DSBK is a thin command line parser that performs eDirectory Backup, and lets you to initiate a backup from the server console without having to log in first or set up Role-Based Services. It runs as a script on Linux and a console utility on Windows.
After a DSBK operation has completed, the results of the operation are written to a file (dsbk.pipe on Linux) that you can programmatically open and view the results. The first four bytes of this file contain error codes if any are generated during the operation. If there are no errors, the first four bytes of this file will contain zeros.
NOTE:Ensure that you have gone through all the guidelines given by NetIQ before finalizing on your backup/restore setup.
Before performing backup and restore tasks, review Checklist for Backing Up eDirectory for an overview of the issues involved in planning an effective eDirectory backup strategy.
This section covers the following:
If you are planning to use roll-forward logs for this server, make sure they are turned on before a backup is made.
You must turn on roll-forward logging for servers that participate in a replica ring. If you don't, when you try to restore from your backup files you will get errors and the database will not open.
For more information on roll-forward logs, see Using Roll-Forward Logs. For how to turn them on, see Configuring Roll-Forward Logs with DSBK.
Decide which additional files you want to back up along with eDirectory, and create an include file if necessary.
You can back up the stream files using switches. We recommend that you always back up NICI files. For more information on how to back up NICI, refer to Backing Up and Restoring NICI.
If you want to include other files, such as the autoexec.ncf file, you must put the paths and filenames in an include file. Separate the paths and filenames with a semicolon and don't include hard returns or spaces. For example, sys:\system\autoexec.ncf;sys:\etc\hosts;.
Plan to do a file system shortly after doing the eDirectory backup, to place the eDirectory backup files safely on tape. The Backup Tool only places them on the server.
HINT:To make it easier to move the backup files to another storage device, you can specify the maximum size of eDirectory backup files as part of the backup command, using the -s option and a number for size in bytes. You can also use a third-party file compression tool on the files after they are created. They compress approximately 80%.
Review the description of the command line options in Backup and Restore Command Line Options.
DSBK commands can be run directly on shell of a Linux server where eDirectory is installed.
The output for the command is written into the eDirectory instance specific log file (Default instance: /var/opt/novell/eDirectory/log/ndsd.log):
DSBK HELP To get help on a specific function type "help <function name>" Current functions: backup restore restadv getconfig setconfig cancel
DSBK commands can be entered into a crontab to execute dsbk getconfig and dsbk backup commands on a regular basis, allowing for full backups once in a week and incremental on other days, or whatever combinations are desired.
Turn on the RFL using the following command:
dsbk setconfig -L
The -L option starts a new roll forward logging session.
Set a location for the roll-forward logs to be created using the following command:
dsbk setconfig -L -r <roll forward log directory>
Get a location for the roll-forward logs to be created using the following command:
dsbk getconfig
Remove the old log files from the roll-forward log directory during a backup using the -a option:
backup -f <file name> -l <file name> [-s <size>] [-u <file name>] [-e <password>] [-t] [-w] [-a] [-b|-i|-c] [-o] [-d] [--config-file <configuration file>]
HINT:When using the DSBK utility interactively, have a second terminal window open with tail -f <instance specific ndsd.log> running so that the output to the entered commands is immediately readable.
Once the back up is completed, back it up using standard filesystem backup utilities.
NOTE:For detailed information on DSBK command line options, refer to the Backup and Restore Command Line Options.
This section discusses the basic operation of the DSBK utility on the Windows platform.
For using DSBK on a Windows server that hosts eDirectory, perform the following steps:
Invoke the utility through the NetIQ eDirectory Services console. dsbk.dlm is one of the options available in the list of services in the Services tab. The dsbk subcommand and any parameters for that subcommand are specified in the Startup Parameters field.
View the current configuration for the backup using the getconfig switch. The output of all the DSBK commands is appended to the backup.out file located in the eDirectory installation folder on Windows.
Set a location for the roll-forward logs to be created using the following command:
setconfig -r <roll forward log directory> -L
The -L option starts a new roll forward logging session.
Start backup on the tree by giving the following command:
backup -f <backup file> -l <logfile> -t -w -b -e <password>
Use the following options:
-t: Takes the backup of stream files.
-w: Overwrites any existing backup file with same name.
-b: Performs a full backup.
-e <password>: Performs a NICI backup using the password provided.
-a: Removes the old log files from the roll-forward log directory during a hot continuous backup.
For example, start the backup as follows:
backup -f c:\dsbk.bak -l c:\backup.log -t -w -b -e novell
You can confirm the status of the backup done in the backup.out file.
NOTE:For detailed information on DSBK command line options, refer to the Backup and Restore Command Line Options.
You can turn on the RFL using the following command:
setconfig -r <roll forward log directory> -L
Use DSBK to back up data from an eDirectory database to a file you specify on the server where the backup is being performed. This backup file or set of files contains information necessary to restore eDirectory to the state it was in at the time of the backup. The results of the backup process are written to the log file you specify.
Using DSBK, you can do tasks such as the following:
Do a full or incremental backup while the database is open (hot continuous backup).
Hot continuous backup means that the eDirectory database is open and accessible during the process, and you still get a complete backup that is a snapshot of the moment when the backup began.
Do a cold backup (the database is closed and a full backup is created).
This option is helpful when upgrading hardware or moving a server to a new machine with the same operating system (as described in Upgrading Hardware or Replacing a Server).
Set the database to stay closed and locked after a backup.
Set the maximum backup file size.
To back up the eDirectory database on a server using DSBK:
Enter the dsbk backup command, following this general pattern:
dsbk backup -b -f backup_filepath_and_backup_filename -l backup_log_filename_and_path -u include_file_filename_and_path -t -w
A space must be between each switch. The order of the switches is not important.
For example, in Windows, enter the following command:
dsbk backup -b -f c:\backups\8_20_2001.bak -l c:\backups\backup.log -u c:\backups\myincludefile.txt -t -w
This example command would result in a full backup (-b) with the backup file placed at c:\backups\8_20_2001.bak and the log file for the process placed at c:\backups\backup.log. This command specifies that other files should be backed up along with the database:
The files listed in an include file (-u c:\backups\myincludefile.txt) that was created beforehand by the administrator.
Stream files (-t)
This example command specifies that the backup file should be overwritten (-w), so if a file of the same name existed, the Backup Tool would replace it.
The output is entered in dsbackup.out file, which indicates whether the backup is successful.
Make sure you do a file system backup shortly after the eDirectory backup is created, to put the eDirectory backup files safely on tape. The Backup Tool only places them on the server.
To automate backing up of eDirectory, write the following command into a batch:
dhostcon.exe load dsbk backup -b -f <Backup File> -l <Log File> -t -w
For example,
c:\novell\nds\dhostcon.exe load dsbk backup -b -f edirbackup.bak -l c:\novell\edir-backup.log -t -w
Save this file in the location where you have installed eDirectory.
Use DSBK to change the settings for roll-forward logs. You can do the following tasks:
Find out the current settings
Turn roll-forward logging on or off
You must turn on roll-forward logging for servers that participate in a replica ring. If you don't, when you try to restore from your backup files you will get errors and the database will not open.
Change the roll-forward logs directory
Set the minimum and maximum roll-forward log size
Find out the current and last unused roll-forward log
Turn stream file logging on or off for the roll-forward logs
For information about roll-forward logging, see Using Roll-Forward Logs.
Find out the current settings by entering
dsbk getconfig
No switches are necessary.
The following is an example of the information you receive:
Roll forward log status OFF Stream file logging status OFF Current roll forward log directory C:\rfl\nds.rfl Minimum roll forward log size (bytes) 104857600 Maximum roll forward log size (bytes) 4294705152 Last roll forward log not used 00000000.log Current roll forward log 00000001.log *** END ***
Change the settings using the setconfig command, following this general pattern:
dsbk setconfig [-L|-l] [-T|-t] -r path_to_roll-forward_logs -n minimum_file_size -m maximum_file_size
A space must be between each switch. The order of the switches is not important.
Ideally, you would have a separate disk partition/volume dedicated to roll-forward logs to make it easier to monitor disk space and rights.
WARNING:If you turn on roll-forward logging, don't use the default location. For fault tolerance, put the directory on a different disk partition/volume and storage device than eDirectory. The roll-forward logs directory must be on the server where the backup configuration is being changed.
IMPORTANT:If you turn on roll-forward logging, you must monitor disk space on the volume where you place the roll-forward logs. If left unchecked, the log file directory will grow until it fills up the disk partition/volume. If roll-forward logs cannot be created because no more disk space is available, eDirectory stops responding on that server. We recommend you periodically back up and remove unused roll-forward logs from your server. See Backing Up and Removing Roll-Forward Logs.
Use DSBK to restore an eDirectory database from data stored in backup files you created manually. The results of the restore process are written to the log file you specify.
DSBK also lets you use advanced restore options not available in iManager. They are described in Backup and Restore Command Line Options, under restore and restadv.
Make sure eDirectory is installed and running on the server you are restoring to.
For example, if the restore is necessary because of a failed storage device, you need to do a new installation of eDirectory on the new storage device. If you are restoring a failed server onto a brand new machine, or simply moving a server from one machine to another, you need to install both the operating system and eDirectory on the new machine.
Review the description of the command line options in Backup and Restore Command Line Options.
Review the description of the restore process in Overview of How the Backup Tool Does a Restore.
To restore an eDirectory database on a server using DSBK:
Make sure you have gathered the backup files you need, as described in Preparing for a Restore.
Enter the dsbk restore command, following this general pattern:
dsbk restore -r -a -o -f full_backup_path_and_filename -d roll-forward_log_location -l restore_log_path_and_filename
A space must be between each switch. The order of the switches is not important. Make sure you use the -r switch to restore the eDirectory database itself. Otherwise only the other kinds of files will be restored. If you want the database to be active and open when the restore is complete, make sure you specify -a and -o.
If you are restoring roll-forward logs, make sure you include the full path to the logs, including the directory that is automatically created by eDirectory, usually named \nds.rfl. For more information about this directory, see Location of the Roll-Forward Logs.
For example:
dsbk restore -r -a -o -f $HOME/backup/nds.bak -d $HOME/backup/rfldir/nds.rfl -l $HOME/backup/backup.log
This example command specifies that the database itself should be restored (-r), and it should be activated (-a) and opened (-o) after the restore verification is successfully completed. The -f switch indicates where the full backup file is, -d the roll-forward logs, and -l the log file in which to record the results of the restore.
DSBK restores the full backup. The output is entered in ndsd.log, which will indicates whether the restore was successful.
(Conditional) If the restore was not successful, check the log file to see the errors.
If the restore verification fails, see Recovering the Database If Restore Verification Fails.
NOTE:If the server you are restoring shares a replica with a server running an earlier version than eDirectory 8.5, the restore log will show a -666 error (incompatible DS version) for that replica.
(Conditional) If you restored NICI security files, after completing the restore, restart the server to reinitialize NICI and then restore DIB.
Make sure the server is responding as usual.
(Conditional) If you are using roll-forward logging on this server, you must re-create your configuration for roll-forward logging to make sure it is turned on and the logs are being saved in a fault-tolerant location. After turning on the roll-forward logs, you must also do a new full backup.
This step is necessary because during a restore, the configuration for roll-forward logging is set back to the default, which means that roll-forward logging is turned off and the location is set back to the default. The new full backup is necessary so that you are prepared for any failures that might occur before the next unattended full backup is scheduled to take place.
For more information about roll-forward logs and their location, see Using Roll-Forward Logs.
Your restore should now be complete, and NICI reinitialized with the restored NICI files so you can access encrypted information. If you use roll-forward logging, you have prepared for any failures in the future by turning on roll-forward logging again after the restore and creating a new full backup as a baseline.
The eDirectory Backup Tool command line options are divided into six functions: backup, restore, restadv, getconfig, setconfig, and cancel.
The switches can be placed in any order in the command after the name of the function. They must be separated by a space.
Option and Switches |
Description |
backup |
Perform a backup of the database and associated files. |
-f file_name |
(Mandatory) Backup filename and path Specifies the filename and location of the backup file you want the Backup Tool to create. This file must be on the server you are backing up. For example, backup -f C:\backup\ndsbak.bak will back up the database to C:\backup\ndsbak.bak. |
-l file_name |
(Mandatory) Log filename and path Specifies the log file to record the results of the backup operation. |
-b |
(Optional) Perform a full backup. Performs a full backup of the eDirectory database. This option is the default behavior. If neither -i nor -c is specified, a full backup is performed. |
-i |
(Optional) Perform an incremental backup. Performs an incremental backup of the eDirectory database. This will back up any changes made to the database since the last full or incremental backup. |
-t |
(Optional) Back up stream files. Includes the stream files when backing up the eDirectory database. |
-u file_name |
(Optional) User includes filename and path. Specifies an include file that lists additional files to back up. You can create this configuration file to include other files in the backup that could be important when restoring the server's eDirectory database. In the include file, list the full path of each file you want backed up, followed by a semicolon (;). Don't include any spaces or hard returns in the list of files. To confirm that these files are being backed up, check the backup log or look at the header of the backup file. See Format of the Backup Log File and Format of the Backup File Header. WARNING:When opening a backup file, just view the header — make sure you don't try to save or modify the file, or it might become truncated. Most applications can't save the binary data correctly. |
-s file_size |
(Optional) Backup file size limit (MB) Specifies the maximum size (MB) of the backup file. You might want to use this option if you are concerned about file size because of the media you are using to store the backup files after they are created. If the maximum size is reached, a new backup file is created with the same name as the first with a five-digit hex extension added to denote what file it is. This extension increments with each new file. For example, you could set the maximum size of the backup files to 10 MB using the following switches as part of your command: backup -f C:\backup\mydib.bak -s 10. If the database is 35 MB, this is the resulting set of backup files:
The smallest possible size is close to 1 MB. The first file could be larger, depending on how many files are being included with the backup. The first file contains an attribute under the backup tag called number_of_files. This is the total number of files in the backup set. For the above example, this number would be 4. Also, the header of each backup file contains an attribute called backup_file. This is the original name of the file. For more information, see Format of the Backup File Header. When restoring a set of backup files like the set in the example above, the command would be restore -f C:\backup\mydib.bak -l log_file_path_and_filename The Backup Tool identifies that there are multiple files and looks for them in the same directory as the first, but with the above name mutations. HINT:The backup files can also be made much smaller using a third-party file compression tool. They compress approximately 80%. |
-w |
(Optional) Overwrite existing backup file of same name Overwrites the backup file specified with the -f switch if a file of the same name already exists. If this option is not used and a file of the same name already exists, in interactive mode the Backup Tool will ask you whether to overwrite or not. In batch mode, if a file of the same name exists and -w is not specified, the default behavior is to not overwrite the file, so a backup will not be created. If you are making a file system backup shortly after each full or incremental backup of eDirectory, your previous backup files should have been copied from the server to file system backup tapes, so it should be safe to use this option to overwrite the existing backup file. IMPORTANT:Use this option in your batch files for unattended backups. If a backup file of the same name exists (this is likely if you use the same batch file regularly), it's important to use the -w option to overwrite the existing backup file to make sure your backup is successful. In batch mode, if -w is not specified and a file of the same name exists, the default behavior is to not overwrite the file, so a backup will not be created. In interactive mode, if -w is not specified, DSBK will ask you whether you want to overwrite the file. |
-c |
(Optional) Perform a cold backup Performs a full backup of the database, but closes the database before the backup. After the backup has completed, the database reopens unless the -o or -o and -d switches are used. |
-o |
(Optional) Leave database closed after cold backup Can be used only if the -c switch is also used. Leaves the database closed after a cold backup. This option is helpful when upgrading hardware or moving a server to a new machine with the same operating system (as described in Upgrading Hardware or Replacing a Server). |
-d |
(Optional) Disable DS agent after a cold backup Can be used only if both the -c and -o switches are also used. Disables the DS agent after a cold backup. This option is helpful when upgrading hardware or moving a server to a new machine with the same operating system (as described in Upgrading Hardware or Replacing a Server). The DS agent is disabled by setting the login disabled attribute on the pseudo server. This results in a -663 error when eDirectory starts. |
-e password |
Perform a NICI backup password specifies the NICI backup password. This same password has to be specified to restore the NICI files. |
--config-file configuration file |
(Optional) Allows you to specify the instance of eDirectory you want to back up. configuration file specifies the absolute path to the configuration file of the eDirectory instance you want to back up. For example: --config-file /etc/opt/novell/eDirectory/conf/nds.conf This switch is applicable only for Linux environments. |
restore |
Perform a restore of the database and associated files. |
-f file_name |
(Mandatory) Backup filename and path Specifies which full backup to restore from. This file must be located on the server being restored. For example, restore -f C:\backup\ndsbak.bak will restore from the file C:\backup\ndsbak.bak. If the backup was made up of more than one file, all the files in the set must be copied into the same directory on the server. |
-l file_name |
(Mandatory) Log filename and path Specifies the log file to record the results of the restore operation. |
-r |
(Optional) Restore DIB set Specifies that the eDirectory database should be restored. WARNING:If you omit this option, the eDirectory database itself will not be restored. The only files that will be restored are other kinds of files you specify. |
-d dir_name |
(Optional) Roll-forward log directory Specifies the directory where the roll-forward logs are located. This must be the entire path and must be on the server being restored. All the roll-forward logs must be in the directory specified and they must have the same filenames as they did at the time of creation. After the database is restored, the changes recorded in these logs are replayed against the database to bring it up to date. If the -d switch is not used, the Backup Tool does not replay any logs against the database, even if roll-forward logging was turned on at the time of the backup. To determine the first required roll-forward log, open the last backup file being restored in a text editor and read the current_log attribute of the backup tag. The last backup file being restored is either the full backup file specified by the -f option or the last incremental backup file that is to be applied during the restore. For more information about the attributes listed in the header, see Format of the Backup File Header. WARNING:When opening a backup file, just view the header — make sure you don't try to save or modify the file, or it might become truncated. Most applications can't save the binary data correctly. |
-u |
(Optional) Restore user included files Restores the user files that were included with the backup of the database. As part of the backup, you can create a text file containing a list of files that you want backed up along with the database, and specify that file as the user includes file. These files will not be available to restore unless they were included in the backup. |
-a |
(Optional) Activate DIB after verifying Renames the database from RST to NDS after the restore verification completes successfully. For an overview of the process, see Overview of How the Backup Tool Does a Restore. |
-o |
(Optional) Open database when finished Directs the Backup Tool to open the database when the operation is complete. If the restore verification is successful, it opens the restored database. If the restore verification fails, this option opens the database that was on the machine before the restore was performed. For an overview of the process, see Overview of How the Backup Tool Does a Restore. |
-s |
Directs the Backup Tool not to reset roll forward log after Restore operation. It is mainly used in the instance of default RFL location. |
-n |
(Optional) Do not verify database after restore Directs the Backup Tool to restore the database without verifying. The transitive vector of this server will not be compared with the one expected by other servers in the replica ring it participates in. For information about transitive vectors, see Transitive Vectors and the Restore Verification Process. The database is not renamed from RST to NDS unless another option is used to do so. IMPORTANT:We do not recommend using this option unless suggested by NetIQ Support. |
-v |
(Optional) Override restore Renames the database from RST to NDS without trying to verify. IMPORTANT:We do not recommend using this option unless suggested by NetIQ Support. |
-k |
(Optional) Remove lockout on database Removes the lockout on the NDS database. |
-i |
Comma separated list of incremental files in order. |
-e password |
Restore the backed up NICI files password specifies the NICI backup password that was used when the NICI files were backed up. If a wrong password is specified when trying to restore the NICI files then an error message is displayed. |
--config-file configuration file |
(Optional) Allows you to specify the instance of eDirectory you want to restore. configuration file specifies the absolute path to the configuration file of the eDirectory instance you want to restore. For example: --config-file /etc/opt/novell/eDirectory/conf/nds.conf This switch is applicable only for Linux environments. |
restadv |
Advanced restore options. NOTE:The DS agent will be closed for all advanced restore options. |
-l file_name |
(Mandatory) Log filename and path Specifies the log file to record the results of the restore operation. |
-o |
(Optional) Open database when finished Directs the Backup Tool to open the database when the operation is complete. If the restore verification is successful, it opens the restored database. If the restore verification fails, this option opens the database that was on the machine before the restore was performed. For an overview of the process, see Overview of How the Backup Tool Does a Restore. |
-n |
(Optional) Try to verify a previously failed restore Tries to verify a previously restored RST database. |
-m |
(Optional) Remove restored DIB files Removes the RST database if it is present. |
-v |
(Optional) Override restore Renames the database from RST to NDS without trying to verify. IMPORTANT:We do not recommend using this option unless suggested by NetIQ Support. |
-k |
(Optional) Remove lockout on database Removes the lockout on the NDS database. |
-i |
Comma separated list of incremental files in order. IMPORTANT:This option is applicable to DSBK only. |
getconfig |
Retrieves the current roll-forward log configuration. |
No options are needed. Displays the current settings. For example, on a server with roll-forward logging turned off, the getconfig command would return information like the following: Roll forward log status OFF Stream file logging status OFF Current roll forward log directory C:\rfl\nds.rfl Minimum roll forward log size (bytes) 104857600 Maximum roll forward log size (bytes) 4294705152 Last roll forward log not used 00000000.log Current roll forward log 00000001.log *** END *** |
setconfig |
Sets the roll-forward log configuration. |
-L |
(Optional) Start keeping roll-forward logs. Turns on roll-forward logging. (Default=Off) Using continuous roll-forward logging lets you restore a server to the state it was in at the moment before it went down, instead of just to the last full or incremental backup. You must use roll-forward logging for servers that participate in replica ring, so that you can restore a server back to the synchronization state that the other servers expect. Administrative intervention is required after the roll-forward logs have been turned on. If left unchecked, the roll-forward logs continue to grow until they fill up the disk partition/volume. If roll-forward logs cannot be created because no more disk space is available, eDirectory stops responding on that server. Periodically, it is necessary to back up and delete unused logs. See Backing Up and Removing Roll-Forward Logs. For more information, see Using Roll-Forward Logs. |
-l |
(Optional) Stop keeping roll-forward logs Turns off roll-forward logging. (Default=off) The database reuses the current roll-forward log instead of saving a consecutive set of logs. If the roll-forward logs are turned off, you can restore eDirectory only to the point of the last full or incremental backup. If the logs are turned off unintentionally, you need to turn them back on and then do a new backup of the database to ensure that you can make a full recovery. For more information, see Using Roll-Forward Logs. |
-T |
(Optional) Start logging of stream files (Only applicable if the roll-forward logs are turned on.) Copies the entire stream file into the roll-forward log if a stream file is modified. Stream files are additional information files that are related to the database, such as login scripts. Roll-forward logs will fill disk space faster when stream files are being logged. Make sure you monitor disk space on the disk partition/volume where roll-forward logs are placed. If roll-forward logs cannot be created because no more disk space is available, eDirectory stops responding on that server. |
-t |
(Optional) Stop logging of stream files Stops copying the entire stream file into the roll-forward log if a stream file is modified. If roll-forward logging of stream files is turned off, you can use the backup options to back up stream files during full and incremental backup. Backing them up this way might be sufficient if your stream files don't change often. Turning off logging of stream files can help slow the growth of roll-forward logs. |
-r dir_name |
(Optional) Set roll-forward log directory Changes the directory where the roll-forward logs are placed. For example, if the command used was setconfig -r vol2:\rfl, a directory is created under vol2:\rfl and the roll-forward logs are placed in it. This directory name is based on the name of the current eDirectory database. For typical installs this is NDS, so the final directory name would be vol2:\rfl\nds.rfl\. If you renamed the eDirectory database from NDS to ND1, the roll-forward log directory would be changed to vol2:\rfl\nd1.rfl\. You can find out the current location by entering the getconfig command. When you change the location, the new directory is created immediately, but a roll-forward log is not created there until a transaction takes place in the database. IMPORTANT:The Backup tool has no way of tracking the changes to the roll-forward log directory. When restoring the database, you must collect all roll-forward logs and place them in one directory on the server. For more information, see Using Roll-Forward Logs. |
-n file_size |
(Optional) Set minimum roll-forward log size Sets the minimum size of the roll-forward log files (in bytes). When the minimum size is reached, the database starts a new roll-forward log after the current transaction is finished. |
-m file_size |
(Optional) Set maximum roll-forward log size Sets the maximum size for the roll-forward log files (in bytes). If this limit is reached and a transaction is in progress, the transaction is continued over into the next file. This setting must always be larger than the minimum size. |
-s |
(Optional) Start a new roll-forward log Starts a new roll-forward log at the end of the current transaction. The new file is created at the beginning of the next transaction. |
cancel |
Cancels any running backup or restore operation. No options are needed. NOTE:This option is not applicable to DSBK. |
--config-file configuration file |
(Optional) Allows you to specify the instance of eDirectory for which you want to set the roll-forward log configuration. configuration file specifies the absolute path to the configuration file of the eDirectory instance for which you want to set the roll-forward log configuration. For example: --config-file /etc/opt/novell/eDirectory/conf/nds.conf This switch is applicable only for Linux environments. |
The dsbk script does not contain the full path to the DSTrace binary. Therefore, if you run the script as a cron job using the default settings, the script fails. However, do not change the /opt/novell/eDirectory/bin/dsbk script to add the path, because subsequent eDirectory patches will overwrite this file and revert any customizations you may have made to the script.
Instead, before you run dsbk as a cron job, set the PATH environment variable within the crontab file to include the directory where ndstrace is located. The cron job can then find and run the ndstrace application.