14.5 Monitoring Resource Capacity

Roles that Can Perform This Task: Cloud Administrator, Zone Administrator (zone only), Approver (organization only)

The Capacity view provides information about used, reserved, and allocated resource capacity for organizations and zones.

14.5.1 Accessing the Capacity View

To open the Capacity view:

  1. On the main navigation bar, click Capacity.

14.5.2 Understanding the Capacity View

The Capacity view includes three main sections:

Capacity Summary Bar

The Capacity Summary bar provides a summary for the total resources within your management scope.

For example, if you are a Cloud Administrator, you see a summary for all of the resources in your Cloud. If you are a Zone Administrator, you see a summary of all of the resources in the zones you manage. If you are an Approver, you see a summary of all of the resources in your assigned organizations and zones.

Each resource (Memory, CPU, and Storage) has its own capacity indicator. The indicator displays the used and reserved capacity as a percentage of the total available capacity.

The color of the indicator is determined by the Warning and Problem thresholds set for the Cloud environment. Green indicates that no thresholds have been reached, yellow indicates that the Warning threshold has been reached, and red indicates that the Problem threshold has been reached.

The Issues section of the Capacity Summary bar shows the following:

  • No resource issues.

  • The number of resources that have reached the Warning threshold.

  • The number of resources that have reached the Problem threshold.

Organizations or Zones List

The Organizations or Zones list displays the organizations or zones for which you can view resource capacity.

Depending on your role, you might be able to see either organizations or zones but not both.

The icon next to each organization or zone indicates the current status of the resources for that item. The statuses correspond to the statuses that can be listed in the Capacity Summary bar:

  • No resource issues.

  • One or more resources for the organization or zone have reached the Warning threshold.

  • One or more resources for the organization or zone have reached the Problem threshold.

Organizations or Zones Details

The Organizations or Zones Details panel displays the resource capacity information for the organization or zone that is selected in the list.

The Overall Allocation section provides a summary of the used, reserved, and available capacity for the entire organization or zone. The Resource Groups section shows the same type of information for the each resource group in the organization or zone.

  • Memory: The memory (RAM) resources.

  • vCPUs: The host and cluster virtual CPU resources, represented in number of CPUs. This resource is displayed only if a resource group contains hosts or clusters.

  • Pooled MHz: The resource pool CPU resources, represented in MHz of CPU. This resource is displayed only if a resource group contains vSphere resource pools.

  • Storage: The shared storage resources. This includes SAN (Storage Area Network) and NAS (Network-attached Storage). Local storage is not included.

For each resource, the following information is displayed:

  • Used: The amount of the resource that is actually being consumed by deployed workloads. For example, a workload might be allocated 4 GB of memory but only be using 2 GB.

  • Reserved: The amount of the resource that is reserved for deployed workloads. For example, if a workload is allocated 4 GB of memory, all 4 GB are reserved.

  • Capacity: The total amount of the resource that is available for deployed workloads. For memory from hosts and clusters, the Capacity field reflects the total physical memory of the hosts, not just the memory that is available for workloads. For example, a host’s physical memory might be 16252 MB, with the actual memory available for workloads being 10695 MB. Because the Capacity field uses the physical memory amount (16252 MB), you might not have as much memory capacity as appears. For memory from resource pools, the Capacity field reflects the actual memory pool size.

The Resource Groups sections provide capacity details for each resource group assigned to the organization or zone. The status of each resource group is also displayed.

The Last Updated field displays the last time the capacity data was updated. The Update button lets you update the data.

14.5.3 Updating the Capacity Data

The Capacity engine collects capacity data on a regular interval specified in System Configuration. The collected data is cached on the Cloud Manager Application Server.

The Capacity data is static, meaning that the Capacity view displays the same data until you update from the cached data on the Cloud Manager Application Server.

To update the data:

  1. Click Update.

    If the cached data is newer than the current data, the Capacity view is updated with the cached data.

  2. Click Yes to confirm that you to continue with the manual update.

    The Capacity engine collects the new data from the system. As soon as the data is collected, the Capacity view automatically updates to the new data.

14.5.4 Debugging Capacity Collection Issues

As a Cloud Manager administrator, you might occasionally encounter capacity collection issues in the Cloud Manager system. You can enable the debugging for capacity collection logging on your production level Cloud Manager Application Server to help you or NetIQ Support troubleshoot these issues.

The Cloud Manager Application Server uses a custom properties file, /etc/cmplanner.logging.properties, to enable logging. Its contents, including the DEBUG setting, look like this:

# Set root logger level to DEBUG and its only appender to A1. 
log4j.rootLogger=WARN, CMFILE, CMOUT 

# Planner is set to be a ConsoleAppender. 
log4j.appender.CMOUT.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n 

# File appender 
log4j.appender.CMFILEt.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d{dd MMM yyyy HH:MM:ss}] %-5.5p | %-16.16t | %-32.32c{1} | %X{bundle.id} - %X{bundle.name} - %X{bundle.version} | %m%n 

# Logging category modifications for novell-esb 

To enable debug logging,

  1. Edit the properties file, changing any WARN value to a DEBUG value (see example, above).

  2. In the Karaf console, run an update on the AppServices bundle.

    The update process requires that you enter a module ID. You can find this ID using a list command and then browsing the list of modules and their accompanying IDs.