3.2 Toolkit Requirements

The Access Connector Toolkit is a web application that ships with CloudAccess. You can use the Access Connector Toolkit to create custom connectors if you have a CloudAccess license as well as appropriate accounts with the destination services.

3.2.1 License Information

The Access Connector Toolkit is a CloudAccess-only feature. If you purchased MobileAccess without CloudAccess, your license entitles you to a 90-day trial of CloudAccess, including the Access Connector Toolkit. At the end of the trial period, you are expected to purchase the appropriate license for CloudAccess or discontinue use of the CloudAccess-only features. For more information, see Understanding Product Licensing in the NetIQ® CloudAccess and MobileAccess Installation and Configuration Guide.

3.2.2 Toolkit Compatibility

The Access Connector Toolkit contains new functionality for the CloudAccess 2.1 release. In order to update an existing custom connector template with the new functions, you can import the template into the new toolkit, and then export the template again. The updated connector template contains the new functionality.

Templates that you create with the new toolkit are not backwards compatible with prior releases of the toolkit. You cannot import a connector from CloudAccess 2.1 into a toolkit that came with a prior version of CloudAccess. The import fails.

3.2.3 Provisioning Support

Provisioning is supported only through connectors created by NetIQ. At this time, you cannot create a custom connector template that supports provisioning user accounts to the connected system.

Account provisioning is not supported for users in a SAML 2.0 Inbound (SAML2 In) unmanaged internal identity store or in a Self-Service User Store (SSUS) identity source. For more information, see Section 2.4.1, Requirements for Provisioning.