B.1 Configuring Nixu NameSurfer for Cloud Manager Integration

In the Nixu NameSurfer environment, you need to create values to match specific Cloud Manager networking settings. This enables IPAM option at the network level.

The following steps assume you are familiar with the Nixu NameSurfer environment:

  1. Create an NSAPI key to enable Nixu to communicate with the Cloud Manager Web Service.

    1. From the NameSurfer Configuration menu, click Keys > Add NSAPI key to open the New NSAPI key view.

    2. Specify a Key name, then save the Key secret part value for use later when you configure Cloud Manager for the IPAM integration.

    3. (Optional) You can check the Restrict access rights with groups check box to restrict access rights associated with a defined Nixu user group.

  2. Create a forward lookup zone to contain your IP address block.

    1. From the NameSurfer DNS menu, click Forward zones > Create zone.

    2. Configure the zone as required.

  3. Add (or identify an existing) an IP address block to associate with each Cloud Manager network you will be using.

    1. (Conditional) To add an IP address block, from the NameSurfer IP Address menu, click Add block, then configure the new block as required.


    2. (Conditional) From the NameSurfer IP Address menu, click Root Blocks to open the list of blocks, then select an unused block.

  4. Configure the block with required DNS information for Cloud Manager integration.

    1. From the Blocks list, select the block you want to configure, then select the DNS tab for this block.

    2. Specify the DNS zone information. This is the name you gave to the forward lookup zone in Step 2.

    3. (Optional) If you want Nixu to automatically generate a host name for the block, follow the pattern listed in the interface and enter the Host name pattern.

      NOTE:This value is co-dependent with a value in the Cloud Manager configuration file. See autoHostname below, for more information.

  5. From the block details page, select the Information tab, then select the Add information menu option to open an Information dialog box.

  6. Create the following name/value pair in the Information dialog box for this block:

    • Name: NCMNetworkID

      This is the Cloud Manager network ID, as displayed in the upper left-hand corner of the Edit Network dialog of the Cloud Manager Application Server Web console. Note that Cloud Manager configures this name without a period (.) in the string.

      Value: (example) 362:Network:digitalAirlines-Prod

      This value is co-dependent with a value in the Cloud Manager configuration file. If you have set value of the NCMNetworkIDValueIsName property to TRUE in the configuration file, you need to provide only the Cloud Manager network name (for example, DigitalAirlines-Prod) instead of the Cloud Manager network ID.

  7. Continue configuring the block to return the values that, if matched, are used to configure a corresponding Cloud Manager vNIC.

    Open and complete information for each of the following name/value pairs:

    • Name: NCM.DNSServers

      Value: (example)

      What you specify for this value depends on your individual network setup. More than one value can be listed, with each value separated by a space.

    • Name: NCM.DNSSuffixes

      Value: (example) acme.com test.com da.com

      What you specify for this value depends on your individual network setup. More than one value can be listed, with each value separated by a space.

    • Name: NCM.Gateways

      Value: (example)

      What you specify for this value depends on your individual network setup. More than one value can be listed, with each value separated by a space.

    • Name: NCM.NetMask

      Value: (example) 255.355.255.0

      What you specify for this value depends on your individual network setup.