1.1 Understanding the NICI Modules

When you install NICI, the installation process creates NICI modules on your server.

1.1.1 NICI Modules on Linux Servers

The following table lists the modules that the NICI installation process places on your Linux server.




NICI is a shared object (.so) named libccs2.so. Typically, it is a symbolic link to the actual file named per platform and version. NICI does not depend on directory services to be installed.


niciext is shipped with eDirectory and provides eDirectory applications with secure communication. It also provides a shared key for common secured storage..

1.1.2 NICI Modules on Windows Servers

The following table lists the modules that the NICI installation process places on your Windows server.



ccswx64.dll (64-bit)

ccs.dll (32-bit)

NICI is a shared library (dll) named ccswx64.dll or ccs.dll. It is typically installed in the %windir%\system32 directory.

For example, on a 64-bit box:

  • ccswx64.dll: c:\Windows\System32

  • ccs.dll: c:\Windows\SysWOW64

On a 32-bit box:

  • ccs.dll: c:\Windows\System32

NICI does not depend on directory services to be installed.


niciextwx64.dlm is shipped with eDirectory and provides eDirectory applications with secure communication. It also provides a shared key for common secured storage.