16.8 Configuring the Remote Audit Database after the Cloud Manager Orchestration Server Is Configured

If you have already installed and configured the Cloud Manager Orchestration Server, it is still possible to configure an audit database.

  1. On the Orchestration Server host machine, use your favorite editor to edit the script /opt/novell/zenworks/zos/server/conf/audit_db_def.sql:

    1. Replace the ${DB_NAME} variable with the PostgreSQL database name (for example, zos_db).

    2. Replace the ${DB_USER} variable with the PostgreSQL schema owner name (for example, zos).

  2. Use the following commands to run the modified script as the PostgreSQL database administrator for the remote database:

    su - postgres

    psql -h <psql-server-addr> -d postgres -U postgres -f audit_db_prep.sql

  3. Use the following command to log into PostgreSQL, using the database name and schema owner substituted in Step 1 above:

    su - postgres

    psql -h <psql-server-addr> -d zos_db -U zos -f audit_db_def.sql

  4. Confirm that the database user name and password match the values used when creating the schema owner database user in Section 16.4, Creating an Orchestration Server User for the PostgreSQL Database. In this example, the user name is zos and the password is zos.

  5. Confirm that the database user name and password match the values you replaced in the variables of the .sql script. In this example, the user name is zos and the password is zos.

  6. Click Connect.

    The Is Connected check box is selected; the Orchestration Server is connected to the database so that any queued data and subsequent job, user, and resource events are written there.