B.0 Integrating Cloud Manager with the Nixu IP Address Management System

Cloud Manager supports the integration of the Nixu NameSurfer Suite (version 7.2.3 or later), an IP Address Management (IPAM) system that can simplify planning, monitoring, and managing the IP addresses in a network, including the addresses of various network interface cards on provisioned workloads.

NOTE:The information in this section is intended for IT service providers, as well as business and technical users, who are familiar with the Nixu NameSurfer environment. For information about using the Nixu NameSurfer Suite, see your vendor documentation at http://www.nixusoftware.com/products/namesurfer-software-defined-ipam.

Cloud Manager deploys its integration as an OSGI bundle with an accompanying configuration file. Use the steps in the following sections to enable Cloud Manager integration with an installed Nixu NameSurfer Suite.