B.4 Categorization of Health

There are three possible categories of health, based on the errors found while checking the health of an eDirectory server:

The status of the health checks is logged into a log file. For more information, refer to Log Files.

B.4.1 Normal

All the health checks were successful and the server health is normal.

The upgrade proceeds without an interruption.

B.4.2 Warning

Minor errors were found while checking the server health.

If the health check is run as part of the upgrade, you are prompted to either abort or continue.

Warnings normally occur in the following scenarios:

  • Server not listening on LDAP and HTTP ports (normal, secure, or both).

  • Unable to contact any of the non-master servers in the replica ring.

  • Servers in the replica ring are not in sync.

B.4.3 Critical

Critical errors were found while checking the eDirectory health.

If the health check is run as part of the eDirectory upgrade, the upgrade operation is aborted.

The critical state normally occurs in the following scenarios:

  • Unable to read or open the DIB (might be locked or corrupt).

  • Unable to contact all the servers in the replica ring.

  • Locally held partitions are busy.

  • Replica is not in the ON state.