1.1 What You Should Know

This section includes the following information:

1.1.1 Prerequisite Knowledge

This guide assumes you have the following background:

1.1.2 Setting Up Your Development Environment

To set up a development environment for creating, deploying, and testing jobs, we recommend the following procedure:

  1. Initially set up a simple, easy-to-manage server, agent, and client on a single machine. Even on a single machine, you can simulate multiple servers by starting extra agents (see Configuring the Orchestration Agent in the NetIQ Cloud Manager 2.1 Orchestration Installation Guide.

  2. As you get closer to a production environment, your setup might evolve to handle more complex system demands, such as any of the following:

    • An Orchestration Server instance deployed on one computer.

    • An Orchestration Agent installed on every managed server.

    • An Orchestration Console installed on your desktop machine.

      From your desktop machine, you can build jobs/policies, and then remotely deploy them using zosadmin command linetool. You can then remotely modify the jobs and other grid object through the Orchestration Console.

  3. Use a version control system, such as Subversion*, to organize and track development changes.

  4. Put the job version number inside the deployed file. This will help you keep your job versions organized.

  5. Create make or Ant scripts for bundling and deploying your jobs.

By leveraging the flexibility of the Orchestration environment, you should not have to write jobs targeted specifically for one hypervisor technology (Xen, VMware, etc.).