4.3 Editing the Properties File for Silent Configuration

You can run a silent configuration of the Identity Manager components by creating or modifying a properties file with the parameters necessary to complete the configuration for each component. The Identity Manager media provides two sample files that you can use if you installed all the components on a single server.

To edit the properties file:

  1. (Conditional) If you installed all components on the same server, edit one of the sample properties files for the silent configuration, located by default in the following directories:

    • Linux: install/propfiles

    • Windows: install\propfiles

    For example, use the configure_new_tree.properties file to create a new tree.

  2. (Conditional) If you did not install all components on the same server, complete the following steps to generate a properties file for the installed components:

    1. Run the following command:

      ./install.bin -i silent -DSELECTED_PRODUCTS=components_to_be_configured -f filename.properties

      where filename.properties represents one of the sample properties files.

      The program verifies that the specified components are installed and then generates a list of the mandatory parameters for the components.

    2. Using the output from the command in Step 2.a, create a new properties file.

    3. Add a SELECTED_PRODUCTS variable to the file, then specify the components that you want to configure.

  3. In the properties file, specify the settings for the installed components. For more information, see Section 5.0, Understanding the Configuration Parameters.

  4. Add the following password variables to the properties file:

    Password Variable

    Applicable User Account or Service


    Identity Vault administrator


    Identity applications database administrator (idmadmin)


    User Application administrator (uaadmin)


    Identity Reporting database administrator


    Identity Reporting server user (idmrptsrv)


    Identity Reporting user (idmrptuser)


    Single sign-on service

    If you included the duser_supplied_password variable when you initiated the silent installation, the program already applied that value to the single sign-on passwords.

  5. Save and close the file.