5.3 JDBC Requirements

To use the JDBC database as an identity source, you must know and understand JDBC databases. The information provided in this section is intended for database administrators.

5.3.1 Meeting the Requirements

Verify that you meet the following requirements or obtain the following information before using a JDBC database as an identity source:

  • The supported type of JDBC database. For more information, see Identity Sources.

  • The IP address of the JDBC database.

  • The port for communication. The default port is 1433 for Microsoft SQL Server or 1521 for Oracle Database.

  • The database name or sid. (idm for Microsoft SQL Server defined as the sid in Oracle Database).

  • The script files must be installed before you can configure a JDBC database as an identity source. For more information, see Obtaining the Script Files.

  • The password for the user name in the sample scripts you install. For more information, see Obtaining the Script Files.

5.3.2 Obtaining the Script Files

To use JDBC as an identity source, you must install script files on your JDBC database so CloudAccess knows what tables to read to access the users and groups information. You download the script files when you configure the JDBC identity source.

You can download the files during the initialization process, if you select JDBC as your identity source, or you can download the scripts when you configure JDBC as an identity source after the appliance is initialized. You download a single zipped file that contains multiple scripts.

The different scripts are:

  • indirect_install: Installs the schema, which includes the indirect tablespace and proc_authuser () stored procedure, as well as the automatic triggers for the indirect.user and indirect.grp tables.

  • copy_from: Copies user account information from the database default user store into the indirect.usr table for processing by the connector for JDBC.

  • uninstall: Removes the schema and deletes or drops the connector user accounts in the underlying database.

5.3.3 Populating the Required Columns

To provision users from the JDBC databases to the SaaS applications, you must have the following columns populated for each user account in the JDBC database:

  • indirect.usr.idu

  • indirect.usr.username

  • indirect.usr.fname (Mandatory only for Google Apps accounts)

  • indirect.usr.lname

  • indirect.usr.email (Mandatory only for Salesforce accounts)

5.3.4 Dataflow Information

The connector for JDBC uses indirect tables to gather the needed information, ensuring that the appliance does not work directly with the information in the database. The following graphic depicts how the connector for JDBC obtains the information from the JDBC database. This process is the same regardless of the type of database to which the appliance connects.

Figure 5-1 Dataflow of User Information

The database administrator creates the user accounts or logs in to the user$ table. (The dataflow figures are based on the default Oracle security table user$.) The database administrator defines triggers or procedures that copy information into the indirect.usr table.

The indirect_install SQL script creates the automatic insert, update, or delete triggers on the indirect.usr table. When rows in the indirect.usr table are altered, the automatic triggers add a row to the indirect.indirect_process table.

The appliance polls the indirect.indirect_process table. When the appliance detects rows in the indirect.indirect_process table of type user, the appliance adds, modifies, or deletes the user account in the applications connected to the appliance.

The appliance then deletes the row from the indirect.indirect_process table after the appliance processes the information.

Figure 5-2 Dataflow of Group Information

The database administrator performs a direct or triggered insert of data into the indirect.grp table.

The indirect_install SQL script creates the automatic insert, update, or delete triggers on the indirect.grp table. When rows in indirect.grp are altered, the automatic triggers add a row to the indirect.indirect_process table.

When the appliance detects rows in the indirector.indirect_process table of type group, the appliance adds, modifies, or deletes the groups in the applications connected to the appliance. The appliance then deletes the row from the indirect.indirect_process table after the appliance processes the information.

Figure 5-3 Relationship between Users and Groups

The indirect schema does not have a direct concept of group membership, but maintains a relationship between the user idu column and the group idg column in the indirect.grp_member and indirect.usr_mbr_of tables.

For group membership, the desired group idg and user idu must exist in both tables. The indirect_install SQL script creates the automatic insert, update, or delete triggers on the indirect.grp_member and indirect.usr_mbr_of tables. When rows in these tables are altered, the automatic triggers add a row to the indirect.indirect_process table.

When the appliance detects rows in the indirect.indirect_process table for group membership, the appliance adds, modifies, or deletes the group memberships in the applications connected to the appliance. The appliance then deletes the row from the indirect.indirect_process table after the connector processes the information.For example, if the administrator wants to add a user with idu 6 to a group with idg 10, the administrator would have to manually (or through triggers) add entries into both the grp_member and usr_mbr_of tables.

"INSERT INTO indirect.grp_member(idg,idu) VALUES(10,6); INSERT INTO indirect.usr_mbr_of(idu,idg) VALUES(6,10);”

Figure 5-4 Authentication Process

To verify authentication credentials, the appliance calls a stored procedure indirect.proc_authuser with the parameters of @username,@password. The procedure compares the username parameter with the default user table (user$) and the indirect.usr.username fields. If they match, the process checks the indirect.usr.disabled flag (disabled > 0 = disabled). If login is enabled (disabled = 0), the process compares the password parameter to the existing password hash in the user$ table. If the password hash matches, the process authenticates the user successfully. If any of these conditions are not met, the process returns a SQLException to the appliance, and authentication fails.

You can alter the stored procedure based on the desired schema that the database administrator wishes to use for authentication. The administrator needs to keep in mind that the stored procedure indirect.proc_authuser(@username,@password) is hard-coded into the appliance, and expects either a success (1) or SQLException returned.