25.2 Understanding Business Role States

There are several states in the life cycle of a business role after they are created, either manually or mined. From beginning to end, the business role goes through the states in Figure 25-2. For detailed description of the states see the following table.

Figure 25-2 Business Role States

Business Role State



Business role was created by the mining process and must be promoted before it can be approved or published (depending on the approval policy). This state corresponds to the internal state called MINED.


The assigned approval policy requires approval and changes to the business role have not been submitted for approval.


Approval of a business role was denied. This state corresponds to the internal state called REJECTED.


Pending changes are ready for approval by the user specified in the approval policy. This state corresponds to the internal state called PENDING_APPROVAL.


Business role is approved but has not yet been published.


Business role is approved and has been published.


Policy has been deleted or a new version has been created. It is archived for history and reporting. Archived business roles are never displayed in the application.