14.4 Managing Connected Systems Information

Identity Governance allows you to change the information for the Identity Vault and Identity Manager if you integrated with Identity Manager. You use the Identity Governance Configuration utility to make these changes.

14.4.1 Changing the Identity Service Information

If you need to change the network settings for your identity service you must change the information in the Identity Governance Configuration Update utility.

  1. Launch the Identity Governance Configuration Update utility. For more information, see Section 14.1.4, Using the Identity Governance Configuration Update Utility.

  2. Click the Reporting tab.

  3. Use the following information to change the LDAP Identity Vault configuration information:

    Identity Vault Server

    Specify the fully qualified DNS name of the identity service server.

    LDAP Port

    Specify the LDAP port you identity service server uses to communicate.

    Identity Vault Administrator

    Specify the fully qualified DN of the administrator account in your identity service.

    Identity Vault Password

    Specify the password for your identity service administrator account.

    Secure Administrator Connection

    Select this option to communicate securely with the identity service.

  4. Change where Identity Governance searches for the users in the identity service under the Identity Vault User Identity heading using the following information:

    User Container DN

    Specify the fully qualified DN of the user container in the identity service where Identity Governance starts searching for users.

    Login Attribute

    Specify the name of the login attribute Identity Governance uses to search for unique user accounts.

    User Search Scope

    Select the type of search Identity Governance performs of the identity service for the user accounts.

  5. Click Save to save the changes and the Identity Governance Configuration Update utility automatically closes.

14.4.2 Enabling Permission Reflection to Identity Manager

If you have Identity Manager and you want to enable permission reflection from Identity Governance into the Resource catalog of Identity Manager using the Identity Manager Driver for Identity Governance (Access Review Driver), you can do it through the Identity Governance Configuration utility.

  1. Access directory when the Identity Governance Configuration utility is located.

    • Linux: /opt/netiq/idm/apps/idgov/bin/configutil.sh

    • Windows: C:\netiq\idm\apps\idgov\bin\configutil.bat

  2. From a command prompt launch the Identity Governance Configuration utility with the database password.

    • Linux: ./configutil.sh -password database password

    • Windows: configutil.bat -password database password

  3. Click the Miscellaneous Settings tab.

  4. Select the appropriate options for your environment.

    Enable integration using Identity Manager Driver for Identity Governance

    Requires the Identity Manager Driver for Identity Governance (Identity Governance Driver)

    Specifies whether you want to integrate the permissions and permission assignment tasks in the Identity Governance catalog with the role and resource catalog in Identity Manager.

    For more information, see Understanding Synchronization and Reflection in the Identity Governance 3.6 User and Administration Guide.

    Exclude Identity Manager permissions from review when they provision any native permissions in the same review

    Specifies whether you want to review Identity Manager permissions that duplicate native permissions along with the native permissions in a review. For more information, see Running a Review Instance in the Identity Governance 3.6 User and Administration Guide.

  5. Click Save to save the changes.