6.4 Post-Deployment Tasks

The following tasks should be performed after deploying eDirectory containers.

NOTE:The OS base image of the eDirectory Docker image is openSUSE Leap with SysVinit as its init system. You must add all the environment variables required for the eDirectory service to run in the pre_ndsd_start file.

6.4.1 Executing Commands on a Running eDirectory Container

Run the following command in the Docker host machine to get a bash shell in the eDirectory Docker container:

bash# docker exec -it eDir-container-1 /bin/bash

The above command will set the eDirectory binary path to /opt/novell/eDirectory/bin.

NDS utility commands can be executed on the container prompt. An example is shown below:

nds@abbae7c93b1c:~> ndsstat
[1] Instance at /config/eDirectory/inst/conf/nds.conf:  m1.O=novell.DOCKER-TREE1
Server Name: .CN=m1.O=novell.T=DOCKER-TREE1.
Binary Version: 40201.14
Root Most Entry Depth: 0
Product Version: eDirectory for Linux x86_64 v9.2 [DS]

The above command can be executed directly from the host machine. An example is shown below:

bash# docker exec -it eDir-container-1 /opt/novell/eDirectory/bin/ndsstat
[1] Instance at /config/eDirectory/inst/conf/nds.conf:  m1.O=novell.DOCKER-TREE1
Server Name: .CN=m1.O=novell.T=DOCKER-TREE1.
Binary Version: 40201.14
Root Most Entry Depth: 0
Product Version: eDirectory for Linux x86_64 v9.2 [DS]

6.4.2 Configuring OpenSLP for eDirectory Docker Container

Perform the following steps to start the SLP server in a running eDirectory container:

  1. Start slpd by running the following command:

    docker exec --user root eDir-container-1 /usr/sbin/slpd
  2. Restart eDirectory by running the following commands:

    docker exec eDir-container-1 /opt/novell/eDirectory/bin/ndsmanage stopall
    docker exec eDir-container-1 /opt/novell/eDirectory/bin/ndsmanage startall


  • Stopping and Restarting the container will stop the SLP daemon. It has to be restarted manually. If a stale PID file is present at /var/run/slpd.pid, the PID file should be removed before starting the daemon.

  • A stale PID file is a file having PID of a stopped or killed process (in our case SLP daemon process).

  • In an Overlay environment, the SLP DA should be running within the same Overlay network.

  • If you do not configure OpenSLP, you might see the error message -626.

6.4.3 Installing NMAS Methods in eDirectory Docker Container

Perform the following tasks to install NMAS methods in eDirectory containers:

NOTE:The NMAS methods are available at /home/nds/eDirectory/nmas by default.

  1. Login to the eDirectory container by running the following command:

    docker exec -it eDir-container-1 bash
  2. Add NMAS method:

    cd /home/nds/eDirectory/nmas/NmasMethods/Novell/<method-name>
    nmasinst -addmethod admin.novell docker-tree1 ./config.txt

    NOTE:For more information on adding NMAS methods, see Using the nmasinst Utility to Install a Login Method in the NetIQ eDirectory Administration Guide.

  3. Exit from the container console:

  4. Restart the eDirectory container:

    docker restart eDir-container-1

6.4.4 Installing New Packages in eDirectory Docker Container

The base OS included in the eDirectory image contains all dependencies for the normal functioning of the eDirectory application in a container environment. In case a new utility or a debugging tool has to be introduced which is not included by default in the image, then it has to be separately brought in to the running container.

Run the following command to install a new package in a running eDirectory container using zypper:

docker exec --user root -it eDir-container-1 zypper in <package>

Alternatively, new packages can be installed after copying them directly to the container from the Docker host machine using the docker cp command. For more information, see, docker cp.

6.4.5 Configuring the CEF Property File in eDirectory Docker Container

You must perform the following changes in the CEF property file to enable Cache and Rolling file logging. The CEF property file (auditlogconfig.properties) is located in /config/eDirectory/inst/conf folder.

# Cache location directory
# Directory should be available for creating cache files

# Log file for appender R.

For more information, see Configuring the CEF Property File in the NetIQ eDirectory Administration Guide.

NOTE:To configure Event System Caching, set the environment variables as shown below in the pre_ndsd_start file located in /opt/novell/eDirectory/sbin folder of the eDirectory container:

export NDSD_EVENT_DISK_CACHE_DIR=/config/eDirectory/inst/data/data