceRequestParam Constructors

The ResourceRequestParam class has two constructors.

Syntax 1: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes no parameters:

public ResourceRequestParam() 

Syntax 2: Here is the syntax for a constructor that takes two String parameters:

public ResourceRequestParam(String name, String value) 
        m_name = name;
        m_value = value;


Sets a parameter name.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setName(String name)


Returns a parameter name.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public String getName()


Sets the value of a parameter.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setValue(String value)


Returns the value of a parameter.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public String getValue()

29.2.9 ResourceAssignmentRequestStatus

Supporting class that holds a resource request status item. The interface includes methods for getting and setting various request status properties. However, you will not need to call the methods for setting property values, since you are using this class to retrieve information about the request status. After calling the requestResourceGrant() or the requestResourceRevoke() methods, you can use the get methods to get the properties for each status object returned in the ResourceAssignmentRequestStatus array.


Sets the entity key.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setEntityKey(String entityKey)


Gets the entity key.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public String getEntityKey()


Sets the reason for the role assignment.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setReason(String reason)


Gets the reason for the role assignment.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public String getReason()


Sets the status value for the request.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setStatusValue(int value)


Sets the status description for the request.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setStatusDescription(String description)


Gets the status value for the request.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public int getStatusValue()


Gets the localized description for the request.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public String getStatusDescription()


Sets the correlation ID.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setCorrelationId(String correlationId)


Gets the correlation ID.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public String getCorrelationId()


Sets the requester DN.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setRequester(String requester)


Gets the requester DN.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public String getRequester()


Sets the request date.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setRequestDate(Date requestDate)


Gets the request date.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public Date getRequestDate()


Sets the source resource DN.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setSource(String source)


Gets the source resource DN.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public String getSource()


Sets the DN for the target identity.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setTarget(String target)


Gets the DN for the target identity.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public String getTarget()


Sets the dynamic request parameters.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public void setRequestParams(ResourceRequestParam[] params)


Gets the dynamic request parameters.

Syntax: Here is the method signature:

public ResourceRequestParam[] getRequestParams()