A.3 Known Issues With iChain Form Fill

A.3.1 New Version of the SecretStore Plug-in

A new version of the SecretStore Plug-in for iManager is now available. To download this new version, see SecretStore 3.4 Plug-in for iManager2.5 & 2.6.

You should update both the iChain server and eDirectory servers (all platforms) with this new version.

A.3.2 ConsoleOne Crashes When Trying to Pass Large or Numerous Form Fill Polices

If you have too large or too many (over 16KB) Form Fill files, ConsoleOne displays an error when trying to submit the data.

To work around this, Form Fill supports a file stored on the local file system: <LocalPolicy>filename</LocalPolicy>. If the filename does not contain a “/”“\” or “:” symbol, the file goes into the following path:


Otherwise, the file is taken as an absolute path. You can use multiple <LocalPolicy> tags, but they are limited to 1 MB.

In a policy, you can use the <debugPost/> tag, which requires <post/> or <maskedPost/>. This tag lets SSO modify the HTML page with the changes need for SilentPost, but you can look at the source before you post the information. This also lets you debug without needing a sniffer.

Filterpoint 3 (determining Cutthrough) supports the following extension exclusion list:

"gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "pdf", "png", "zip", "jar", "bmp", "iso", "ico", "exe", "dll", "doc", "mov", "mp3", "mpeg", "ppt", "rpm", "tar", "wav", "sxi", "xls","wmf", "wpd", "sxw", "gz"

This speeds up SSO processing.

A.3.3 Form Fill Does Not Use Modified LDAP Options Without Being Restarted

After changing the LDAP options on the Access Control page (for example, port, server IP address, LDAP user), Form Fill does not communicate with the LDAP server using the new settings. To work around this problem:

  1. Disable Form Fill and click Apply.

  2. Enable Form Fill and click Apply.

A.3.4 Form Fill Fails to Remember Attribute When Spaces Exist in the <Name> Field

If the <name> attribute for the policy has a value with a space in it (i.e. <name>APACHE1 Login</name>), any <input> that has a value=“~” does not get properly stored in the directory after a user enters it and submits the form. Attributes being called from LDAP (i.e. value=“~cn”) still work and get filled in the form.

A.3.5 Using <JavaScript> to Keep Specified Functions Does Not Work

When you create a customized <JavaScript> Form Fill policy that allows only certain functions, the policy keeps all <JavaScript> functions instead of only the ones you specify.